Soldat Fans > Fan Apps

Mod launcher with weapons preview & stats [Update] (v1.1.0.0)

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Serial K!ller:
The first VB program project, as an exercise for the mod configurator I'm trying to build for a mod.
Does the same as the default mod launcher but it gives a preview of the weapons.

- Supports both .bmp & .png images.

all feedback is welcome

[edit 23 Dec 2008]
Added SyavX' suggestions

- New! Double click mod name to launch soldat modded
- New! option to close tool after soldat launch
- New! Remembers last settings

[edit 18 Jan 2009]
- New! Weapons stats (realistic or normal) summary on mouse hover.
- New! Plays the fire sound when left mouse click on image and reload sound when right click.
- New! Added Bow, flamer and stationary Gun
- New! When a bg image is available (modlauncherbg.png) in the mod folder it will load it as background when mod is selected.

[edit 1 Feb 2009]
- New! pickup boxes (click on them to play sound)
- New! a check for soldat.exe and /mods/ folder and if it's not in the same folder you will get a message to place modlauncher.exe in the your soldatfolder.
- Fixed text secondary and primary weapons switched
- Fixed crashing when weaponnames.txt is in mods folder but empty
- Fixed Not loading realistic weapons mod when no normal weapons mod is available

[edit 15 Feb 2009]
- Fixed secondary interface-gfx now better aligned with text

[edit 24 May 2009]
- New! Option to use default GFX/Sfx for missing files
- New! Frag grenade and cluster grenade ingame Gfx + explosion sound when you click on them
- New! Option to load default soldat files by selecting "\Default/"
- Fixed Damage not multiplied when loading realistic mode weapons_realistic.ini file.

[edit 23 Aug 2009]
- New! Can start modlauncher with a certain mod selected using arguments : -mod ModnameToload will automaticly select the referenced mod.
- New! Use argument -skip to launch soldat with the mod referenced mod (see above) immediately. (useful for creating shortcuts on desktop with mod installers)
- New! Right click on mod selection box and click 'Open mod folder' to open the folder of the selected mod.
- New! Option to ask to let modlauncher change the interface (when enabled) in soldat.ini when set in modlauncher.ini in the root folder of the mod.
- New! Config button added to config mods/soldat, automaticly works for ivan's configurator and can load program to use from modlauncher.ini in the root folder of the mod.
- New! Option to see weapon stats in plain numbers ('plain stats' checkbox).
- New! Mod folders without a modable soldat folder (f.e. weapons-gfx) or weapons(_realistic).ini file are not added to mod list.

Modlauncher.ini info for mod makers:

- modlauncher.ini must be in the modfolder (f.e. C:/soldat/mods/modfolder/modlauncher.ini)

- Modlauncher.ini options

  let modlauncher ask to change the interface (when enabled) in soldat.ini
      code: interface=Modinterface1;modinterface1_1280x1024;Modinterface2;modinterface2_1280x1024
    Interface folder must be in /Soldat/Custom-Interfaces/ and player must be registred to make this work.)
- Load config program from modlaucher.exe
      code : config=myconfigprogram
    (without '.exe' and config must be in soldat folder or /mods/ (sub)folder).
    When no config is set and a executable exists with the same name as the mod's folder in soldat main folder it will be assumed as the mod's config (Ivan's configurator)
      code : closeonconfig=0/1
      Close modlauncher on config launch yes(1) or no(0)

Modlauncher.ini Example

--- Code: ---interface=Modinterface1;modinterface1_1280x1024;Modinterface2;modinterface2_1280x1024

--- End code ---

Oh, wow. That's awesome!

/added to fan apps list..

1. Change ForeColor of buttons from white to one of system colors (e.g. ButtonText)
2. Change StartUpPosition from Windows Default to Center Screen
3. You can change mouse pointer while loading images

--- Code: ---Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
--- End code ---
4. Images of bullets 200% zoomed, why don't you use original sizes?
5. 'Enter' key in Listbox -> launch selected mod
6. Defauld mod starter (start.exe) on load set last launched mod as selected
7. "Close after launch" ?
8. Change FileDescription and ProductName in project settings. "TestWindowsApplication1" is cool but... ;)

Serial K!ller:
thx for the feedback!

1. Change ForeColor of buttons from white to one of system colors (e.g. ButtonText)
- Done

2. Change StartUpPosition from Windows Default to Center Screen
- ok...

3. You can change mouse pointer while loading images
- done

4. Images of bullets 200% zoomed, why don't you use original sizes?
- I thought they where rather small but anyway the interpolation messes them up so changed back to 100%.

5. 'Enter' key in Listbox -> launch selected mod
- Good idea but I can't make this work because for some reason it always calls the event after startup but I did add .MouseDoubleClick event.

6. Defauld mod starter (start.exe) on load set last launched mod as selected
Took me a while to figure out how to do this but it works now

7. "Close after launch" ?
- Added radio button to enable this like on start.exe

8. Change FileDescription and ProductName in project settings. "TestWindowsApplication1" is cool but... ;)
- heh changed

lol! why radiobutton, use checkbox ;D

--- Quote ---- Good idea but I can't make this work because for some reason it always calls the event after startup but I did add .MouseDoubleClick event
--- End quote ---

hmm... VB6 example:

--- Code: ---Private Sub List1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
  If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
  End If
End Sub
--- End code ---


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