Okay, I've decided to start a new clan on soldat, dedicated simply to having fun. I don't care about winning or losing all that much. And I absolutley hate it when people do vote-kicks for reasons like "noob" or "camper." So my new clan is more like a pledge to not be a faggot online.
If you want to join, simply put a exclamation point at the end of your name, "Major!" You can already be involved in a serious clan, thats fine by me.
also, I've decided that my new clan has no name, and if some1 asks u what clan ur in, give them the most ridiculous name u can think of, i.e. "Don't ask, Don't smell", "The pwnda bears" or "The hungry Hippos." also, never use the same clan name twice, just to throw ppl off.
I want to see soldat flourish, and that can't really happen when everyone is stressed out about winning, or when new players are vote-kicked for the reason "gay."
This new clan can simply show those die-hard fans that if they kill you once, it wont matter if they call u a noob or a faggot or gay, or try to vote-kick you, because u honestly don't care about their opinion.
Also, if anyone that does put an exclamation point after their name, and is caught throwing a hissy fit, or trying to vote-kick some1 for some moronic reason, i will personally yell at u on every server u go into until u remove the exclamation point or make amends with me.
Thanks for listening, and i hope to see a lot of exclamation points soon.