Author Topic: Political Leanings  (Read 1157 times)

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Offline LtKillroy

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Political Leanings
« on: December 29, 2008, 10:25:28 pm »
Describe and explain how you think politically and which group you usually agree with on the most things.

I myself happen to lean conservatively, AKA Republican in the US. And no, before you hop on the "Jorj Boosh sux" train, I don't mean the neo-conservative Bush stuff, Bush is basically a Democrat that hates gays. I mean old actual conservative that tries not to spend money. I also happen to agree on Republicans on most social issues, however. Most notably abortion. (this is not an abortion thread)
However, recently on foreign policy I happen to agree with Democrats. This Republican idea of being the world's police is a bad idea. Help allies sure, but don't invade random people that don't want invaded.

If you don't want to participate in this thread don't. And if you do, don't bash the people, debate ideas. This is not an attempt to stir the pot, but simply to try and have an at least semi-intelligent discussion.
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Re: Political Leanings
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2008, 10:40:53 pm »
Big stick diplomacy is a waste of a perfectly good stick.

No need to prod around in other country's shit.

there is two different political things that tell if you're democrat or republican or neither, economic and social philosophies.
Far left would be communism while far right would be facism
far left would be anarchy and far right would be totalitarian dictatorship (ironically enough both communist and facist)

I'm very republican for economy but in the middle with social
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Offline frogboy

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Re: Political Leanings
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 10:48:22 pm »
i'm pretty much a socialist. fiscal libertarianism is an awful idea that basically fucks over poor people (see your healthcare system for instance) while socialism fucks over the rich people, who can afford it.

also social conservatism is an evil force which seeks to fuck over everyone. gays should be allowed to marry. drugs should be regulated and taxed rather than forced underground which is what leads to crime in the first place. abortion should be allowed because it's a way better solution than being resented or ignored. dull phonies need to get the fuck out of the australian labor party so the binge drinking sarcastic bastards can take over again.


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Re: Political Leanings
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2008, 10:56:40 pm »
i dont have serious political views

what i think doesnt matter in contrast to the entire population so theres no point

of course, a lot of people obviously dont like that because im constantly being told things like "if too many people thought like you then we could have osama bin laden in government" or some shit

but the truth is, not everyone thinks like me and nor will they ever, so you can go fuck yourself

i do have thoughts about how my views would affect things if they actually mattered

most of the time this ends up with me fantasizing about how if i were president of the entire world, mankind would be so fucking awesome

like a john lennon song without all the hippy bullshit

id make worldwide laws on the biggest of mankinds problems, like population growth

youd all be capped at something like 1 child per person, so a man and wife can have 2 kids together, but if they divorce they cant have any more kids. damn that would clean up so many problems. you wouldnt need jeremy kyle anymore

yeah sure, starting out, there would be loads of problems where young kids fall in 'love' and have kids, then regret it later because they divorce knowing they arent right for each other but cant have kids with their true partners. but after about fifty years i reckon society would change and adapt to being smarter and eventually the whole world would be a better place

so what im saying is

im a polar bear

Offline Wormdundee

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Re: Political Leanings
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 08:45:27 pm »
My philosophy is:

John Lennon - Imagine

In particular:
"Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky"

"Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"

Of course, I bet this will never happen. Some people just can't accept that when you're dead, you're dead. Ok, enough about religion, we've had enough of those threads.

I'm not from the USA so I'm not really clear on what this Republican / Democrat crap is so I'll use normal words. I would describe myself as fairly liberal in regards to Social. In my opinion, if two people want to get married, go for it! Want an abortion? Sure! A government that tries to ban these things can go fuck themselves. This also reminds me of whenever I happen to watch TV (which isnt very often) and happen to see some news story on a country where women are treated like possessions, it drives me nuts.

As or how I feel on other things. The war on Iraq/Afghanistan/Terrorism/ moronic. Biggest waste of money I've ever seen. I can't even comprehend how much has been spent on these things in money and human lives. It's ridiculous. Seems like another case of ruling by fear. The Patriot Act leaves the door open for a huge invasion of privacy (not that I think the government would use those powers, backlash would be massive). But hey, the Patriot Act did condemn the racial violence and discrimination after 9/11. That's something I guess. The so-called "security measures" put in place in airports are a joke, and do nothing but make people feel safe. Also, they make me annoyed.

So yeah, I'm big on personal freedoms, and sovereignty of nations.

One last thing, the UN is complete crap, especially their Security Council. It's a slight improvement on the League of Nations though.

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Re: Political Leanings
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2008, 11:00:01 pm »
Should be obvious that I am conservative. I am not dumb enough to think my way is the only way though. No country will ever really progress until all parties work together. Thing is most political figures just don't want to work that way. Neither do the mindless quote drones. You know the type that preach anything the blog they read tells them to. Libs are really bad at this but yeah conservatives are getting bad too.

As for Iraq or Afghanistan, well being around so many people that have actually BEEN there, not just talk about what they read off a website or newspaper can really call your thinking into question. I hope to be shipped of to Afghanistan soon as I get done with AIT. Hopefully we will pull out of Iraq soon since they should be on their own two feet by now.

Btw why so many liberals hate Bush is beyond me since he is very democratic for a "conservative"
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 11:02:25 pm by † »

Offline frogboy

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Re: Political Leanings
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2008, 11:07:32 pm »
democrats and republicans are both conservative as hell anyway

Offline Ellimist

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Re: Political Leanings
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 02:44:40 am »
My philosophy is:

John Lennon - Imagine

In particular:
"Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky"

"Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"

Of course, I bet this will never happen. Some people just can't accept that when you're dead, you're dead. Ok, enough about religion, we've had enough of those threads.

I also wish this would happen,
but i agree it never will :-\