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Author Topic: Dropping nades.  (Read 3484 times)

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Dropping nades.
« on: January 03, 2009, 09:13:26 pm »
Well, I've been thinking that you could drop your nades on the ground to give to friends without blowing up. Is this a good idea? Discuss about it.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 10:03:41 pm »
I don't think this is going to be a very good feature... grenades are meant to be picked up by yourself as a bonus - it's like suggesting that the Flamer or the Rambo Bow can be dropped and given to a someone else. Besides, I suspect that it may actually create glitches related to nade kits, and that would be troublesome. No need to make Soldat more complicated than it is.

I do not know if this is possible with scripting or not though.


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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 10:36:51 pm »
would be fun for tricks. but most of the time you have atleast 1 nade when you reach the opponent base, which makes it useless.

Offline scarface09

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2009, 01:27:37 am »
Okay, let me mix this up a bit. How about when our teammate dies we can 50% of the time pick up their remaining nades. However, it depends on how close you get to their dead body and the nades left on their dead body has a time limit of ranging between 8 to 12 seconds. Also you should hear a sound indicating that you picked up a nade. Tell me what you think of my idea.
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Offline amb2010

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2009, 01:53:48 am »

I think this would be a useless feature. As STM said, nades are a small bonus. They aren't the only weapons in the game, if you run out it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Also most maps have plenty of nade spawns through out it and on maps that they are scarce do you really think a teammate that also can't get any grenades would give you his? I doubt it will be used. As for your idea scarface, I think something like it was brought up before. I don't like that idea either, on servers with teamkill, it gives people an incentive to do it (Oh hey I ran out of nades, let me kill Mr. Unsuspecting Victim and get his dropped ones) and in turn a check for teamkill would need to be added to prevent this making more coding for something that isn't really needed. It is just an over complicated way for someone to get grenades when all they would need to do was scrounge around for a kit.
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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2009, 02:11:24 am »
And you can't script it.

Offline Ziem

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2009, 02:37:36 am »
F11, I don't want another useless feature in Soldat.

Offline pavliko

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2009, 03:42:02 am »
F11 useless and too much coding probably.
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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2009, 05:12:53 am »

As STM1993 said, grenades are bonus and you're supposed to pick them by yourself.

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2009, 10:26:42 am »
F11... obvious already


I think this would be a useless feature. As STM said, nades are a small bonus. They aren't the only weapons in the game, if you run out it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Also most maps have plenty of nade spawns through out it and on maps that they are scarce do you really think a teammate that also can't get any grenades would give you his? I doubt it will be used. As for your idea scarface, I think something like it was brought up before. I don't like that idea either, on servers with teamkill, it gives people an incentive to do it (Oh hey I ran out of nades, let me kill Mr. Unsuspecting Victim and get his dropped ones) and in turn a check for teamkill would need to be added to prevent this making more coding for something that isn't really needed. It is just an over complicated way for someone to get grenades when all they would need to do was scrounge around for a kit.
this is scriptable

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2009, 10:45:40 am »
we got pickup boxes....

Offline ~Niko~

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2009, 12:42:57 pm »
useless. Don't you have enough with dropped weapons?

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2009, 07:24:53 pm »
well... nades are atleast as usefull as the actual weapon. so having nades are not useless, it's not just a small bonus, it's a huge advantage. but still, even if this was added, it wouldn't really be used, so it's unnecessary to add.

Offline LtKillroy

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2009, 08:18:24 pm »
Cool but little practical value. Translation> better things to worry about than code this, so no.
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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2009, 02:06:20 am »
I think that when a plyaer dies and drops his weapon, he should drop his nade stock aswell. Scavenging corpses for arms should be promoted imo.
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Offline scarface09

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2009, 03:24:31 am »
thats what i have been trying to tell everyone...but no1 seems to listen :(
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Offline STM1993

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2009, 09:17:29 am »
Dropping nades for others is practically useless.

About scavenging, that's a very useful skill, but it takes up a lot of time and often it can get you killed if you're not careful, plus the weapon you pick up must either be reloaded or most of the time, it has less than full ammo. I don't really see a need to promote it because it's actually good enough. Sometimes, I may find that my weapon is not very effective or I don't want to wait for its reload, then I see a better gun, I'll just go over and pick it up. Or perhaps I can't find my knife? I'll just go pick up another gun as a substitute. Scavenging just the gun is good enough, but scavenging nades? I'd rather go to the nade spawns to get a full pack of nades.

Plus, it gives more of a reason to friendly fire. Shooting your teammates just to get yourselves some nades? Fancy THAT.

Not forgetting, people may pick up Cluster nades.

However, this suggestion of scavenging nades could be extremely useful in SURVIVAL mode. If so, it'd be a F12 as a server-side option. In Survival mode, you can't pick up medkits, nades, or any bonuses. But the problem in Survival is, why can't you scavenge from others? It's survival after all! It means making clever use of everything you have, conserve, and picking up resources.

I generally won't support the idea, but I don't really care myself. What do you guys think?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 10:00:53 am by STM1993 »

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2009, 09:30:56 am »
Okay I agree dropping nades for others would be useless. But what about dropping them when u die to blow up? kind of like the Martyr bonus in Call of Duty 4, i know, but it would be cool to look into.

Cluster grenades might get screwed up tho...
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Offline STM1993

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2009, 10:01:52 am »
Okay I agree dropping nades for others would be useless. But what about dropping them when u die to blow up? kind of like the Martyr bonus in Call of Duty 4, i know, but it would be cool to look into.

You mean if you have a grenade, and you die, you'd blow up?

F11. I'm lazy to explain...

Offline Gotfryd

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Re: Dropping nades.
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2009, 10:11:17 am »
Concerning original idea, I agree with LtKillroy:
Cool but little practical value. Translation> better things to worry about than code this, so no.

In case of scarface09's suggestion, it's moderate F12 from me.