Author Topic: The Chainsaw  (Read 15658 times)

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Offline demoniac93

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Re: The Chainsaw
« Reply #40 on: June 02, 2009, 10:46:48 am »
The saw isn't really that useless, check out those guys that take an m79 boost from a teammate and cuts through 2-3 enemies...Or a sawer that hides himself in a bush when least expected by someone chasing the flagger...

Offline ValiS

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Re: The Chainsaw
« Reply #41 on: June 09, 2009, 12:13:28 pm »
I didnt notice anyone mentioning in this thread that the saw is a good wep for distracting the enemy team (CTF), if you rush in first and move illogically (even when not attacking directly but just running around in their base and making them chase you), theyll be busy dodging you and wasting their bullets when the rest of your team arrives and shoots them in the back.

Another good technique is running from your enemy who uses a gun, wait until he disappears from your screen, then change direction rapidly and if possible boost yourself back with a nade, most times he will be still running towards you at max speed thinking HE is chasing YOU...

Ive also noticed that sometimes when i suddenly start using the saw in the middle of a CTF match, and kill many surprised enemys, then in about a minute 2-3 guys are using the saw also, then you can surprise them again and play defensively with a gun.

In conclusion its a very creative wep, but im really sad since in 1.5 a lot of times the saw doesnt register.
I eat EFCs for breakfast (with a lot of ketchup ...)

Offline Ragnaros

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Re: The Chainsaw
« Reply #42 on: June 09, 2009, 01:02:36 pm »
I didnt notice anyone mentioning in this thread that the saw is a good wep for distracting the enemy team (CTF),...
in CTF "distracting enemy team" tactics are much more useless than in Infiltration where teamplay and team' tactics(including distraction) are the most important things...

Offline InoX

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Re: The Chainsaw
« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2009, 04:29:38 am »
the weakest soldat weapon. Btw there is some tactics on some maps with chainsaw in competitive play wich is effective.