Author Topic: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~  (Read 53201 times)

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Offline ~viper~

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yea, latest script is really nice; impressed w/ a lot of it

i remember trying to fiddle with an old 1.6.3 or so version, but you were very quick to release new successful versions =)   nj with that.

just have a few minor nitpicks, and could offer doc help/design. 
visual bugs:
  • !skillinfo does not really work optimally, esp. on the default small resolution the text on the rightmost part is cut off
  • kamikaze*  not kamakazi
  • you are already rageing...!  message -->  raging*
  • you get ... for captureing the flag --> capturing*
  • maelstrom*   (that's why someone joked above w/ femalestrom =P )

other bugs
  • using the mine(s) seems to need a code rewrite -- i havent personally used it, but i saw highlvl people try it --> the effect is that they spike to about 500-600 ping and make the zombies warp for the next 20 or so seconds (lag the server)
  • when lot of people on the server, sometimes using a command does not work, as if it is flooded and cant handle your request... i remember trying to /vanish or whatever a few times and nothing would happen... then suddenly it would work again in 10 seconds (which could be fatal)
  • at times, non-aggro zombies can see you when you are pred: sometimes when you try to go pred in front of a few zombies, kill this group, then move on peacefully to find that zombies that have never seen you before suddenly know you are there and kill you (this may or may not go away after you die once, not sure if using another pred helps)
  • once on the map zombie house, an elite zombie picked up a vest, and i was shooting him.  I may have made four hits, and then he picks up an hp box, and he's completely healed (even the vest it seems), as he proceeded to survive many more hits -->  should hp box for zombies heal their vests, too?? 
  • i *think* once server crashed the moment i killed a zombie who had been on my turret --> there definitely is some kind of turret bug that crashes server, but is hard to reproduce
  • using /turret on uneven, but seemingly stable ground, can sometimes have it spawn midair, spin awkwardly, and fix itself in a weird midair position
  • you wrote above that Vortex wields chainsaw --> he appears to just use fists?
  • does /speed even work?  i got absolutely no speed increase when i was running, with an annoying flash on my screen every second and some purple writing that i could not even read, not to mention some strange sparks coming out of the character.... i expected it to work like sprint from hexer mod

  • bring back the Fallen, that would target a highlvl player, setup a kind of "best out of 3 match" and potential switch to delta team on a 3-0 spree  =P 
  • maybe raise cap limit to 8 or 10 --> saw someone else worried about this
  • are you going to bring up the server again? =P 

very nice saving system, virtually bug free, lag free, and excellent for the occasional crashes

every beginning must have an end

Offline Hacktank

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Thanks, Ive been working on a new version with more fetures and bug fixes but there is one major problem holding back the server and its release (see here

Ok then
  • !skillinfo - I am going to make it work like !skillinfo <skillname> and it will be alot less clutterend and more detailed
  • I know kamakaz[i,e] is spelled incorrectly but it looks better like that :P
  • I was unaware of the raging thing, ill fix it in the next version
  • Ill fix the capturing typo
  • I still may remove malestrom completly, it is the lone lag machine, it also is insanly powerfull.
  • Mines - I think I fixed that problem, it was being caused by a flame that for some reason lagged.
  • Lag - Simply lag...
  • Pred - I am going to make it where there is a chance of detection while predded but that is probably lag.
  • Vest - It does not heal the vest, but the vest adds alot more than 150 hp to zombies.
  • Turret - Not a clue on what happend there, probably a fluke
  • Turret - When you createobject a turret this always happens, but you can jump in the air and do it right above the ground to make it work on slopes.
  • Vortex - They work alot better with just hands
  • Speed - Ive tried many different ways to get speed to work and failed, i may take it out completly because it wont work
  • Fallen - Im trying not to copy Danmrs zombie script but I am working on a boss system
  • Caps - I guess, that is a server thing, not a script thing tho
  • Server - Answered at the top :)

The new version should be out soon aswell the server should be up soon.

Offline SniperTheKiller

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9|~- ~~UPDATED 28/3/09~~
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2009, 08:52:04 am »
Few suggestions:
-loot ammo adds + to ur clip (now if you have 30 out of 40 in a ak mag, and u get +20, you get actually -20, having only 10 left in clip)
-skill that adds % of dmg to your weapon
-getting xp on % of dmg dealt to zombies,not who kills them (dunno how its now)
-reduce law's reload to make it more efficient
-add the m79 weap
-add some more zombies, like superspeed one, with a west, with a gun (low aim -> heal' d be more used)

something like that

Offline UnknownSniper

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9|~- ~~UPDATED 28/3/09~~
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2009, 10:29:17 am »
Few suggestions:
-loot ammo adds + to ur clip (now if you have 30 out of 40 in a ak mag, and u get +20, you get actually -20, having only 10 left in clip)
-skill that adds % of dmg to your weapon
-getting xp on % of dmg dealt to zombies,not who kills them (dunno how its now)
-reduce law's reload to make it more efficient
-add the m79 weap
-add some more zombies, like superspeed one, with a west, with a gun (low aim -> heal' d be more used)

something like that

-Loot ammo; Currently, if I'm not mistaken, it does add to your clip. If you have 30/40, it will refill it fully as well as reload your secondary weapon.
-Skill to add damage; It would throw off the balance between low levels and high, and bots would have to be tweaked to fit it all over again... Leveling adds higher damage percent.
-EXP Gain; User who kill gets it
-Reduced law; It would make the game too easy when there are boss bots..
-M79; It's a strong gun, 1 hit kill and it pushes players, which is why it's a loot item only. If it was able to be chosen it would be the only gun people use, which would get many complaints about pushing...
-More zombies; Zombies are called zombies because they don't use guns. >.>
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Offline SniperTheKiller

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9|~- ~~UPDATED 28/3/09~~
« Reply #44 on: May 04, 2009, 03:03:24 pm »
I was standing on a SG gun...and ammo keep wasnt just 'full'. M79 isnt added as loot gun.

Offline Hacktank

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9|~- ~~UPDATED 28/3/09~~
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2009, 04:55:06 pm »
I was standing on a SG gun...and ammo keep wasnt just 'full'. M79 isnt added as loot gun.

It is sort of bugged when your standing on a Stat and I see no possible way to fix that. You can loot an M79 from Kamakazis and Rocket Zombies. The rest are as UnknownSniper said.

Offline sarumar

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2009, 11:26:09 am »
I have a little problem >:(

09-07-28 17:05:09    Console Log Started
09-07-28 17:05:09 Welcome to Soldat 1.5.0
09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • ScriptCore v2.4 loaded! Found 2 scripts...

09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • Compiling default -> Core.pas...

09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • Compiling default -> NetworkCore.pas...

09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • Compiling default -> AdminCore.pas...

09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • Compiling default -> AdminPack.pas...

09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • Included File not found: AdminPack.pas

09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • Compiling ZRPG -> ZRPG.pas...

09-07-28 17:05:09 
  • Compilation Failed.

09-07-28 17:05:09 Shutting down server...
09-07-28 17:05:09 Shutting down admin server...
09-07-28 17:05:09 Shutting down ScriptCore...
Can some on help me because i don't get it :P

Offline Gizd

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2009, 12:44:52 pm »
Delete adminpack.pas from Includes.txt in default folder :P

Offline sarumar

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2009, 04:39:17 pm »
Thanks every thing is allright but when i switch my server on it says every thing is complete and it switches off o was checking conselog and everything is allright i don't get it  :'(

Offline sarumar

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2009, 05:36:52 am »
I tried to switch scripts off Where is scripting i putted 0 and it shows that

09-07-29 11:35:11    Console Log Started
09-07-29 11:35:11 Welcome to Soldat 1.5.0
09-07-29 11:35:11 Aero -by BN
09-07-29 11:35:11 Shutting down server...
09-07-29 11:35:11 Shutting down admin server...

I will try to install my server again

Reinstalling didn't work  :-[
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 12:31:26 pm by sarumar »

Offline Ekoz

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2009, 06:09:18 pm »
heyhey, hacktank.

im gonna go check out ur serv. but new news - i've made a new map called inf_Meggido.

it isn't uploaded on TMS because it has a minor glitch, but im a perfectionist. i'm waiting for it to be fixed server-ways by mr domino, because he controls the elite server and therefor map version people play.

ANYway, i can still give you the map itself for upload, but i'll make sure to email you the new version ASA it is released on elite zombie.

nice work on your script, btw.
Maps o' mine

My Mappack

Offline Ekoz

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #51 on: August 31, 2009, 06:25:36 pm » account just got deleted...

im free! im finally free!!!!
Maps o' mine

My Mappack

Offline Hacktank

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #52 on: August 31, 2009, 10:37:26 pm »
The version on my server is totally recoded from scratch, and i wont be releaseing that for a long time, but here is the final version of the old one. (it should work)

Offline Xariki

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #53 on: October 24, 2009, 08:48:44 am »
Possible to only use the skills for a DeathMatch maybe? Without zombies just the skills. Would be lots of fun :D


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #54 on: October 24, 2009, 02:09:26 pm »
Just delete some parts of the script. Maybe let somebody help you.


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #55 on: November 11, 2009, 10:29:47 am »
I found a bug in your script: if I use /flamer, die, respawn and pick up a flamer kit the flamer will be
destroyed after the timer counts 0. This happens, because the countdown doesn´t stop after the player died and is very annoying.
And some little thing about the kamakazi: You can´t turn kamakazi off the way the kamakazi information says (/kazi off) but with /kazistl off. I needed some time figuring it out and many don´t even know it by now.

Offline y0uRd34th

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #56 on: November 11, 2009, 12:19:47 pm »
btw. i havent read through all posts :p
You have done a really good zrpg HT, but what i think you should do, is to fix alot of bugs before adding new stuff, otherwise ull never get the bugs out there ;)
Second thing is make a limit on the damage multiplier you are using! very important! (for me it would)
At least i want to say, please lower the playerlimit on the server to 6-8, makesit lag alot less!

Offline Hacktank

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #57 on: November 11, 2009, 05:00:27 pm »
Hmm, thanks Dark, just fixed the flamer thing, forgot to add setting flamertime to 0 in onplayerkill. (PS I have a forum for my server that has a bug submition board.)

y0uRd34th, what to you mean by limiting the damage multiplyer? My account on my server is lvl 340 something and it isnt a 1 hit kill on the Grims and Demons and such.

Offline y0uRd34th

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #58 on: November 12, 2009, 09:01:22 am »
yes, but killing zombies with 1 hit is ok, but mummys and rocket zombies, thats just going to fast :D


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #59 on: November 13, 2009, 03:01:27 am »
If I don´t one hit a zombie I pull out my M72 LAW and shoot them directly to hell. It´s not that big of an issue. Most players just don´t get high enough to get this real multiply bonus that you are talking of.

I have an idea for a new skill:

Knife Vortex: Creates a vortex of knives around you that levitates and does damage to zombies.

                   Level       Mana      Knives    Damage    Souls
                      1            35          12          50          10
                      2            32          16          65          10
                      3            28          20          80          10

And that´s my idea: You jet around and use the skill typing /kv or something like that (the best would be a taunt setting for this skill) and create a vortex of knives around you that stays in position. You can choose one out of 3 figures this vortex will look like and if a zombie hits a knife he gets the damage regarding to the level of the skill and the knife falls down. You should be at least lvl 25 to learn this skill, though, because mana and souls are so high that a normal player won´t be able to use it properly. The knives would stay for 60 to 120 seconds on position.

Hope it´s possible to create such an effect. Would be awesome for your server :)