Author Topic: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~  (Read 53731 times)

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #60 on: November 13, 2009, 04:34:02 am »
Hope it´s possible to create such an effect.


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #61 on: November 13, 2009, 06:47:19 am »

I think I found another bug. If I use warp neither the warp effect nor the bullet spread appear to my eye and I loose my mana. Is that the purpose? And how is this worth being used then please :)

Also: int the older version you had the skill `speed´. Where is it gone and why?


One thing that fucking annoys me about your server is that there are ignorant and arrogant high lvlers that you can´t talk to and that fuck up the game in a hellstorm of bitchloading. Take the player Swift as an example: He joins with lvl 235 and immediatly bots change because average lvl gets higher and higher. The problem: Try to beat 2 grim reapers, demons and a shitload of mummys and mirros. A normal player like me, now lvl 31, can´t succeed then and I have to go offline. A newbie just won´t come back. I see there a big problem. Not only because you can´t play after one joined, it´s more because they get so arrogant that they fill up the lack of intelligence with arrogance and ignorance and that really makes me angry. There is a huge difference between just joining and playing and pissing people off.

I actually tried to talk to two players:

[BRT] ADOLF HITLER: Seems to be the leader of the clan he´s wearing a tag of. He is dumb and lvl 185. Not a good combinition in my opinion. After arguing with me he suddenly talked on portuguese to me and laughed out loud when I tried figuring out what he said. The problem with him is not that I don´t like him and he doesn´t like me but that he is a very recent player. lvl: 185

Swift: lvl 234. Saying all. He ignores me no matter what I say but I didn´t argue with him before so I guess he knows what I´d like to complain about but doesn´t care.

So ... these high lvl players join and everyone else has to leave. Including all guys from lvl 1 to lvl 70. I hate it. I just started playing on your server because KY ZombieSurvival has a big downtime that will last some weeks, so ...  please think about a limitation of lvl 100 since the last skill you are able to learn is Sonic Burst on lvl 35 ...
« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 08:56:25 am by DarkCrusade »

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #62 on: November 13, 2009, 12:05:20 pm »
I am agreeing to darkcrusade:
-they don't speak english
-don't answer to any question
-are just killing all and giving no kills to others
(did their intellegence grow under 0?)


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #63 on: November 13, 2009, 12:44:11 pm »
I am agreeing to darkcrusade:
-they don't speak english
-don't answer to any question
-are just killing all and giving no kills to others
(did their intellegence grow under 0?)

I guess level and intelligence are antiproportional.

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #64 on: November 13, 2009, 05:17:32 pm »
Post cut to save room.

Warp: It is currently disabled because im trying to find a better way of calculating destination positions without causing lag.

Speed: It never worked in the old version and I see no way of makeing it work.

High lvl player problems: I see and understand the problem, and I think I know a good solution. At least for the unbeatable bots part. Ill make the max level that is used for average level calculations be 70. This will severly drop the level of bots in the server when an epic lvler joins.

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #65 on: November 13, 2009, 07:25:39 pm »
@Warp: It is currently disabled because im trying to find a better way of calculating destination positions without causing lag.
I once made a teleport script which is based off previous locations players were at - every N seconds, save the location of all players, and then whenever, u can tp to a random spot.
IMO, it would be better to have pre-defined locations that are evenly placed across the map (or about evenly placed) and randomly choose that.
IMO, an even better solution would be a defined set of rules (such as below a certain line, or in a range of a point) and then find the minx, maxx, miny, maxy; randomly select a point between those values, and check if its valid depending on the set of rules. this would be bad if the map has a bunch of in-out in it (like the box of the map will contain a lot of outside of map) which may cause lag (thus u can possibly make different sets of minx miny maxx maxys, and choose one of those sets)

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #66 on: November 13, 2009, 08:43:32 pm »
@Warp: It is currently disabled because im trying to find a better way of calculating destination positions without causing lag.
I once made a teleport script which is based off previous locations players were at - every N seconds, save the location of all players, and then whenever, u can tp to a random spot.
IMO, it would be better to have pre-defined locations that are evenly placed across the map (or about evenly placed) and randomly choose that.
IMO, an even better solution would be a defined set of rules (such as below a certain line, or in a range of a point) and then find the minx, maxx, miny, maxy; randomly select a point between those values, and check if its valid depending on the set of rules. this would be bad if the map has a bunch of in-out in it (like the box of the map will contain a lot of outside of map) which may cause lag (thus u can possibly make different sets of minx miny maxx maxys, and choose one of those sets)

Well the way i had it currently working is, i would check the direction the player is going, then check, say, 5 pixils infront of him for a collision, if there was it would move down if possible, if it couldent move down, then up, obveously it would just check another 5 pixiles infront of the player if no collision was detected. And it would keep going through the loop until a total dead in was reached or the maximum range from the point of origen was reached. But this is terribly slow due to the outragous number of distance() and raycast() calls.


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #67 on: November 14, 2009, 03:02:43 am »
@above: Then I suggest to work out the warp skill like this:

1) you type /warp
2) you click somewhere on the map
3) you get teleported to that position

The farer you go you have to spend more mana and if there is not enough of it you stop. No matter whether you get into a polygon. Well. It is a risky skill even if you don´t get into a polygon.

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #68 on: November 14, 2009, 04:22:44 am »
you can't check where you click  :(


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #69 on: November 14, 2009, 06:27:00 am »
you can't check where you click  :(

wow, didnt know that script core is that kind of crappy.

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #70 on: November 14, 2009, 09:04:31 am »
ye  ::)  hopefuly enesce will add something like that in the future, will allow us to make much cooler rpgs and stuff ( hexer will be just awesome if u can cast skills with cursor O_o)

Offline koks1107

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #71 on: November 30, 2009, 02:08:10 pm »
I played in this server some times but now it's offline. Its ubgratee or you dont have time now or you never host server anymore?? I like this server and have hope its not end :) sorry for mistakes i am not Englishman.

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #72 on: November 30, 2009, 05:23:44 pm »
The server is not down, but I may have forgot to update the new info in the main post... anyway its updated now. Lol.


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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #73 on: December 03, 2009, 02:00:08 pm »
The server is not down, but I may have forgot to update the new info in the main post... anyway its updated now. Lol.

It´s not. Look at the skills description :P

I´d suggest to add a skill giving you a bulletproof vest that regenerates for a certain time called Rock Armor. Then add a skill called Flame Armor that sets enemys on fire when passing (vanish+this would rock!) and a skill called Ice Armor that gives you the Mirror´s ability of sending back bullets (I didn´t have any better idea for this :-\ ).

The main idea is to get elemental powers [pigtail]

A cool skill could be a ´robot` that is simply a mine hunting down zombies and then exploding and I had an idea for a skill called snare that does damage on a certain place.

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #74 on: December 03, 2009, 05:23:51 pm »
Wow, great ideas :). And the main post doesnt have the new skills because that info is for the old script that is released, if you want the new info click on the link to my server's forums (the image is linked).

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #75 on: February 11, 2010, 10:02:17 pm »
HackTank, in your server you have a new version of the script can you post it ???

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #76 on: February 11, 2010, 11:37:07 pm »
HackTank, in your server you have a new version of the script can you post it ???

No, it is private, i released this old one only for others to reference. You may be able to get LK to give you his mod to run a server for it tho.

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #77 on: February 12, 2010, 08:48:00 am »
kk sorry , but i dont know what can i do with missile when i use it the server crash

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #78 on: August 04, 2010, 05:31:53 am »
Hi, i just put all the folders in right place but When i try to open soldatserver.exe , it opens than closes it self. And no error it says Compilation Completed. any idea ?

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Re: ZRPG Update -~|Version 1.9.1|~- ~~UPDATED 10/4/09~~
« Reply #79 on: August 04, 2010, 11:13:17 am »
Ok, that can be caused be a few things.

1) You must open the server while soldat is NOT open.
2) If you already have another program/server running on the same port that you have the new one set to it will fail to initialize.
3) Something that i cant remember atm.