Author Topic: Soldat is NOT Real Life!  (Read 16126 times)

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Offline Lt. Sprizz

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2009, 06:38:17 pm »

Limited ammo is one popular demand when it comes to further realism for Soldat. Honestly, I think it'd be nice to see more options for the Realistic game, but I'm just sick of those trying to turn NORMAL into REALISTIC.

^ You obviously haven't read this.

 It's not turning NORMAL into REALISTIC, it's making Normal, default soldat a more credible game. Right now, a reason why people can't get into soldat is because it lacks some realism (believe me, I've tried to get my friends involved with soldat, and that is what they say.) I'm not saying take out the key components that make soldat unique (like jetboots, deagles, things like that.) I'm saying maybe instead of using a barett, which people know is semi automatic and in soldat it's a bolt-action, maybe find an actual gun that IS bolt-action (L96?) Or maybe removing the minigun entirely, hardly anyone uses it anyways.

Way to quote your own post btw, I needed a pick-me-up today ;D.
I'm not talking about modding here. I'm talking about the default, actual Soldat.

Me too, although I will admit that my post didn't exactly emphasize that point.
Congratulations, you've just made yourself look like an idiot.

 How? ???
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 06:42:28 pm by Lt. Sprizz »
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Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2009, 08:49:01 pm »
I definitely see your point, and I agree 100%. However, there's this gamemode called "realisticmode", that supposedly supports a number of real life factors, such as bink, increased impact damamge and the line of sight feature. Some of the more radical ideas about ingame realism are really far out, and I can see why they would cause you to lose your mind about'em. But some ideas are really quite fitting in terms of realistic mode, and so I think we should let people post their little ideas.
If recoil is realistic in real mode your little soldats are not men but indeed 6 year old girls.

also everyone and their brother knows that soldat isn't even close to realistic and everyone and their brother also knows that making it realistic would make it suck apocalyptic amounts of ass. its got fucking jet boots, predator mode and FUCKING JET BOOTS.

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Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2009, 10:19:51 pm »
Surprised no one mentioned how hard, it is to fire a Desert Eagle one handed, let alone two at the same time.
Just gonna throw this out.

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2009, 10:33:16 pm »
To me it looked like he missed completely the second and third shots and the second hand of the first shot. *Above video* instead of the near perfect accuracy of our soldat man.
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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2009, 10:44:08 pm »
Well Soldat is 2d. I can't see how realistic you can make it.

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Offline STM1993

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2009, 06:21:18 am »
It's not turning NORMAL into REALISTIC, it's making Normal, default soldat a more credible game. Right now, a reason why people can't get into soldat is because it lacks some realism. I'm not saying take out the key components that make soldat unique, I'm saying maybe instead of using a barett, which people know is semi automatic and in soldat it's a bolt-action, maybe find an actual gun that IS bolt-action (L96?) Or maybe removing the minigun entirely, hardly anyone uses it anyways.

There are also people who would not want to get into Soldat if they get too much realism. To further prove this, look at the difference in the number of players in Normal and Realistic modes. Normal is very much more popular.

Fortunately, for those who want realism, there is realistic mode, so suggestions for realism should go there, as I said earlier. Considering that Soldat is a 2D game, you'd have to credit it for being pretty realistic, though yes, I agree that it can be improved, not just in realism, but also for the pretty badly neglected gameplay as well.

MM himself has said that he won't add new weapons or remove weapons, or officially change the weapons. The changing of weapons like Barrett into a L96 would not be made official, it'd be modding only. Same goes for the Minigun - it won't be removed. The best you can do is find a server that disables Minigun to be selected.

because your body won't "blast" backwards, and there' diffrent types of bullets, explosive bullets, and penetration bullets, probably more.
I don't know my facts that well and so I know that I will make mistakes.
Just gonna throw this out.
It's possible, but the guy seems to be having problems coping with that amount of recoil, his shots would obviously become inaccurate. Plus, he's standing while shooting and he's shooting one at a time rather than simultaneously. What if he were running and shooting both at the same time?
^ Something similar, but this guy uses .44 rounds.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 06:31:22 am by STM1993 »

Offline Ragnaros

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2009, 07:40:14 am »
buahahaha xD *devil's laugh* what gun is at the first place?)))

they said its like Soviet Union was sponsoring every terrorist all over the world not only with NuclearWeaponsOfMassDestruction (lmao kiddin) but AK-47 too ! thats awful! we produce, we sell, yeah? NO WAY. USSR was never sponsoring Usama Ben Laden or any other hateful terrorists faction. *YES*

;D but anyway AK must be number 1, cause its true. all arguments are in the video above

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2009, 10:52:38 am »
^ Off-topic, but I'll still talk about it.

The AK is definitely not the best, it's only reliable and cheap.

1. In real life, the AK has pretty bad recoil and is inaccurate, and has short effective range. Look:
2. The AK firing at 600 rpm - that's very slow. Compare with other rifles, but at least it has quite some firepower to make up for it.
3. It's popular because it's cheap and easy to produce. It's also pretty durable and easy to use which makes it reliable. Not because of its combat capability. In terms of combat capability, other guns could do much better, though they are more expensive.

There are newer versions of the AK which are definitely better than the 47, such as the 74 seen in Soldat. It didn't elaborate enough about the 74.

So I think that video is pretty bullcrap. It's not the best, it's just cheap.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 11:01:48 am by STM1993 »

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2009, 11:24:05 am »
well, there is no videos which show reloading dual desert eagles
could someone elaborate that?

and something more:
where is your god now
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Offline Antipathy

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2009, 11:58:15 am »
3. The Barrett M82A1 is a semi-automatic ANTI-TANK sniper rifle that fires .50BMG caliber rounds. So if you actually get shot by a Barrett, you'd not only die, your body will be blasted backwards. Plus, it's recoil is so great that if you tried firing it standing or in mid-air, you'd probably be blasted backwards yourself.

I stopped reading after that.


 - M82 is not an antitank rifle. A 12.7mm BMG fired at a modern tank armour at point blank range will leave nothing but a scratch. You would need something like a 25mm or more realistically a 30mm cartridge to penetrate the armour.

The M82 is used as a long-range sniper rifle and sometimes for anti-materiel purposes.

 - If you, for some ridiculous reason, got hit by a 12.7mm bullet, you could not only survive it (supposing it wouldn't hit you near a vital area), but you would not be blasted backwards. The bullet simply doesn't transfer enough energy to "blast" you away. If it made people blow away, you'd receive the same amount of energy yourself, minus the energy absorbed by the rifle and the humongous muzzle break.

 - You can easily fire the M82 while standing. Like I said, the rifle absorbs some of the energy, and the muzzle break channels some of the excess gases backwards, making the recoil lighter. Don't believe me?

Unfortunately I could not find a single video of an M82 being fired mid-air.

And before you say that I've never fired or seen the rifle in question, you're right. But at least I've done some research on the subject.

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2009, 12:43:46 pm »
I think the single fact that it is played on a computer makes it "not real life".

Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2009, 01:00:59 pm »
well, there is no videos which show reloading dual desert eagles
could someone elaborate that?

and something more:
where is your god now
I was gonna post that, but I thought STM would complain about accuracy and realism issues.

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2009, 01:48:33 pm »
well we could make soldat better but not same as CS omfg then i would hate it maybe little mode on the guns and bullets thats all ;) then it would be nice but dont think of cs moding lols xD :D :) :P

Offline Ragnaros

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #53 on: January 19, 2009, 02:57:45 pm »
really dont want to close "AK in the army" topic ;D
maybe its partly offtopic but partly its not cause
1)we are talking about the weapon that is in the weapons menu
2)and about its real prototype, showing that the weapons in Soldat are not like in real life

real fire power of AK (try to imagine THIS in Soldat hah)
plz dont tell me that its possible with scripting or editing weapons .ini :)
yes it is possible but only if you are a sadist...

try to shoot with m16 auto only. maybe 200 or 300 shots. oh look! what is happening! your M16 is not working eh? ... try to imagine this situation in battlefield...
what about AK-47? just look at this:        
*its flaming but STILL SHOOTING!

Offline Rook_PL

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #54 on: January 19, 2009, 03:32:24 pm »
@up: I don't know what the first movie was supposed to show us. We're not comparing AK to M16 either. Moreover M16 is not in the game. What are you trying to say? And I must add that there is not "best rifle" like there's no "best car" or whatever. There are only better and worse tools to make what you want.

@Antipathy: 25-30mm cannons were not successfully used against tanks since IIWW. Today to penetrate as you say "modern tank armour" is AT LEAST 100mm but most tanks have 120mm. Or, if not talking only about cannons, an  antitank grenade launcher like RPG-7 or Carl-Gustav. Or a rocket.

@On topic: I've hit another one - in real life a healthy soldat and bleeding/injured/shot soldat won't run equally fast.

Offline Antipathy

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2009, 04:11:39 pm »
@Antipathy: 25-30mm cannons were not successfully used against tanks since IIWW. Today to penetrate as you say "modern tank armour" is AT LEAST 100mm but most tanks have 120mm. Or, if not talking only about cannons, an  antitank grenade launcher like RPG-7 or Carl-Gustav. Or a rocket.

I'm not talking about tank guns. (warning, laggy)

Armour penetration:
 - 69 mm at 500 meters
 - 38 mm at 1000 meters (scary, huh?)

Muzzle velocity:
 - 1 400 meters per second

Effective range:
 - 2 000 meters

Also, tank guns' performance doesn't completely rely on the calibre; modern German Leopards with 120mm smoothbore guns can penetrate Russian T-72's frontal turret armour, while the Leopard can withstand a 125mm rifled round fired by the T-72. Then again the T-72 is already pretty outdated.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2009, 03:29:13 am »
well, there is no videos which show reloading dual desert eagles
could someone elaborate that?

and something more:
where is your god now
I was gonna post that, but I thought STM would complain about accuracy and realism issues.
I've seen that before.

real fire power of AK (try to imagine THIS in Soldat hah)
plz dont tell me that its possible with scripting or editing weapons .ini :)
yes it is possible but only if you are a sadist...

"It was one of the first true assault rifles and, due to its durability, low production cost and ease of use, remains the most widely used assault rifle in the world - so much so that more AK-type rifles have been produced than all other assault rifles combined."

Also, Soldat uses AK-74, not 47.

The 47 uses the 7.62x39mm bullet, fires at 600rpm.
The 74 uses the 5.45x39mm bullet (this is much weaker), fires at 650-735rpm.

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2009, 04:17:59 am »
@Antipathy: Dude, all the guns you've mention aren't used against MODERN tanks. I.g. the A10 in Afghanistan had a targets like T55 or T72 which are not modern. I agree that 20-30mm cannons are used, but against lightly armoured targets or outdated tanks like T55.
The armour penetration aren't scary. To pierce a Abrams or Merkava you need a 1000mm RHA (hardened steel) penetration. They're armour isn't so thick but as durable. That's why thanks use depleted uranium or wolfram subcaliber projectiles.

Offline Antipathy

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2009, 05:11:13 pm »
@Antipathy: Dude, all the guns you've mention aren't used against MODERN tanks. I.g. the A10 in Afghanistan had a targets like T55 or T72 which are not modern. I agree that 20-30mm cannons are used, but against lightly armoured targets or outdated tanks like T55.

Hmm. You're probably right. I still think that almost three inches of steel penetration at half a kilometer is pretty scary  ;)

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Re: Soldat is NOT Real Life!
« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2009, 06:22:15 pm »
Wait, but what about the "Realistic Mode?"
"Prudence is good when pulling the trigger on a heavy firearm. It's all or nothing. So is life, wouldn't you say?"