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Maybe, someone can just google translate that stuff.
Dang, If you would have a German one I could help you.
i speek a lil french =D
most sweeds know english no?
Hey, i can help coz im polish
Well, I have this Slovenian translation for some time now but I don't know how to add it to the game (it's added to "languages.txt")File is attached to the post for use
ok fixed. i have bad headache so plz dont mind ;p
Also, special thanks to you daphenomena!
Ok, if you still need Swedish then here it is
*Happy* That's great thanks
spanish? sorry i have problem with script T_T
Sorry, I am a little confused, is there a German one that someone wants me to translate? if yes, I'm willing to give it a try, even though my german isn't perfect.
I havent tried your system so some of the translations might be a tad off (concidering context)
BTW, I can make a Dutch translation if you want ?
[English]/create > create a new account/login > to log in to an existing account/logout > to log out of your existing account/delete > delete an existing account/change <password> > change your account password/stats [accountname] > to view your/others profile & stats/rankings [number] > list all players in highest ranking orderLogin successfulSub-admin rights grantedYou are already logged in.Logged outYou are already logged out.Congratulations! You are the . registered player.Your login details:# Account Name: # Password : You already have an account.Account deletedLog in to delete your existing account.Password changed to:Your password is too shortLog in to change your passwordPlease log in to view your stats. Rankings - ordered by Rank Players-> type "/next" to move down the list-> End Rankings Your Profile Profile of Account NamePasswordLanguageServer RightsLast Used IPLast LoginVisitsTime PlayedKillsDeathsSelfkillsFlag CapturesFlag ReturnsScoresDamage DealtDouble KillsRank
[Dutch]/create > maakt een nieuwe aacount/login > om in te loggen op een bestaande account/logout > om uit te loggen/delete > verwijdert een bestaande account/change <wachtwoord> > verandert je acoount zijn wachtwoord/stats > om je profiel en status de bezichtigen/reg-players > om alle geregistreerde spelers te zien/reg-players < accountnaam> > om andere spelers hun account te zien/top <nummer> > lijst van alle top-spelersLogin - SuccesvolSud-admin rechten vrijgemaaktJe bent al ingelogd.Logout - SuccesvolJe bent al uitgelogd.Gefeliciteerd! Jij bent de. geregistreerde speler.Jouw toegangsdata:# Accountnaam:# Wachtwoord :Je wachtwoord is te kort.Je hebt al een account.Account verwijdertLog alstublieft in om je bestaande account te verwijderen.Wachtwoord veranderd in:Je wachtwoord is te kortLog alstublieft in om je wachtwoord te veranderen.Log alstublieft in en je status te controleren. Rangen - geordend door middel vanRangSpelers-> typ "/next" om naar beneden te gaan met de lijst-> Einde RangenNaamWachtwoordTaalServer RechtenLaatst Gebruikte IPLaatste LoginBezoekenTijd GespeeldMoordenMalen GestorvenZelfmoordenVeroverde VlaggenVlaggen TeruggebrachtScoresSchade gedaanDubbele MoordenRank
Thanks Snack, but your translation does not completely refer to the new language file.There are some lines you were mistaken or where you forgot about. Please check your translationagain. I highlighted the specific lines http://pastebin.com/m604365b3
[German]/create > Erstellen eines neuen account/login > Einloggen in einen existierenten Account/logout > Ausloggen aus einen existierenten Account/delete > Löschen eines existierenden Account/change <password> > änderen des Account Passwort/stats > Zeigt Profil & Stats/reg-players > Zeigt alle registrierten Spieler/reg-players <accountname> > Zeigt eingegebenen Account/top <number> > Liste der Top-SpielerEinloggen - erfolgreichSub-admin rechte erhaltenDu bist bereits eingeloggt.Ausloggen - erfolgreichDu bist bereits ausgeloggt.Gratulation! Du Bist der . registrierter Spieler.Deine Login Details:# Account Name: # Passwort : Du hast bereits einen Account.Account gelöschtBitte einloggen um existierenden Accounts zu löschen.Passwort geändert zu:Dein Passwort ist zu kurzBitte einloggen um Passwort zu ändernBitte einloggen zum ansehen deiner Stats. Rangliste - angeordnet nach Rang Spieler-> Bitte "/next" eingeben um nachfolgende Rangs anzusehen-> Ende der Rangliste Dein Profil Profil vonAccount NamePasswortSpracheServerrechteZuletzt Benutze IPLetzter LoginBesucheGespielte ZeitPunkteTodeSelbstmordeFahne ErobertFahne ZurückerobertFür Team gepunktetErhaltender SchadenDouble KillsRang
Quote from: CurryWurst on April 01, 2009, 06:16:34 amThanks Snack, but your translation does not completely refer to the new language file.There are some lines you were mistaken or where you forgot about. Please check your translationagain. I highlighted the specific lines http://pastebin.com/m604365b3write these lines in the code you posted before please,would make it easier to translate for others.Write a pm if im missing anything, i'll correct it then.
Quote from: miketh2005 on July 10, 2009, 07:31:20 pmDonate to enesceHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Donate to enesce
It's scores of flags
Irlandec, please download the new language file from the first post and translate it.
EDIT: Uhmm, done? new language file was the same language file I translated today. I translated all except of command names
[Norwegian]/create > Lager en ny konto/login > Logger på eksisterende konto/logout > Logger ut av din eksisterende konto/delete > Sletter en eksisterende konto/change <passord> > Bytter passord på din konto/stats [kontonavn] > For å se din/andres profil & stats/rankings [nummer] > Viser alle spillere etter høyeste rankingPålogging vellykketSub-admin rettigheter er gittDu er allerede pålogget.Logget utDu har allerede logget ut.Gratulerer! Du er den . registrert spiller.Dine påloggings detaljer:# Konto Navn: # Passord : Du har allerede en konto.Konto slettetLogg inn for å slette din eksisterende konto.Passord byttet til:Passordet ditt er for kortLogg inn for å bytte passordLogg inn for å se stats. Rankings - sortert etter Ranking Spillere-> skriv "/next" for å gå ned på listen-> Slutt Rankings Din Profil Profil av Konto NavnPassordSpråkServer RettigheterSist Brukt IPSiste LogginnBesøkTid SpiltDrapDødsfallSelvmordFlagg KapringerFlagg RevinningerSkåringerSkade GittDobbel drapRankingMålestokk
[French]/create > Creez un nouveau compte/login > Connectez-vous en utilisant un compte existant/logout > Deconnectez-vous de votre compte existant/delete > Supprimez un compte existant/change <mot de passe> > Changez le mot de passe de votre compte/stats [nom du compte] > Voyez votre ou autres profiles et statistiques/rankings [nombre] > Range les joueurs dans l'ordre du meilleurConnection reussieDroits du Sub-Admin accordesVous etes deja connecte.Vous vous avez deconnecteYou are already logged out.Felicitations vous etes le . joueur enregistre.Details de votre compte:# Nom du compte: # Mot de passe : Vous avez deja un compte.Compte supprime.Connectez-vous pour supprimer votre compte.Mot de passe change pour:Votre mot de passe est trop courtConnectez-vous pour changer votre mot de passeVeuillez vous connectez pour voir vos statistiques. Rangs - En ordre par Rang Joueurs-> Ecrivez "/next" pour descendre dans la liste des rangs-> Fin de la liste des rangs Votre profile Profile de Nom du CompteMot de passeLangueDroit du serveurDernier IP utiliséDerniere connectionVisitesTemps de jeuTuagesMortsSuicidesCaptures du drapeauRetours du drapeauPointageDommage AdministréDouble tuagesRangRapport
Ill get my translation ready , when i pass my exams.
Good luck! I've got exams not the upcoming week but the week after.
Geeze, this script can now be used by like everybody from any language! Good job everybody.
Sorry, I must have overlooked your old post. Thanks for your Russian translation. I have added it to the official langauge file and updated the LogInSystem release archive accordingly.