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why must you hate ajax. Browsers that support it: "Internet Explorer 5.0 and up, Opera 7.6 and up, Netscape 7.1 and up, Firefox 1.0 and up, Safari 1.2 and up, among others. " and teh fat percentage of users aer still on IE, if theirs is lower then 5 then its their problem. For teh people with out ajax, or javascript, i will still have a secon old school version of the pages so that people who are to scared to ahve their javascript enabled can still browse through.
Drop down menus rock, they save a lot fo apace and you get the whole navigation at your tips. Most popular rowsers support it and it works with out the javascrip also, will just pop down realy fast with out sliding. I know the mechanics are gay a the moment, thought I may change few things there.
Just because i added the next/prev links to the viewing of the files, i don't have to credit any one.
The maps section and the ripping is not even complete and automated yet. And that I will definitely credit because its a service.