Hey guys,
So tonight I was just finishing up a worms level I am currently working on. Yeah, after 5 years I am actually getting back into designing levels for Worms: Armageddon. And having a blast at it! Anyway, so I am making some final changes to a map and I decide to, just out of curiosity... go to google and type in something along the lines of "mnp worms maps" (not sure exactly what string did it). And up pops the soldat forums... much different than when I saw them last. And it was a post about... me???!!!
I did a little more digging and I come to find out that there are quite a few little blurbs about my maps that I created several years ago. So I decided to create an account (thought I had one back in the day), and jump on the forum to say two things primarily:
1. For all of you guys (and gals?) out there that simply loved the MnP maps, for those of you who felt inspired by them and moved on to make better quality maps as a result of them, and for those of you who several years ago backed me up and made me want to make them in the first place and who NOW still give me credit even when credit seems sometimes to be misplaced, thank you sincerely.
2. The second thing was simply to say "hey" to everyone and see what's new in the soldat world. I haven't played in quite a long time. I am not at all dead. I recently had a baby boy (well my wife did) and he seems to be dominating my time and focus at the moment.
But I do certainly look back to my soldat days with much adoration, and even a little jealousy of the good old days.
I can't believe my maps really did leave an impact like that. I totally thought they would simply be browsed over and dismissed. Wow! Thanks everyone! And just in case people are still looking for them, they are currently on my website in full at
http://www.mnpp.net along with several brand new Worms: Armageddon creations (if you're into that). My site got hacked a while back and so the database is down at the moment - even the screen shots are not up anymore. But I am planning on devoting the site strictly to Worms and Soldat so in the near future, expect the site to be redeveloped and looking pretty again.