Author Topic: Hexer 0.9.6 released.  (Read 4729 times)

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Offline Avarax

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Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« on: February 05, 2009, 08:54:49 am »

First of all, a big kudos to DANMER for spending so much time and brain smoldering on global accounts as well as other parts and management of the script. This release wouldn't be possible without you![/size]

Code: [Select]
<<-- Hexer Mod v0.9.6 -->>
-added global account support
-added new healing spell "Purge"
-added new defensive spell "Frost Armor"
-added new offensive spell "Mjollnir"
-added new summoning spell "Summon Duplicant"
-added the item contest winner: Human Explosives (as a castable item)
-added the item contest winner: Morganite Jewel
-added new item "Living Armor"
-added new item "Chestguard"
-added new item "Magic Gunpowder"
-added new item "Winged Boots"
-added a second item slot
-added buying items or transferring BP is now saved in the logs
-added "/unlock" command for admins to unlock server on fridays for clanwars
-added "/admincmd" command for admins
-added "/showcool" command to toggle cooldown display on/off (default = on)
-added "/showbuffs" command to toggle buff display on/off (default = on)
-added "/showminions" command to toggle minion & mine duration display on/off (default = off)
-added "/display X Y" command to set coordinates for on screen drawn messages (default 20|380)
-added "/sell itemslot" command to sell the item in the chosen item slot for 50% of its value
-added "/showdmg" command for experimenting with your damage values
-added "/bot text" command which makes your minion say "text". Requires branding!
-added main loop no longer called during pause (no cooldowns or durations are modified) and spells disabled
-added [bot] tag for bots in /allchars
-added items are looked up through /info now aswell
-added player IDs in /allchars for remote admins, split the list by teams (first alpha, then bravo)
-added Barrett kills now reduce Assassin cooldown by 5%
-added Mage-Blooded now adds a Battlesphere charge
-added if a player suicides in any way, the last opponent who dealt damage to him will gain EP
-added Conjure Clip now breaks the effect of disarm
-added Ghouls now have a constant 2 HP regeneration per second
-added 10 new Ghoul taunts.
-added Sprint can be stopped by using /ofs again. Decreases Sprint's cooldown by 2 for each sec duration left.
-modified Body Double to steal Frost Armor aswell
-modified Body Double no longer steals Battlesphere because it's not a buff anylonger
-modified Assassins grabbing the flag now give the entire team Vanish
-modified relearning now costs 2 levels again
-modified Amnesia now costs 300 BP instead of 250 BP
-modified Body Double can now be used while Sprinting
-modified /info messages are now colored and no longer come from *SERVER*
-recoded Battlesphere to work as a stationary sentry gun and adjusted skill values accordingly
-recoded timer display to allow showing cooldowns and buffs on screen
-recoded item wielding system. You can't have two items of the same kind or two castable items
-removed learn points for being unnecessary and causing bugs
-fixed filename incompatible characters used as accountname or brand now work properly
-fixed mapbug caused by minions
-fixed mana shield animation not showing completeley when body doubled
-fixed IP now shows in /who for remote admins as well
-fixed Kamikaze not sharing EP
-fixed account screwing bug when using both amnesia and relearn

-reduced secret Nova power by 30%
-decreased Vampirism damage based heal from 8% to 7%
-decreased Vampirism base heal on kill from 15% to 13.8%
-decreased Warmth threshold from 33.3% to 25% of max HP
-increased Warmth threshold heal bonus from 300% to 350%
-increased Mage-Blooded base heal from 25% to 27%
-decreased Mage-Blooded base cooldown from 95 to 92 seconds
-increased Warstandard base in- & output bonus from 14% to 17%
-increased Claymore explosion power by 20%
-increased Claymore base cooldown from 109 to 120 seconds
-decreased Pierce Armor base pierce from 3.4% to 3.0%
-decreased Pierce Armore pierce modifier from +0.5% per level to +0.4%
-increased the speed with which Body Double's cooldown decreases over the lvls
-increased Assassin's evasion chance gain from +3.0% per level to +3.3%
-increased Assassin's base evasion chance from 53.0% to 60.6%
-decreased Assassin base cooldown from 405 to 355 seconds
-increased Assassin bot accuracy slightly
-decreased Kamikaze base cooldown from 250 to 220 seconds
-increased Kamikaze cooldown modifier from -9 seconds per level to -11 seconds
-increased Kamikaze armor from 175% owner armor to 200% owner armor
-decreased Raider's base hitpoints from 80 to 70
-decreased Vanish base cooldown from 143 to 130 seconds
-increased Vanish's cooldown reduction from -5 seconds per level to -6 seconds
-increased Pilferage base chance from 2.5% to 4.0%
-increased Lucky Gem's bonus from 2.3% to 3.0%
-increased Lucky Gem price from 2000 to 2150 BP
-modded Barrett into a 1 ammo weapon to make it viable with Conjure Clip
-increased Barrett damage by 100
-increased Spas-12 fire interval by 0.05 seconds

As promised, released at the beginning of february.

New european server with global account database access:

Old server:

Explanation of new items and skills (skill values are shown as lvl1/lvl50 values)

New healing spell

Purges all players within 25.0/31.4 meters range. Allies are healed, enemies are damaged for 36/56 HP.
You yourself are healed by 36/56 HP for every purged player.
54/36 seconds cooldown.

Frost Armor[/color]
New defensive spell

Coats you and your nearest teammate in a 15/21 seconds lasting Frost Armor. The Frost Armor buff reduces the damage of all incoming bullets by 6/10 and slows the attacker down for 2 seconds.
64/44 seconds cooldown.

New offensive spell

Flings a deadly explosive hammer into your walking direction with a size factor of 27/35 and a travel speed of 6.3/10.0 m/s.
72/54 seconds cooldown.

New summoning spell

Each flag score gives you a charge. Maximum of 3 charges.
Summons a Duplicant and another Duplicant for each charge at your position. They last 20/31 seconds and spawn with exactly the same input/output, weapon, buffs, skills and items as you have (Bots can't cast spells though).
120/81 seconds cooldown.

Skill remake

Each kill grants you a charge. 6/4 charges minimum to cast.
Places a Battlesphere at your position that takes 4 seconds to build up. It then lasts 2.0/3.0 * charges seconds and shoots the nearest enemies within 35.7/47.7 range at a bulletspeed of 12.9/17.1 m/s.
Can only be placed within your team's 2/3 of the map.

Human Explosives[/color]
New castable item - 2250 BP

/use: blows you and anything nearby up violently. 150 seconds cooldown.

Morganite Jewel[/color]
New hybrid item - 2250 BP

/use: Heals all allies within 15 meters range including yourself by 25 HP. 33 seconds cooldown.
static: Increases all received healing by 20% and reduces healing skill's cooldown by 15%

Living Armor[/color]
New hybrid item - 2500 BP

/use: Places a summoning beacon at your position. The next summoned minion will spawn at that position. 300 seconds cooldown. Can only be placed within your team's 2/3 of the map.
static: Heals all nearby allies including yourself by 3 HP whenever you are hit.

New static item - 2000 BP

static: Reduces damage input by 10%.

Magic Gunpowder[/color]
New static item - 2000 BP

static: Increases damage output by 8.5%.

Winged Boots[/color]
New hybrid item - 2250 BP

/use: Grants you a 4 seconds lasting minisprint. 90 seconds cooldown.
static: Randomly increases the duration of duration based skills by a random number from 0 to 2. Affected skills are:
Holy Armor hits, Mana Shield, Disarm, Vanish, Frost Armor, Bladerage, Pierce Armor, Sprint, Minisprint from boots and all summon spells.

Bug fix updates will follow.

Accounts where transferred to global database at Wednesday the 4th of February arround 21:00 GMT. All changes made to account files from that point till now are void. We had some issues with a very small amount of accounts, those will be fixed soon.

Thanks to danmer again.
Thanks to EnEsCe for sponsoring those incredibly stable servers.
Thanks to upnPAD for sponsoring the global account database.
Thanks to all beta testers, admins, contributors and donators.
Thanks to the entire community.

Yours sincerely

« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 10:14:40 am by Avarax »
I like to have one Martini
Two at the very most
Three I'm under the table
Four I'm under the host

Offline Mr

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 10:25:49 am »
Nice release, keep it up! The Living Armor thing is a nice idea :)

Offline Gizd

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2009, 12:23:45 pm »
Euro hexer!

[PS] At last you fixed that s**** cooldown display!  [retard]
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 12:26:36 pm by Gizd »

Offline DorkeyDear

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2009, 07:12:20 pm »
Nice. You've made many people's days (afaik :P).

Offline danmer

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2009, 12:34:12 am »
i'd like to thank my mother, my uncle and everyone else who helped me in this great project

Edit: oh, and about the accounts - we did upload the most recent ones at the time of update, thanks to EnEsCe and his linux magic =P

I've also said this before on hexer forums, but i'll state it here as well just in case - if you have any troubles with accounts, let us know
« Last Edit: February 06, 2009, 04:06:38 pm by danmer »

Offline Avarax

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2009, 02:39:41 pm »
Code: [Select]
<<-- Hexer Mod v0.9.6b -->>
-added Mjollnir now has a 20% chance to refresh on Cluster Fragment or Grenade kills
-added time displayed until account is no longer in use
-added 15 charges is maximum for Battlesphere now
-fixed Battlesphere now works with special on hit events and is affected by in/output
-fixed Mjollnir having zero cooldown on login
-fixed Fists + Mage-Blooded & Conjure Clip for infinite heal
-fixed Chestguard giving 0% input
-fixed Magic Gunpowder having no effect at all
-fixed Mjollnir size information in /myskill
-fixed killing minions right after being summoned no longer counts as a spawnkill
-fixed Ghouls not calling special kill events (100% heal, duration bonus, chat)
-fixed /bot now can make the bot say multiple words
-fixed Duplicants messing spawns up
-fixed Duplicants are no longer summonable while dead
-fixed Holy Armor not showing as a buff
-fixed suicide from Human Explosives no longer yields EP or BP
-removed Friday server block
-optimized account logs
-increased /sell value of items from 50% to 75%
-replaced flame animation on Battlesphere with a stat gun (can't be placed directly on the ground)
-replaced flame animation on Frost Armor with an inward nova
-decreased maximum Duplicants from 4 to 3
-increased Duplicant input by 50%
-increased Mjollnir base speed from 6.3 to 7.3 m/s
-increased Mjollnir base size factor from 27 to 29
-decreased Barrett damage by 100
-increased Human Explosives radius from 8 to 9 meters

Also take note of our new EUROPEAN server:
I like to have one Martini
Two at the very most
Three I'm under the table
Four I'm under the host

Offline y0uRd34th

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 05:10:34 pm »
Yipeeh, Love Hexer  :o
Have found something in Mjollnirs Description, isn't the Speed at lvl50 15m/s and not 10m/s?
As next a Question, is this Flame thing a spell? Can't remember something like that!
Good Job ;)

Offline danmer

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2009, 05:42:50 pm »
Yipeeh, Love Hexer  :o
Have found something in Mjollnirs Description, isn't the Speed at lvl50 15m/s and not 10m/s?
As next a Question, is this Flame thing a spell? Can't remember something like that!
Good Job ;)
frost armor had a flame effect like that, but it was replaced with spas pellets due to flame lag

Offline y0uRd34th

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2009, 03:37:19 am »
- Fixed massive FPS lag when players catch fire
Hope that in the Hexer Version for 1.5.0 some good Effects with Flames are ;)
But already a Question:
Have found something in Mjollnirs Description, isn't the Speed at lvl50 15m/s and not 10m/s?

Offline Gizd

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2009, 01:39:03 am »
- Fixed massive FPS lag when players catch fire
Hope that in the Hexer Version for 1.5.0 some good Effects with Flames are ;)
Server for 1.5 is too fragile to host hexer (atm).

Offline Xxypher

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2009, 11:06:15 am »
Yeah, the Beta is. The full version should be able to handle it very easily.

Offline Snipufin

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2009, 01:10:36 pm »
Nice one. And looks like one of you possibly is a NetHack player or just knows about the Scandic history.
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Offline ~Niko~

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Re: Hexer 0.9.6 released.
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2009, 05:07:14 pm »
hell this gamemode has a bunch of things... i should try it out.