Author Topic: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD: J.A.M.  (Read 10958 times)

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Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2009, 07:23:17 am »
The berreta m9 needs a black outline, not the darkest color you used for the shading! If you have black detaillines IN the weapon you can use darkest color, but please let the black outline stay, that is important!

Yeah, I kinda learned that one the hard way...  ;)

Right now, the most recent modified M9 has a very dark outline (perimeter). Do you think it's okay, or should it perhaps be darker?

You need to make the muzzle darker.

Okay, here:


What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2009, 07:42:30 am »
Put your current progress in the first post

I like how you used my Spas outline xD

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2009, 07:46:39 am »
Put your current progress in the first post

I like how you used my Spas outline xD

Heh, just wait 'till the wolves get to it.

I'm not sure yet if I want to use that Spas. Would it be alright with you if I did?

Also, do you think the Steyr TMP is too small? Should I resize it?

What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2009, 08:30:34 am »
TMP is ok...but dairy's weapons is "X" times better...keep making weapons for soldat...maybe soon you can be better than dairy. (wtf?!)

Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2009, 09:07:03 am »
TMP is ok...but dairy's weapons is "X" times better...keep making weapons for soldat...maybe soon you can be better than dairy. (wtf?!)


Clearly you're a good friend of Dairy. That's cool.

I'm not asking you to take sides with friends. I'm asking for advice on how to perfect my weapons.

So, thank you for telling me that my TMP is "okay."

Would it be too much trouble to ask you how I can improve it?

Thank you.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 09:43:56 am by gladiator2 »

What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

Offline Dairy

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #45 on: February 20, 2009, 09:47:40 am »
Gosh, stop tryin' to be so defensive. It doesn't matter if we are friends. To be honest I rarely know him. Probably he's just friendly as most of the modders around. Maybe he overused me but it's alright. The advices are all around you, there are plenty of tutorials and everybody should make their own style so do some experiments with the colors, shadin' and shapes. Try to zoom weapons which made other people, try to take them as your model. It's not easy to just comment somebodys work when he wants advices and right on he disslike them. Your weapons are original.

Few things which I use :
-Tryin' to make the outline as realistic as possible. Details.
-Shadin' the same. There are two ways. Use less colors but they have to be nicely chosen. Then they make the weapon really nice OR use many colors, sometimes randomness isn't bad. But that comes with practice, wisely chosen random colors make magic. Sometimes.
-Use solid black only on OUTLINE
-Weapons should be 1:1 to each other. That means they should be with same rate. I mean not one extra small when you compare it to the others. Sometimes I use exceptions to wepaons which would be too small. Pistol as secondary or others which won't make mess with the others.
Depents on creator.
-Weapons-gfx should be realistic so 1:1 with the gostek = but with this I can't really help because I know my weapons-gfx suck.
-Try to use the most realistic sounds, I mean if it's silenced - use silenced. I know stupid advice but sometimes people forget it. Use nice loud sounds. I preffer agressive sounds. Which makes Soldat more assault, aggresive and completize the rage, fast, gore atmosphere.
-For gosteks, I'm makin' them rarely and I'm not good at it. But for me too big gosteks are crap and makes many mistakes with aim.
-Interface is mostly not important for me but you can make many various creations just from your fantasy which makes it almost biggest fun for people who like to be creative and make things on their own.
-Oh and for weapons intefrace. It's not that important. You see them like 5% of all time you play soldat. But the Soldat Forums fashion it's lately very important - for unknown reason to me.
It's me I just love to make them and I spend most of the time to creating them. My fault. Anyway, they're probably makin' the visual effect of releasin'. Make people think the mod is nice and so. I mean, it's a eye-candy part of the mod and it makes people to download it. Something like Tv spots makes people buy crappy shizzle.

That's it. Don't take everything so personaly. I hate kids who just start to cry and defend themself just after one critizin' them for few pixels of thing for free game. Enjoy the work you're makin' and be glad somebody likes it. That's it.

Good job.

Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #46 on: February 20, 2009, 10:04:40 am »
Gosh, stop tryin' to be so defensive. It doesn't matter if we are friends. To be honest I rarely know him. Probably he's just friendly as most of the modders around. Maybe he overused me but it's alright. The advices are all around you, there are plenty of tutorials and everybody should make their own style so do some experiments with the colors, shadin' and shapes. Try to zoom weapons which made other people, try to take them as your model. It's not easy to just comment somebodys work when he wants advices and right on he disslike them. Your weapons are original.

Few things which I use :
-Tryin' to make the outline as realistic as possible. Details.
-Shadin' the same. There are two ways. Use less colors but they have to be nicely chosen. Then they make the weapon really nice OR use many colors, sometimes randomness isn't bad. But that comes with practice, wisely chosen random colors make magic. Sometimes.
-Use solid black only on OUTLINE
-Weapons should be 1:1 to each other. That means they should be with same rate. I mean not one extra small when you compare it to the others. Sometimes I use exceptions to wepaons which would be too small. Pistol as secondary or others which won't make mess with the others.
Depents on creator.
-Weapons-gfx should be realistic so 1:1 with the gostek = but with this I can't really help because I know my weapons-gfx suck.
-Try to use the most realistic sounds, I mean if it's silenced - use silenced. I know stupid advice but sometimes people forget it. Use nice loud sounds. I preffer agressive sounds. Which makes Soldat more assault, aggresive and completize the rage, fast, gore atmosphere.
-For gosteks, I'm makin' them rarely and I'm not good at it. But for me too big gosteks are crap and makes many mistakes with aim.
-Interface is mostly not important for me but you can make many various creations just from your fantasy which makes it almost biggest fun for people who like to be creative and make things on their own.
-Oh and for weapons intefrace. It's not that important. You see them like 5% of all time you play soldat. But the Soldat Forums fashion it's lately very important - for unknown reason to me.
It's me I just love to make them and I spend most of the time to creating them. My fault. Anyway, they're probably makin' the visual effect of releasin'. Make people think the mod is nice and so. I mean, it's a eye-candy part of the mod and it makes people to download it. Something like Tv spots makes people buy crappy shizzle.

That's it. Don't take everything so personaly. I hate kids who just start to cry and defend themself just after one critizin' them for few pixels of thing for free game. Enjoy the work you're makin' and be glad somebody likes it. That's it.

Good job.

Finished?  ;)

Dairy, there's something you have to understand about me. Usually, I'm just kidding around. It's my nature. You can't always take me as being 100% dead serious. I love other people's advice, because they're usually right. [SIRS] didn't really give me advice at all. He said the TMP as "okay" and that's about it.

Well, thank you, [SIRS] but I kinda need to make this mod already. I've got other things in my life to contend to, so I need to perfect the weapons, package it, ship it, publish it, and have done with it. So, while you're actually on this thread, posting, please add any advice.

Dairy, right now I'm not interested in tutorials. I want to put up the imperfect pic, get help, and make it right. I don't want to go to the trouble of posting the finished mod, only to have people tell me it's got problems.

Generally, the rifles and MGs are gonna be smaller in ratio to the handguns. I can't really help that, 'cause I want the handguns to be big and detailed, yet I also want the rifles to fit in their slots.

I know the interfact-gfx is eyecandy, but since when is candy supposed to look bad? ;)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand: The TMP. What's wrong with it? Too small?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 10:07:17 am by gladiator2 »

What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

Offline Dairy

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2009, 10:07:20 am »
Make another weapon to know with what we can compare it. Now the size is okay. But when the other weapons will be too big/small it will need some fixing.

Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2009, 10:09:21 am »
Make another weapon to know with what we can compare it. Now the size is okay. But when the other weapons will be too big/small it will need some fixing.

Solid Copy. Here's the AK-47 that comes next. It should give you an idea of what the large rifles will be like in size.


And here's the M-16, which I mine as well put up, since it's from a different mod of mine (M-16 + M4 Pack).

And also the m-16/ m203:

« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 10:19:50 am by gladiator2 »

What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2009, 10:36:05 am »
the ak clip isnt enough curved
the m16 has to have the curve like your ak has
the grips are a bit too small
the m203 is too big, it  should have 2/3 of its current length
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Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2009, 10:40:19 am »
the ak clip isnt enough curved
the m16 has to have the curve like your ak has
the grips are a bit too small
the m203 is too big, it  should have 2/3 of its current length

Where were you in the M-16 + M4 Pack mod?  ;)

Okay, so curve the ak and M-16 mags, and make the 203 a little smaller.

On it. Give me a second.



Though I agree with you on the Ak's mag, and the M-16's mag, I don't with the m203. Check this out:

The red lines are the exact size, and we can thus conclude that the barrel of the M-16 is the same height as the m203. Same with mine.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 03:26:15 pm by gladiator2 »

What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD
« Reply #51 on: February 23, 2009, 07:41:09 pm »
Must move this mod along...

Forget one at a time... ironically... I don't have the time.  ;)

So here are the rest of them. To see the full list, just look at the begining of this thread.

H&K G3
FN P-90
H&K G-36
Ka Bar

When everyone is satisfied with these gfxes, I'll package them up along with their weapons-gfxes and sfxes.

What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD: J.A.M.
« Reply #52 on: February 23, 2009, 09:09:26 pm »
General tips..

-Don't use black in the weapon itself, just use it for the outline.
-Your shading needs some more contrast. Make the highlights a little brighter, and the shading a bit darker.
-Make your weapons a bit bigger so that you can fit more detail.
-As a whole, most of your weapons are too thin.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Espadon

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD: J.A.M.
« Reply #53 on: February 23, 2009, 09:13:33 pm »
I'd say they're a good size. You don't need to work huge to suggest detail.
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD: J.A.M.
« Reply #54 on: February 23, 2009, 09:27:17 pm »
Maybe it's just how thin they are.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD: J.A.M.
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2009, 07:15:59 am »
General tips..

-Don't use black in the weapon itself, just use it for the outline.
-Your shading needs some more contrast. Make the highlights a little brighter, and the shading a bit darker.
-Make your weapons a bit bigger so that you can fit more detail.
-As a whole, most of your weapons are too thin.

I agree, insofar as that I need to improve the contrast and dark lines...

But how are they too thin? I carefully scaled them to accurate proportions.

What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD: J.A.M.
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2009, 07:35:52 am »
Whenever there's a choice to go one pixel either way and stay more or less accurate, go for the extra one. And sometimes, with weapons this small, you have to exaggerate certain parts of the gun a bit. Pure accuracy often returns unrecognizable results.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline gladiator2

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Re: Berreta M9 Gfx Accuracy + NEW FULL MOD: J.A.M.
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2009, 09:01:35 am »
Whenever there's a choice to go one pixel either way and stay more or less accurate, go for the extra one. And sometimes, with weapons this small, you have to exaggerate certain parts of the gun a bit. Pure accuracy often returns unrecognizable results.


which one needs that? The rifles are about 60-ish by 18-ish pixels in size, which means they fit nicely in the game's weapons list, but you make them any longer, they run into the text. Any higher, they run into each other.

So how do you make them... fatter... without sacrificing accuracy and without ruining the list?

I think the spas is okay (in terms of fatness), so please use the G3 as an example.


What Revelations 6:8 SHOULD say: "And behold a pale horse, and his name who sat on him was Death... and all of the United States Marine Corps followed with him."