
Alight, which one?

Capture The Flag
45 (63.4%)
17 (23.9%)
2 (2.8%)
Team Deathmatch
0 (0%)
Hold The Flag
3 (4.2%)
2 (2.8%)
2 (2.8%)

Total Members Voted: 71

Author Topic: Which Mode Is Prefered Most? (POLL)  (Read 10312 times)

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Offline demoniac93

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Re: Which Mode Is Prefered Most? (POLL)
« Reply #100 on: April 20, 2009, 05:25:23 am »
The reason I don't play INF is because without proper and smooth poly placement and level design, it becomes a fragfest. The main problems with the whole "Infiltrate the enemy base" concept is the huge height advantage that the defenders get. Lots of the defalut infiltration maps don't have enough entrances to the enemy base, and the existing ones are way too narrow to move quickly through and not get caught on a poly.

That's when you know that you don't try hard enough, if you did, you would get used to the polys and the movement lines that you gotta master around the twitches of the maps...

Offline MrSPAS12

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Re: Which Mode Is Prefered Most? (POLL)
« Reply #101 on: April 23, 2009, 04:31:19 am »
Yup, I'm an INF noob.  I don't know why I just like it, on both teams, doesn't matter me.  But I guess CTF as well if climbing counts. :P