Author Topic: In AIT  (Read 6352 times)

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Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2009, 04:01:01 pm »
What the hell? They still do bayonet training? I did not think that people still went into battle with bayonets.
Marine corps says its more about discipline than tactics. Trains you not to run away.
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Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2009, 05:54:38 pm »
Let's hear the stories. Funny first, then the "Oh-shit-what-did-I-get-myself-into" ones.

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Offline Demonic

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2009, 07:22:21 pm »
Double on that. What was the most cracking up shit so far, both in "Must not laugh must not laugh must not.." and breaking the prayer-said-in-the-head record.

Also, those women, and the porn actress.. they really do kill your faith in humanity by the end of it, looks like. Stay strong, women like an army man, especially if he can reassamble the kitchen boiler and the car motor into a weapon of culdesack destruction. Not to mention no one would dare to hurt your dog again!

(and whetever you mind it or not, I'm still hoping the US foreign policies change before you get to the same miserable wasteland Lieroguy's at)

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2009, 08:19:27 pm »
Ok well the stuff people think is a knee slapper is the showers. Being around 40 naked dudes... you get used to seeing cocks and bumping shoulders while soaping up. Every night we had what was called the gauntlet, a line of about 12-15 dudes waiting to shower on each side of you with cocks out messing with you as you ran through them, ass slappery to an extreme. Also there was the favorites like doing the bend and reach. A stretching exercise where you touch your toes while standing... perfect "rape me" posture. Having every other guy do that in the shower and the one not exercising doing the pelvic thrust behind them. It is a sight to behold.

As for "what in did I get myself into" thing, I had two of those, once in reception and once in basic. Reception is a week long process in which you get issued ACUs and whatnot. First day we roll in about 12-1am, given some clothes and get told we will be waking up in like 3 hours. They just toss you in a 60 man bay and tell you to sleep. That is the most alone I have ever felt. I wasn't scared it just finally sunk in that I literally signed my body and will away for 4 years. First day of basic is scary as hell though. They put tons of gear on you and yell at you while you of course have no idea what you are doing. Get smoked for a long damn time, then its chow.... oh God first chow. First chow is horrible. No one knows the chow rules and so the drill sergeants are just yelling and tossing stuff for the entire time. If you look anywhere but forward or even whisper, your ass is grass. That is what chow is like for the first 3 weeks or so. Eat you meal in about 2 minutes, then read the warrior skills book they give you. Chow sucked, some days I thought I would have rather gone hungry than deal with all that screaming and anger. That first night you lay on your bed and man... all I could think about was how much I didn't want to be there. Getting screamed at and smoked out of my mind for the entire day sucked so hard. I actually didn't speak for about a week I was so scared.

Later on when you know how things go and that one person getting yelled at won't really cause the entire company to get smoked(Although it does happen sometimes) You can laugh at what the idiots say to the DS and what the DS says. On of them will say stuff like "Private, this is my mother fucking universe. You are fucking up my universe, so I in turn will fuck up you. You will feel the wrath of God private. You WILL not fuck up my universe private!" or the classic he said one time "Mother fucker! Private! I am a fucking JEDI! Don't make me go Darth Maul on your ass private. I will unleash the mother fucking force on your ass." Another funny thing he did was add "according to the prophecy" or something along that to everything. "Privates, don't touch my doors. They have alarms on them. I hate when my alarms go off. If my alarms go off I will CAPE you until you ask me if I will kill you, in accordance to the prophecy!"

Getting smoked or CAPED is the same thing, you do pushups or whatever workout they can think of, I got some smoke stories as well. One time we laughed at a DS from another company when he tried to smoke us. Our DS even let us because the smoking was so gay.

As for the women, I like civilian women. It's only Army women I want to choke.

Offline LtKillroy

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2009, 09:17:03 pm »
Does anyone make fun of you for looking like Pvt. Pyle? Because that would be really funny. Especially if they started going all Full Metal Jacket on you.
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Offline UnknownSniper

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2009, 10:17:00 pm »
Congratulations on getting through Basic, I too am thinking of joining the Army, and the Infantry is in dire need of active duty recruits.

I've been training much more lately, only with 100 lb. weights, due to having no spotter or bench.
Every morning and night: 100 pushups, at first 50 and 50 with 20 second rest for a week, now this week I'll do 60-40 and continue increasing the first rep until I'm at 100 non-stop.
Aside from pushups, I bench press the 100 lb. 30 times, squat it 40 and do dips/sit-ups.

(Another 5 months, until I'm 18, to do what is needed to complete the physical aspects. I hear Infantry is the most demanding.)

Anyways, if you're bored you can always drop in some of your stories to me through PM.

Best of luck for AIT, it's downhill from there.
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Re: In AIT
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2009, 11:03:00 pm »
chow rules? there are chow rules?

like what ... i cant even think of anything. how can you get eating wrong? you just put shit in your mouth and swallow

remember to keep looking forward to being ripped and getting any woman you want when you leave

Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2009, 03:29:45 am »
@pic #2

How old is the guy at the front of the line?!

Player since late 2007

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2009, 05:20:42 am »
Getting... smoked out of my mind for the entire day sucked so hard.

Hahaha! Oh, that's my kind of basic training. I can only imagine: "This is MY MOTHER**KING weed, private, and you are F**KING UP my rotation. Now you WILL NOT F**K up rotation or I will f**k up you. It's PUFF-PUFF-PASS, motherf**ker. And I want to see every man in this company hold that s**t in for ten seconds or Jesus Christ himself won't stop me from forcing you to suck on some real AK-47! Do you get me!?"

I don't know if I could follow orders if I was smoked out all day long but I'd sure be happy.

"“The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr”"

Offline Graham

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2009, 05:23:49 pm »
Does anyone make fun of you for looking like Pvt. Pyle? Because that would be really funny. Especially if they started going all Full Metal Jacket on you.
No I got crap for being hairy... really hairy...

Congratulations on getting through Basic, I too am thinking of joining the Army, and the Infantry is in dire need of active duty recruits.

I've been training much more lately, only with 100 lb. weights, due to having no spotter or bench.
Every morning and night: 100 pushups, at first 50 and 50 with 20 second rest for a week, now this week I'll do 60-40 and continue increasing the first rep until I'm at 100 non-stop.
Aside from pushups, I bench press the 100 lb. 30 times, squat it 40 and do dips/sit-ups.

(Another 5 months, until I'm 18, to do what is needed to complete the physical aspects. I hear Infantry is the most demanding.)

Anyways, if you're bored you can always drop in some of your stories to me through PM.

Best of luck for AIT, it's downhill from there.
Put James Megow down as your reference and I will split the 2k with you.
 But seriously I was an inch away from going infantry myself but I found a better MOS. Look around and you might find something better. I have alot of Ex-infantry guys in my class right now. They said they got tired of being on the lowest level. Especially a private in the infantry. You are lower than dirt. Oh and the sign on bonuses get better for jobs that require more than "Can you print your own name?" level of intelligence. Since you are a PT stud, get your recruiter to give you a bump from E-1 to E-2 because you can for sure pass your 222. Push ups is 42 sit ups is 54 and run time is 15:54. Work on your run, depending where you are and your schedule your run time might actually decrease dramatically. I was at 15 minutes now I am at 16:30. Seriously get your run to about 14:30 to give yourself some space in case you get screwed like I did. Ask me anything you want about joining. I won't BS you like a recruiter, and yes I don't care what your recruiter says they will screw you somehow. I got screwed in multiple ways.

chow rules? there are chow rules?

like what ... i cant even think of anything. how can you get eating wrong? you just put s**t in your mouth and swallow

remember to keep looking forward to being ripped and getting any woman you want when you leave
Don't talk in like, stand at parade rest in line(Actually we didn't even have room to do that so we stood at attention), get nut to butt in line so they can fit everyone in, toes to the wall when you get to the chow, set your tray down after you get your food(Of course keep two hands on the tray), you can only walk certain ways in between the tables(3 ways go to the door, 2 go to the back of the chow haul. NEVER get caught going the wrong way because that is the easiest thing to spot.), when you get your drink keep both hands on the cup even when you are sitting down drinking it, when you are done you have to stack from 2-4 trays and give them to one person to take them to the back to get washed, and of course don't talk in the chow hall.

@pic #2

How old is the guy at the front of the line?!

The picture with the privates with duffel bags? He is like 18, he just looks retarded. And yes he is completely retarded.

Getting... smoked out of my mind for the entire day sucked so hard.

Hahaha! Oh, that's my kind of basic training. I can only imagine: "This is MY MOTHER**KING weed, private, and you are F**KING UP my rotation. Now you WILL NOT F**K up rotation or I will f**k up you. It's PUFF-PUFF-PASS, motherf**ker. And I want to see every man in this company hold that s**t in for ten seconds or Jesus Christ himself won't stop me from forcing you to suck on some real AK-47! Do you get me!?"

I don't know if I could follow orders if I was smoked out all day long but I'd sure be happy.
More like push ups and flutter kicks until you can't walk or pick up anything the next day.

Offline N. Escalona

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2009, 06:56:23 pm »
I won't BS you like a recruiter, and yes I don't care what your recruiter says they will screw you somehow. I got screwed in multiple ways.
I'd like to hear about this. What happened?
Do you want to see me crawl across the floor to you?
Do you want to hear me beg you to take me back?
I'd gladly do it because
I don't want to fade away.

Offline UnknownSniper

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2009, 07:24:24 pm »
Congratulations on getting through Basic, I too am thinking of joining the Army, and the Infantry is in dire need of active duty recruits.

I've been training much more lately, only with 100 lb. weights, due to having no spotter or bench.
Every morning and night: 100 pushups, at first 50 and 50 with 20 second rest for a week, now this week I'll do 60-40 and continue increasing the first rep until I'm at 100 non-stop.
Aside from pushups, I bench press the 100 lb. 30 times, squat it 40 and do dips/sit-ups.

(Another 5 months, until I'm 18, to do what is needed to complete the physical aspects. I hear Infantry is the most demanding.)

Anyways, if you're bored you can always drop in some of your stories to me through PM.

Best of luck for AIT, it's downhill from there.
Put James Megow down as your reference and I will split the 2k with you.
 But seriously I was an inch away from going infantry myself but I found a better MOS. Look around and you might find something better. I have alot of Ex-infantry guys in my class right now. They said they got tired of being on the lowest level. Especially a private in the infantry. You are lower than dirt. Oh and the sign on bonuses get better for jobs that require more than "Can you print your own name?" level of intelligence. Since you are a PT stud, get your recruiter to give you a bump from E-1 to E-2 because you can for sure pass your 222. Push ups is 42 sit ups is 54 and run time is 15:54. Work on your run, depending where you are and your schedule your run time might actually decrease dramatically. I was at 15 minutes now I am at 16:30. Seriously get your run to about 14:30 to give yourself some space in case you get screwed like I did. Ask me anything you want about joining. I won't BS you like a recruiter, and yes I don't care what your recruiter says they will screw you somehow. I got screwed in multiple ways.

I'm sure I can get a decent time on the run, I just hope we can wear boots during the run(I'm assuming so) because I haven't worn shoes in years.

One of the reasons I'm joining the Infantry is you don't need to know how to swim well, because I can't swim for my life. I hunt often, so I may also have a chance at becoming a Sniper, which they look for mainly in Infantry recruits(Army, of course) with the best accuracy, good eye-sight, and good physical condition.

I'd like to get the best possible score on the Physical, like my father did, because you get faster promotions in the long run, and a chance to become squad leader.. (Would be a good personal accomplishment to "lead" the older people)

How did your recruiter screw you? O.o

Edit: Yay for screwing up quotes.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 07:27:22 pm by UnknownSniper »
I had a job and a piece of land
My sweet wife was my best friend
But I traded that for Cocaine and a whore
-Jamey Johnson

Offline Graham

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #32 on: March 04, 2009, 09:50:54 pm »
I won't BS you like a recruiter, and yes I don't care what your recruiter says they will screw you somehow. I got screwed in multiple ways.
I'd like to hear about this. What happened?
Didn't tell me jack about getting promotions before basic. I got screwed on my sign on bonus somehow, everyone I know gets more than me. He didn't tell me I had to do a bomb suit test or that my AIT had an extra 36 weeks that wasn't on my orders.

Congratulations on getting through Basic, I too am thinking of joining the Army, and the Infantry is in dire need of active duty recruits.

I've been training much more lately, only with 100 lb. weights, due to having no spotter or bench.
Every morning and night: 100 pushups, at first 50 and 50 with 20 second rest for a week, now this week I'll do 60-40 and continue increasing the first rep until I'm at 100 non-stop.
Aside from pushups, I bench press the 100 lb. 30 times, squat it 40 and do dips/sit-ups.

(Another 5 months, until I'm 18, to do what is needed to complete the physical aspects. I hear Infantry is the most demanding.)

Anyways, if you're bored you can always drop in some of your stories to me through PM.

Best of luck for AIT, it's downhill from there.
Put James Megow down as your reference and I will split the 2k with you.
 But seriously I was an inch away from going infantry myself but I found a better MOS. Look around and you might find something better. I have alot of Ex-infantry guys in my class right now. They said they got tired of being on the lowest level. Especially a private in the infantry. You are lower than dirt. Oh and the sign on bonuses get better for jobs that require more than "Can you print your own name?" level of intelligence. Since you are a PT stud, get your recruiter to give you a bump from E-1 to E-2 because you can for sure pass your 222. Push ups is 42 sit ups is 54 and run time is 15:54. Work on your run, depending where you are and your schedule your run time might actually decrease dramatically. I was at 15 minutes now I am at 16:30. Seriously get your run to about 14:30 to give yourself some space in case you get screwed like I did. Ask me anything you want about joining. I won't BS you like a recruiter, and yes I don't care what your recruiter says they will screw you somehow. I got screwed in multiple ways.

I'm sure I can get a decent time on the run, I just hope we can wear boots during the run(I'm assuming so) because I haven't worn shoes in years.

One of the reasons I'm joining the Infantry is you don't need to know how to swim well, because I can't swim for my life. I hunt often, so I may also have a chance at becoming a Sniper, which they look for mainly in Infantry recruits(Army, of course) with the best accuracy, good eye-sight, and good physical condition.

I'd like to get the best possible score on the Physical, like my father did, because you get faster promotions in the long run, and a chance to become squad leader.. (Would be a good personal accomplishment to "lead" the older people)

How did your recruiter screw you? O.o

Edit: Yay for screwing up quotes.
You only run in boots in airborne.  The only thing you need to swim for in the Army is diver, and no one gets diver. So I don't know why that is going to let you influence you. Sniper... yeah maybe, but they will also look at your asvab score since there is tons of math involved. Never think your PT will get you anywhere, ever. Sorry to break your bubble but maxing PT doesn't give you that many points to a promotion. How you get those is going to classes. Work out your muscles AND your brain. I am not telling you that you can't join infantry, because if I fail out of EOD school I would probably go 88M or 11B. I was a hair away from 11B to begin with anyway. Just look around, infantry is not some glamorous MOS, it doesn't mean you will get special treatment later on. What gives you your promotions and all that good stuff is your drive as a soldier.

Offline UnknownSniper

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2009, 11:30:44 pm »
Dang, I need to get me a new pair of shoes then I guess.
As for the math, it was one of my best subjects through high school(Probably wont be as helpful as I think, who knows)

I am aware that you don't get "special treatment" for being Infantry(11B), I just feel it best fits my interests, and I will take as many classes as possible.
I had a job and a piece of land
My sweet wife was my best friend
But I traded that for Cocaine and a whore
-Jamey Johnson

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2009, 01:34:42 pm »
Getting... smoked out of my mind for the entire day sucked so hard.

Hahaha! Oh, that's my kind of basic training. I can only imagine: "This is MY MOTHER**KING weed, private, and you are F**KING UP my rotation. Now you WILL NOT F**K up rotation or I will f**k up you. It's PUFF-PUFF-PASS, motherf**ker. And I want to see every man in this company hold that s**t in for ten seconds or Jesus Christ himself won't stop me from forcing you to suck on some real AK-47! Do you get me!?"

I don't know if I could follow orders if I was smoked out all day long but I'd sure be happy.
More like push ups and flutter kicks until you can't walk or pick up anything the next day.

You stoners are a lot more productive than you used to be.

How many more weeks do you have until you're finished with basic?

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Offline Graham

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2009, 09:57:10 pm »
Getting... smoked out of my mind for the entire day sucked so hard.

Hahaha! Oh, that's my kind of basic training. I can only imagine: "This is MY MOTHER**KING weed, private, and you are F**KING UP my rotation. Now you WILL NOT F**K up rotation or I will f**k up you. It's PUFF-PUFF-PASS, motherf**ker. And I want to see every man in this company hold that s**t in for ten seconds or Jesus Christ himself won't stop me from forcing you to suck on some real AK-47! Do you get me!?"

I don't know if I could follow orders if I was smoked out all day long but I'd sure be happy.
More like push ups and flutter kicks until you can't walk or pick up anything the next day.

You stoners are a lot more productive than you used to be.

How many more weeks do you have until you're finished with basic?
I am done... I am in AIT. It is where I train for my MOS. Currently I am still going after EOD. I am basically just taking classes about ordnance now. I have been here less than 3 weeks and I am in my 3rd class. First class we  had two days of filling out a 50 page booklet then we got tested on it on the third. Second class we had one day for a 23 page booklet and got tested the next. Now we are just learning about identifying ordnance. Yesterday we learned how to identify grenades and rifle grenades. Today we learned mortars and projectiles.

Offline Wormdundee

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Re: In AIT
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2009, 01:58:02 pm »
Hey, good on you man. EOD is definitely an interesting one to go for.

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