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Keep practicing and you'll be a demon of the skies. Yes, the Soldat weapons can be used both in air and on the ground. It's so fun when you're under a guy flying up to him and you throw a grenade at him and he blows up and flies high. That's one of the reasons why I'm a Grenade Juggler.
hey i got a question with a law..how can you fire iti tried clicking but no rocket...
I like the M79 for what it is, all the little tricks you can do with it. It just annoys me when people start complaining. Someone even started a vote to kick me just because I killed them multiple times in a match. Thankfully there were more F11s than F12s though.
The fact is, the M79 is a pretty skillful weapon, it's just how people use it. The reason why people tend to kick M79ers is because getting killed by a M79 is somewhat annoying (especially if the whole server is filled with M79ers), and there are some people who actively use "noob tactics" with the M79, such as the Kamikaze (ie: Running right into someone's face, then shoot).
Welcome to Soldat!You might want to read the simple weapons guide I've typed, the link is in my signature.Quote from: igotnousername on March 04, 2009, 09:05:30 amhey i got a question with a law..how can you fire iti tried clicking but no rocket...First, you get down on the ground.Second, you crouch or prone (hold down 'S' OR click 'X')Third, whilst in that position, you hold down the shoot button (you'd hear a 'chuck' sound).After holding down for about 21 ticks (almost half a second), a rocket will be shot.The M79's actually a good gun. It's an explosive-firing weapon, which means it kills in one-hit against any opponent (unless they have picked up a Flame God box, which gives 10 second invincibility). The projectile travels slowly and therefore curves a lot, allowing you to make angled shots over odd terrain. If you're very good, you can ricochet your shots from the ground.Take advantage of the M79's explosive power to push your enemies back or push yourself to gain great speed to travel over long distances (M79 boosting). Something worthy to take note of: You can shoot at a frag grenade (the green one that's being thrown) with your M79 and when the projectiles collide with each other, both of them will explode violently. This is very useful when you're dealing with people throwing grenades, or to detonate the grenades prematurely or to create an even stronger M79 boost.
if some one charges you with ityou must have a chainsaw as a secondary weapon..when they charge you then, charge them too with a chain saw.
Quote from: Keldorn on March 05, 2009, 06:02:37 amNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT ANOTHER M79 NOOB IN THEIR RANKS!!..... Just go burn.... I have nothing more to say.