Intro: #soldatladder is a place where you can borrow a server to play your CW's on. These servers come loaded with custom maps giving you the oppurtunity (if you want) to play CW's with custom maps.
Howto:To borrow a server just
join #soldatladder on IRC QuakeNet and do:
!cw <place> <mode>
For example. "!cw eu inf" will give you are european located server with settings for a inf clanwar if you instead want realistic settings do "!cw eu real" after that you will be pm:ed a link to the server and can start playing your cw on it.
Other IRC commands are:
!cwstatus - Shows status(how, many servers that are free and what types etc).
!cwstats <mode> <ingamenick> - shows stats for that nick.
Ingame:In game there are several useful commands available.
!help - to see all commands available
!p - to pause the game
!up to resume the game
!map map_name - to change map
!random - changes to a random map(of the custom maps)
!currentmaps to see a list of available custom maps(all normal maps are available as well)
!r- to restart the current map
!ub - to unban last player banned
!alpha- moves you to alpha
!bravo - moves you to bravo
!spec - moves you to spec
!stats - shows your stats for this particular game mode
Stats and ladder:Stats and ladder can be found at
here. The Ladder is based on the
ELO Rating system. The individual stats are calculated in a way that promotes teamwork and just not plain killing as the normal stats usally do, meaning that capping/winning actually affects your stats here.
Maps:Except for the normal default maps their are several custom maps for inf and htf which can be found at the servers(
Website:The website is located at here you find stats, ladder and some info.
Channels:#soldatladder - our main channel
Thanks:Thanks goes out to,Soldatcentral, and m4c for support and servers.