Author Topic: Just an honest question about the Law...  (Read 31339 times)

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Offline Gnoblar

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2009, 06:56:47 am »
One hit killers are very hard to balance. Keep the reload above 400. It's better that way.

Offline demoniac93

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2009, 10:59:08 am »
Not necessarily Gnoblar...Steyrs can easily defeat barrets and m79's can't they?

Offline STM1993

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2009, 11:05:25 am »
Steyrs can beat Barrett easily because of bink. For the M79, the Steyr has the advantage of range and bullet push to beat the M79, otherwise the M79 can defeat the Steyr easily.

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2009, 11:55:40 am »
The fact that you can only fire it on the ground and only in crouch/prone makes it balanced as a one hitter.

Offline demoniac93

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2009, 12:18:00 pm »
It is, since it's usefulness (versatility and 1 hit kill) and negatives (can only shoot on ground, cannot shoot while moving on in air, start up time and reload) cancel each other out on the long shot of it's core use, which is a last resort weapon.

Offline Platehead

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2009, 04:49:43 am »
Soldat is revolved mainly around the air, so LAW is used mainly for defence and possibly last resort killing before flagrunning - so the fact that it can only be used on ground makes its versatility much less.  I think the current 1.5.0 reload - 1sec will do well
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Offline Geoffrey

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2009, 01:12:34 pm »
When playing in normal mode I loved to use LAW in any situation I could, especially offensively ie enter bases in Laos. It was always very unexpected for my opponents and this might help people use it in this way more although it could just become a reliable cannon to have in a flag standoff. To be honest I always reloaded mine just by switching to it when I could tell from the kill log or whatever that no enemies would be coming for me soon as a flag carrier.

Basically I'm glad to see it taking on knife as a popular secondary.

Offline cpt. Jacob

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2009, 11:34:23 am »
But still, the most satisfying way ever to kill on soldat is with a LAW, I've tried.
damn right! ;D

Offline demoniac93

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2009, 11:39:41 am »
But still, the most satisfying way ever to kill on soldat is with a LAW, I've tried.
damn right! ;D

God it's just that epic feeling you get when you see that hyper sped rocket hit the bad guy and he splatters all over a 10 meter radius...

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2009, 02:47:52 pm »
How come, even though it's obvious, that no one ever really pays attention to it? Is it being fixed?
No one really cares about LAW. The general opinion is that "It sucks, get over it" while it's suckage could be fixed by removing the startuptime.

There ONLY pro in a LAW vs. Knife comparison for LAW is that it has longer range. The rest is just cons. Think about it, everyone uses knife and no one wants that LAW users would have an advantage over them, or be even against them.
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Offline demoniac93

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2009, 05:59:21 pm »
How come, even though it's obvious, that no one ever really pays attention to it? Is it being fixed?
No one really cares about LAW. The general opinion is that "It sucks, get over it" while it's suckage could be fixed by removing the startuptime.

There ONLY pro in a LAW vs. Knife comparison for LAW is that it has longer range. The rest is just cons. Think about it, everyone uses knife and no one wants that LAW users would have an advantage over them, or be even against them.

I can kick knifers' ass with LAW, what's new? Why do people just follow popularity nowadays? Ffs soldat is supposed to be about having your own game opinion ;/

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2009, 06:05:24 pm »
How come, even though it's obvious, that no one ever really pays attention to it? Is it being fixed?
No one really cares about LAW. The general opinion is that "It sucks, get over it" while it's suckage could be fixed by removing the startuptime.

There ONLY pro in a LAW vs. Knife comparison for LAW is that it has longer range. The rest is just cons. Think about it, everyone uses knife and no one wants that LAW users would have an advantage over them, or be even against them.

I can kick knifers' ass with LAW, what's new? Why do people just follow popularity nowadays? Ffs soldat is supposed to be about having your own game opinion ;/
What else it is about if not popularity? If LAW was useful, people would use it more. Simple as that. Now it isn't as useful as Knife is most of the time. Thats why people prefer knife.
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Offline Shard

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2009, 09:20:31 am »
Just for laughs why not amp up the damage to really high. I know you'll say but that wont affect it but it will. If you put the damage up high enough on nades it turns into a green ball of evaporation. So if the law's damage was put up it might get a bigger kill radius. Which considering its a fricken anti tank weapon makes sense.

Offline Furai

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2009, 09:22:47 am »
I think every weapon in capable hands is deadly, even kitchen spoon.
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Offline STM1993

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2009, 10:05:33 am »
Just for laughs why not amp up the damage to really high. I know you'll say but that wont affect it but it will. If you put the damage up high enough on nades it turns into a green ball of evaporation. So if the law's damage was put up it might get a bigger kill radius. Which considering its a fricken anti tank weapon makes sense.
In an old version (I believe it was 1.3.0 and 1.3.1), when I raised the damage to an extremely high value (up to 400% of the LAW's damage), it increased the explosion radius drastically (far beyond the explosion you can see), and to the extent that anyone within that unseen damage radius dies.

Now (I believe starting from 1.4.0 up to the current version), when you try to raise the explosion damage, it seems as though there is now a limit as to how powerful the explosion can be. The radius is still roughly the same as if the damage was not changed, the damage, even though raised to that same 400%, is never as powerful as it was before, small difference compared to normal.

Anyway, coming back to the default weapons, it is intended that general explosive projectiles (M79, LAW, Flamed Arrows) hit an enemy directly to instantly kill him. The splash damage is just a bonus against colliders, does some damage while providing a strong push. The thing is, the explosion only occurs if the projectile were to hit another explosive projectile or a grenade, or if it hits something. Combat in Soldat occurs mostly in mid-air, not on polys. Small explosion radius makes it even more ineffective. The LAW has a very long delay. If you don't kill anyone with the LAW, it's a big waste, so instead of using the explosion to kill (which can't guarantee a kill and would make the guy fly off far away especially in lag), why not make the projectile hit directly?

It is a good thought to think of adding more explosive power to the LAW, but I get this hunch that it wouldn't work because it encourages LAW-spraying all over the map and most LAW shots hit single targets in mid-air anyway. Given that the LAW can be used almost immediately upon spawn, LAW spray can be a big problem. You can't solve it by making it have a longer fireinterval, it'd just make the LAW crap since it loses its ability of being quick to draw and shoot.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 10:24:57 am by STM1993 »

Offline Shard

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2009, 04:50:56 pm »
The grenades can still be made with OTT explosions, like in my WM(Its works out in the end). I was just experimenting with it in weapons.ini and discovered your right. Why not add in explosion bias and radius options to add more depth, could lead to some interesting places.

Thanks for also reading the post and not flaming about my idea.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2009, 10:53:41 pm »
You're welcome.

Regarding the settings on explosion radius etc, that'd be under modding capability. It's a big demand to have more modding capability throughout 1.3.0 (where weapon modding is first introduced) up till now. Though sadly, while they are taken into notice, they have not been added.

I'd also like to ask what you mean by "OTT", I don't understand.

Offline Shard

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2009, 07:39:59 am »
Over The Top.

1.3 was where I first started weapon modding, and as you say where it first became a reality, well it hasn't come very far now has it. More options need to be put in to give people more freedom to make better weapons to suit there modding needs. If there are scripts out there that allow these changes to be made they should be directly implemented into soldat itself.

Offline Murska

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2009, 07:13:57 pm »
Hmm. LAW is a very difficult weapon to beat in, say, RSA or especially Trenchwars. When the game is mostly played on ground anyway, it becomes quite difficult to dodge a well-aimed LAW-shot.

And I wouldn't say the knife beats LAW. Knife is useful in different situations, and generally you have to dodge a LAW-shot to beat a LAWer with a knife, which can be very difficult depending on the map.

Not to mention it's annoying tendency of killing me even if I'm in cover by hitting a collider or a wall above me or something like that.
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Offline Jaedong

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Re: Just an honest question about the Law...
« Reply #39 on: August 03, 2009, 05:21:23 am »
Why are you comparing knife to law wtf?. Most people use knife to get another kill when they run out of ammo or are on low hp as a last resort and you'll hardly see people running up to someone with a gun stabbing the air with their knife.