Script Name: SubAdmin Accounts
Script Description Subadmin Accounts Login
Author: Gizd
Core Version: 2.6.5
Full Description:
- infinite subadminlogs with other commands
- editing subadminlogs is easy as pie(only server main adminlog is needed)
- you can use commands from other scripts on server by prefixing command with \"<script_name>^\" ie \"AdminCommands^/kaboom\"
This is an adminlogs database. Main admins(that know the server adminlog) may edit subadmin \"accounts\" with commands:
/sacreate <pass> - creates a subadminlog
/sadel <pass> - deletes a subadminlog(subadmins logged to that account will be auto logged out)
/sashow <id> - shows password of subadmin
/sacmds <id or pass> - displays available commands for player/subadminlog
/saaddcmd <pass> <command> - adds a command for player, if command is not a default soldat command you have to specify script ie \"/saaddcmd xxx AdminCommands^/kaboom\" if you want to give admins logged on xxx account command /kaboom from script named AdminCommands(script names are displayed in /info command)
/sadelcmd <pass> <command> - deletes command
Script may contain bugs so please report them as soon as possible.