Author Topic: Fix for unwanted behaviour caused by cursor moving in background (Soldat 1.6.2)  (Read 4150 times)

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Offline Mr

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the following fixes bug 147 for Soldat 1.6.2. I've had this issue on two Windows 7 machines and it kind of ruins the fun on there. Because Shoozza announced that he is away for 4 weeks, we probably cannot expect Soldat 1.6.3 until then. As I believe that I am not the only who experiences this issue, I am releasing a quick fix I've written to resolve this issue.


This program modifies Soldat to clip your cursor to Soldat's window while you are playing. The result is simple yet fascinating!

-> No more random minimizing on multi-monitor environments
-> No more tooltips popping up randomly
-> No more glass-window effects caused by the cursor being on 'show desktop' button or another window's preview


Copy winmm.dll into your Soldat installation's directory.

Check if it worked:

The program should announce that it was successfully loaded in Soldat's console: "Soldat Win7 window/mouse fix loaded".


As simple as the installation, delete winmm.dll.

Ain't this a hack?

Technically, yes! But it does no evil. The bug this program fixes only appears on Windows 7 (and possibly Windows Vista), it therefore rather fixes imbalance than creating new.

Please do not redistribute this application as it works for Soldat 1.6.2 only and is meant to be a temporary solution.

I hope that this proves itself useful - if you experience the issues I described above, please give this program a try and post the results, thanks!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 10:28:38 am by Mr »

Offline machina

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Great job Mr, again! ;D

Shoozza announced that he is away for 4 weeks, we probably cannot expect Soldat 1.6.3 until then.
Yea, there's no possibility like that... Anyway, the work is still rolling without him :P That's a good sign...

Btw. you can attach that rar as an alternative mirror... :)

Offline Mr

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Great job Mr, again! ;D
Btw. you can attach that rar as an alternative mirror... :)

Thanks! Request granted, see first post.
I also fixed an error which caused the version check to fail when Soldat was started in fullscreen mode. Turns out I only tested this in windowed mode after implementing the check.

Please redownload the application if you get an error that says that you are not running Soldat 1.6.2.

Offline SyavX

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Thank you! This bug was really annoying ;)

Offline DorkeyDear

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I no longer use XP, but I'm sure other people do. In Windows XP, I had icons being hovered over and hover text popping up before (which strangely caused bad lag :P); will this fix this hover issue on XP as well?

Offline Mr

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I never noticed it back when I was on Windows XP (might be because there was barely anything on my desktop), but yes, in this case it should fix the issues on Windows XP as well.