I recently rented a server and am running a (fully updated) version of my ZRPG. But after about 20 minutes the script crashes and throws out an unending stream of access violation messages. This does not happen to me when I self host it (windows).
Example of the access violations:
[*] [Error] ZRPG -> (OnPlayerDamage): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00216FF0
09-04-20 20:52:34 [*] [Error] ZRPG -> (OnPlayerDamage): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00217000
09-04-20 20:52:34 [*] [Error] ZRPG -> (OnPlayerDamage): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00217010
09-04-20 20:52:34 [*] [Error] ZRPG -> (OnPlayerDamage): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00217020
09-04-20 20:52:34 (1) < 0 _ 0 > lol killed (2) Zombie with Ak-74
09-04-20 20:52:34 [*] [Error] ZRPG -> (OnPlayerKill): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00217030
09-04-20 20:52:34 [*] [Error] ZRPG -> (OnWeaponChange): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00217040
09-04-20 20:52:34 requesting game...
09-04-20 20:52:34 [*] [Error] ZRPG -> (OnPlayerRespawn): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00217050
09-04-20 20:52:34 [*] [Error] ZRPG -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 0809E78C, accessing address 00217060
What could be causing this? Is it fixable? Since Linix is case sensitive and i assume that the rented server is linix does it matter if some of my variables in the script do not use correct capitalization?(like player[5].LVL and PlaYeR[5].Lvl)