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And as the lyrics go in the United State's national anthem: "America, f**k YEAH!".
Quote from: miketh2005 on July 10, 2009, 07:31:20 pmDonate to enesceHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Donate to enesce
Be patient, eventually Soldat will be bug free.
martty is right.1.4 was as bad as 1.5, plus the bullets looked like fruits.Although, I thought that the purpose of the public beta was to avoid this :S
that's just cuz this is the 1.x version, 1.x.1 always after any major release with the bugfixes only 1.2 -> -> 1.3.1 1.4 -> -> ... you get it
1.4 -> 1.4.1
Lies, 1.4.1 was only released because of gigantic bullets. No bugs were fixed.
1.4.1 (02.06.2007)- Added auto patch downloading- Added /unpause command (/pause works only for pausing now)- Modified yellow player left message changed to team color- Modified bullet graphics- Modified improved anti-lag- Modified better netcode for high latency players- Modified if minimap is disabled server-side no icons are shown on minimap- Modified increased particle limit- Modified console and kill console doesn't fade when players list is shown on higher resolutions- Modified same taunt cannot be sent for 5 seconds- Modified spectator can see all on minimap- Modified removed greater self explosion damage- Modified improved pinging servers, works with progress bar- Modified parachutes can be dropped right after respawn- Modified respawn counter is drawn behind console- Modified default console font smaller (10 -> 9)- Modified minigun has less recoil when crouching and prone, more when standing- Modified minor adjustments to weapons.ini and weapons_realistic.ini- Fixed more map bugs- Fixed Airpirates wrong map version bug- Fixed network player bullets appearing correctly according to ping- Fixed errors when starting game (no need for compatibility mode)- Fixed resolution change and minimap not working (minimap won't have background on old video cards)- Fixed lobby error messages- Fixed unicode fonts display under Windows 98/SE- Fixed killconsole graphics not aligned properly- Fixed killconsole space between names is adjusted according to font size- Fixed no secondary on server join- Fixed kicking on servers with disabled weapons- Fixed flamer flooding and ban- Fixed team menu box dissapearing when players list show (now box is seen without text)- Fixed minimap transparency set by soldat.ini "MiniMap_Transparency="- Fixed survival mode alive players counter- Fixed add bot text in singleplayer- Fixed spectator cam on team change- Fixed disconnect button now works while file downloading- Fixed cancel button now works properly with server downloading and pinging- Fixed taunts working with profiles- Fixed spawning without secondary weapon on team change- Fixed kits, flags and weapons reserving by players with higher ID (now closest one picks it up)- Fixed survival mode spectator join and return alive- Fixed length of console after pressing chat key with fonts height scale greater than 125- Fixed unicode chars typing in fullscreen- Fixed "&" causing underline- Fixed nade throw distance
Although, I thought that the purpose of the public beta was to avoid this :S
Quote from: iDante on April 26, 2009, 06:17:00 pmAlthough, I thought that the purpose of the public beta was to avoid this :SPublic Beta's only work if people play them!