Author Topic: Soldat Version Switcher  (Read 2511 times)

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Offline rayanaga

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Soldat Version Switcher
« on: May 01, 2009, 11:39:59 pm »
First of all, I'd like to add that this app is mainly an example of an idea I whipped up for Soldat. I repeat, It's a quick-whipped example of the idea.

Lets say you have Soldat 1.5.0 and Soldat 1.4.2 or just Soldat 1.5.0 in itself and you play both versions. I'm guessing you probably have two folders in which both soldat copies are held. (Ex. C:\Soldat and C:\Soldat150).

My thought was to have a Soldat Version Switcher that basically is applied right to your Soldat 1.5.0 installation and you can choose to run either Soldat 1.4.2 or Soldat 1.5.0 on the same resources such as maps/.

This helps in later efficiency as when you go to install a mod, you can install it under mods/ and it will be accessible by both Soldat 1.4.2 and Soldat 1.5.0.
Also, it saves bandwidth since you only need to download a map/scenery/textures once. At runtime, the app patches a few files and runs the version of soldat. It's incredibily simple but I think it could lead to better efficiency.

The example of the idea is attached below. You can just extract and run it. If your Soldat directory isn't C:\Soldat, extract and run this app in your Soldat directory.

Any ideas or comments about this idea?
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Offline Shoozza

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Re: Soldat Version Switcher
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 03:31:40 am »
My thought was to have a Soldat Version Switcher that basically is applied right to your Soldat 1.5.0 installation and you can choose to run either Soldat 1.4.2 or Soldat 1.5.0 on the same resources such as maps/.
The reason why I wouldn't do this is because maps change between soldat versions and you cannot be sure the everything is the same (like the dll files).
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Offline xmRipper

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Re: Soldat Version Switcher
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 06:41:36 am »
For example, these maps are changed in 1.5.0;
Fixed CTF Maps: ctf_Nuubia, ctf_Laos, ctf_Division, ctf_Dropdown2, ctf_Voland, ctf_Viet, ctf_B2b, ctf_Snakebite, ctf_Kampf, ctf_Maya, ctf_Run
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