
What's your opinion of the current minigun?

I like it. Don't change it.
I hate it. Don't change it.
It's too powerful - too much damage
It's too powerful - easily abused
It's too weak - not enough damage
It's too weak - clip size is too small
The startup time ruins an otherwise usable gun
It's too fast!

Author Topic: The minigun - Where does it stand?  (Read 22871 times)

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Offline vulbastick

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2006, 02:28:35 pm »
The minigun of course not so great when your on you own but its real good for support.
In a one on one situation, I can usually take out an m79, barret or possibly a ruger with ease.
how does that relate with what i said?

Offline xurich

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2006, 02:41:27 pm »
It relates because you said the minigun isn't good for one-on-one situations, and he gave you a list of three one-on-one situations where the minigun would be effective, and he's absolutely right. The minigun is an excellent weapon for binking. If you're being camped by a barret, there's nothing more beautiful than taking out a minigun, binking him to death, and then stealing his gun. Ah, bliss.

Offline kalatix

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2006, 04:32:41 pm »
I think mr. Domino and some other people had it right - to increase the damage, because bullets do almost nothing, and to somewhat limit left-right movement whilst shooting. I would use it more if that were changed.
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Offline Sticky

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2006, 05:06:55 pm »
The minigun of course not so great when your on you own but its real good for support.
The minigun of course not so great when your on you own but its real good for support.
your on you own

Edit: xurich put it in a better way than me. Ahem.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2006, 05:09:31 pm by Sticky »

Offline T-Bone

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2006, 03:17:07 am »
deffinatly..the minigun is not a standalone "lonewolf" weapon. It was def. designed to support teamates, and lay down heavy fire to allow your teamates to advance. When it is in the latter scenario, it truly shines
Your acting like your having a duel and your opponent gets a pistol and you get a spork.
Isn't that pretty much what it is? I dunno wtf a spork is, I suppose it's way weaker than the pistol since you compared that to this.

Offline Yuth

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2006, 05:27:09 am »
Clearly what the Minigun needs is less StartUpTime more Damage more accurate bullets. And with this, as you shoot bullets from Minigun (Cause this is some heavy stuff) the cursor should move slightly slower depending on how long you've been holding the trigger.  ;)

Offline GAARAoftheDESERT

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2006, 12:58:06 pm »
Well, the minigun is (and always has been) almost imposible to use in RL mode because of weapon rise. But now with the spray inacuracy, it makes the minigun hard to use almost everywhere else. I will use it, if I think I can, but we cant use it to pin ppl down anymore (which I think is a good thing, forces you to get creative ;).)
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Offline xtishereb

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2006, 02:26:23 pm »
I think the Minigun needs less bink (Mistercharles suggested -4, I would support -10) and slightly more damage. If the whole binking causing weapons to spray at edge of a "cone" instead of randomly inside it is fixed, then I bet the Minigun would be a lot more deadly. Right now all it's useful for is providing OMFG cover fire and in tunnels, like inf_Outpost and ctf_Run, not that it's a bad thing.
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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2006, 01:02:38 pm »
ok ignore my ignorance, but when's the last time you seen a minigun user got to the top 3 on the score board in ANY server.

actually, when's the last time a minigun user got to top 5?? top 10??...maybe top 10.

you guys say it's fine as it is, and i ask you: have you ever got beaten by a minigun before? Ever? not including if you're almost dead or anything like that of course, but in a fair 1 on 1.

more damage would be nice, or maybe way more speed and long clip. this way it'll be more unique.

Offline Will

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2006, 01:23:22 pm »
i think the bullet speed should be slightly decreased because it's only a machinegun just firing faster ,
and to increase the damage and do something in realistic mode...

Offline Aquarius

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2006, 01:48:21 pm »
I think selfbink of Minigun is to big in 1.3.1. I like that Minigun is a bit stronger in exp.ini.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2006, 01:57:07 pm by Aquarius »


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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2006, 04:21:44 pm »
The minigun of course not so great when your on you own but its real good for support.
In a one on one situation, I can usually take out an m79, barret or possibly a ruger with ease.

uh...did i drop my knife/socom or something? lol...no minigun cant kill NOTHING 1 on 1. the end. if you don't believe me let's play right now lol. the only thing it can do is bink, but doesn't EVERY SINGLE OTHER AUTOS out there bink too?....

it's only a machinegun just firing faster ,

it's not..it is an anti-aircraft gattling cannon-gun. it's suppose to have bullets that can piece through metal, usualy capable of firing 3000-6000 bullets per minute. they are those guns that are mounted on helicopters and battle ships.

a machine gun would include weapons such as FN mini, rtk74 (i think, not positive), m60.....etc.
a submachine gun would be mp5, and p50, hk5, hk7....and stuff i dont have to list them here.
an assault rifle is where steyr belongs to, so is ak47, ak74, m4, m16, xm8, fama.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2006, 04:29:01 pm by Tacklebeast666 »

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2006, 01:38:37 am »
i dont agree with any of the options in the poll the problem i see is that the weapons to weak and pushes you back to much. It needs more damage and less force it just doesnt make sence a weapon that can lift you off the ground should kill anything you shoot it at in about a split second

Offline jbigz

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2006, 02:30:51 am »
Would locking player movement hamper the minigun's effectiveness aside from minisurfing and hovering? I think that could be a good way to curb the problems most have with it, but then I honestly don't use it and would be a poor judge to gauge its usefulness and tactics. Given the way it fires and that long start up, though, I can't image really moving around while firing as you would with any other weapon. Since the LAW is bound to the ground with the added startup time, too, I think it wouldn't be too out there as far as an additional requirement for usage. Adding some power to its shots but preventing the player from moving around would be a good trade off I think.

This post gave me a crazy idea. Maybe they could make the minigun like a real, ground mounted minigun, similar to the turrets. You would have to be kneeling on the ground (like when using the LAW), and then you could fire away. If that is put into affect, i think it should be maybe 25% stronger per bullet, because it cant be used while moving (obviously). Also, if by some crazy flute it does come to be real, it should spray less. Hey thats just my crazy idea that popped into my mind. any input on this?

Offline Mr. Domino

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2006, 05:02:19 am »
ok ignore my ignorance, but when's the last time you seen a minigun user got to the top 3 on the score board in ANY server.

By actually using the minigun as a weapon? Never. Capturing flags minisurfing? A fair amount. I think the problem is that users will always be looked down upon, since all the minigun can do is surf or "spray." Ultimately, the vast majority of minigunners will end up pushing the team flag or enemy flag carrier further away while binking their own team to kingdom come. At least that's my experience. It's the only weapon I see that is such a detriment to its own team through common use, which is why I hate it so much myself.

Offline Officer_Bulbock

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2006, 05:48:10 am »
A minigun topic? And I wasn't informed?

The minigun is way better than people think. Seriously, it slaughters campers with barrets with super bink. It's great for dislodging an opposing team from encamped positions, even if you die yourself you leave them out in the open for the rest of your team to deal with.

I could go on, but the main reason that the minigun feels underpowered is lag- it feels like only 1 in 3 bullets actually do damage, offline, it kills peaople pretty fast at close range.
The reason people consider it "noobish" is because it's easily abused, ie spray.

Honestly, the minigun is more than a sprayer- if you know "The way of the minigun" properly, you can get plenty of non-spray, legitimate kills. I find that the best way to use the minigun is to be maneoverable (As unrealistic as that is). Jump around, fire a burst at an enemy, drop down, fire some more, backflip and then jet forward over their heads and let them have it etc.
And remember, always be aggressive: with the minigun, the ball is almost always in your court- get near em, dislodge them, and do crazy ninja **** while hammering, disorianting and (Possibly) binking the buggers.

Woah- my post just turned into tips on using a minigun. I should write a guide sometime.

P.s. Don't get jaded about minigun spraying Mr. Domino- you'll just end up another Tweetie, going around trashing the minigun and calling it's users "Noobs" no matter how well they're doing or how they're doing it.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2006, 05:51:16 am by Officer_Bulbock »

Offline Mr. Jenkins

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2006, 10:30:23 am »
Nah, it's too weak cause it has too much bink and it takes too long to reload. I bet if you look closely you can see the soldat turning a crank...slowly....drawing in the loooong chain of bullets....

Offline Juggernaut

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2006, 01:26:10 pm »
no it doesn't slaughter campers....the camper will just take out socom to kill you off anyway.

besides, any autos can bink...just because minigun's binking doens't do as much damage and reload way slower and self bink way too high to hit an elephant......doesn't make it a good weapon (sarcasim?).

have you guys actually used it?, a minigun can't kill anyone 1 v 1 fair and square. all it does is a support role of doing tiny bit damages from a very far distance, or finish offalmost dead enemies.

can any of you here honestly say you "pwn" with minigun? only in reaslistic mode does it do a little something to the enemy...

recently i've noticed many miniguners who use the hack "no bink".

i noticed this because i was above many of them the other day, and their bullets were nonstop shooting my area, and even though they didn't stop the minigun bullets were as accurate as a mp5.

i think the reason people kill alot with miniguns these days is because of that.

if you think i'm just being a noob of calling everyone a haxor, why don't you try the gun yourself, then see how some of the miniguners now days are using them. you'll be suprised if the bullets are actually from a minigun instead of mp5 or steyr.

P.S. if minigun was a secondary, then there wouldn't be a problem because primary weapons are made for kill, while secondaries should be used for other supporting causes.

Offline Officer_Bulbock

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2006, 02:51:05 pm »
Juggernaut, in those points you made you assumed the minigunner was a moron who did nothing but spray.

And when I say it slaughters campers I mean if you go up against a camper with some skills you are, of course, going to have to use some tactics, but most campers sit there until it's too late, and you're already pounding them with lead.

The minigun could still do with some more damage, though- but It's still much more effective than people think.

Offline jbigz

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Re: The minigun - Where does it stand?
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2006, 03:28:04 pm »
juggernaut, in 1 vs 1 matches (which will NEVER determine how a weapon fares), it all depends on skill of each player adn the strategies they use, such as dodging, camping, rolling, etc. I in fact do use the minigun. not really as a weapon i use too often, but i use it when i feel the server is not all that good. plus sometimes i use it just to bring the panic on the other team of seeing 100 enemy bullets flying through the air... its just my opinion.