Author Topic: Pro Tips  (Read 15597 times)

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Offline demoniac93

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #60 on: May 14, 2009, 12:47:55 pm »
Spas tip: When you're on low health and just escaped a big fight or a hard duel, use your Spas to push yourself while running, to do so, shoot at the opposite direction to where you're headed, and shoot fast. It's a very old but also really useful way of taking advantage of it's great push back.

Mp5 tip: Never hold out on reloading, even if you're in the middle of 10 enemies, the mp5's fast reload is one of it's best qualities, so use it! Reload whenever you can, wherever you can. Always rush, with the mp5 it's a bad idea to stay back and defend, or chase EFC's and other targets, you only pick the target you encounter on the rush, and let go of him until hes about 1.5 screen scales away from you...And when facing long\mid range weapon users remember that the mp5 has a very short range in compared to those, so stick close to the enemy, use cover, an always switch angles on him, they'll eventually lose track and get confused.

Offline Mallow007

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #61 on: May 14, 2009, 04:17:03 pm »
Movement, always move! Don't just stand there, like a statue, and shoot when someone runs or jets past you. Your movement, no matter how crazy or unusual it is, makes it difficult for others to hit or kill you. The only downfall of movement is aiming. You will have to train a lot to optimize movement and aiming, and of course also aiming on moving opponents ;)
Tip: The above is not always true depending on the situation. You may need to stop occasionally (eg: You cannot shoot unless you're on the ground and crouched with a LAW), and in Infiltration (INF), camping is an ideal strategy.

If you are using a Barrett or Ruger, you should not keep moving like mad, because of movement inaccuracy. Practice this technique: Jump, then DO NOT PRESS ANY MOVEMENT KEY OR JET, then you shoot. In this way, you're still moving due to gravity, but you won't be affected by movement inaccuracy.

Tip 2: Read this simplified weapons guide. It can help you if you are not very decided with your weapons despite having played a lot. I'm working on a more detailed one in future.

About ruger....i disagree
Using ruger You should MOVE ALOT trying to get good shooting angles,also to hunt down players,of course u need to know that u cant RUSH ALL DAY LONG u need to def sometimes and more with this weapon balance
You just got rick rolle´d!

Offline ~Niko~

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #62 on: May 14, 2009, 05:05:04 pm »
Master the physics and the angle of the bullets of each weapon.

Offline lorinser

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2009, 12:49:58 am »

press "T" and write
T   H   I   S     I     S      S     P    A     R     T     A
press "enter"

and rush, you will see, it work

Offline STM1993

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #64 on: May 15, 2009, 12:55:11 am »
About ruger....i disagree
Using ruger You should MOVE ALOT trying to get good shooting angles,also to hunt down players,of course u need to know that u cant RUSH ALL DAY LONG u need to def sometimes and more with this weapon balance
Of course you should keep moving etc, I mean just before shooting, you need to stop a while, otherwise its movementacc 3 will take effect and cause your shots to be inaccurate. Missing with a Ruger is a big problem. The same applies to the Barrett, but the Barrett has movementacc 7 and has a startup time.

Offline pavliko

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #65 on: May 15, 2009, 02:01:50 am »

press "T" and write
T   H   I   S     I     S      S     P    A     R     T     A
press "enter"

and rush, you will see, it work

haha nice one :D !!!!
The safest thing to do is jumping out of a plane!

Offline demoniac93

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #66 on: May 15, 2009, 02:20:52 am »

press "T" and write
T   H   I   S     I     S      S     P    A     R     T     A
press "enter"

and rush, you will see, it work

haha nice one :D !!!!

We're trying to help the newbies not doom them...
@STM: You don't have to stop with the ruger, you simply get your hand off the movement key just for the instant when you shoot, however I know some rugetards that can shoot very accurately without having to do that....

Offline scarface09

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #67 on: May 15, 2009, 04:15:09 am »
Try to get as close to you're opponent when using the hk mp5.
Football is the other face of the world. If you don't like it, then you can get the hell out!

Offline Platehead

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #68 on: May 15, 2009, 11:28:10 pm »
Recognise the look of the guns as the little guys carry them.  If you see a brown tube then maybe don't rush so hard.  It's a good idea to know what they're using, and counter it effectively - maybe you shouldn't rush directly into an M79 or a Spas... but if you see an AK, get close and win with your superior DOT/Nades.

EDIT: This is basically a direct reply/addon to scarface's thing
"It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." -- Augustine

Offline Mx7

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #69 on: May 16, 2009, 02:17:05 am »
You don't have to get pro on a single weapon , but it easier to get precise shots by playing and knowing a single weapon's facts (like recoil , speed , damage , angle etc.)

When attacked (most likely in the enemy's base) do backflips , rolls , anything to fool the enemy as they will start to shoot at each other and stop to say "omg sorry" while you are far gone with the flag.

When you get killed by an m79 say "omg m79.." and vote kick him with the reason "♪ Mista Bombastic ;) ♫".

I noticed that , if you play on just one part of the map (let's say , only higher part ) you will get either killed more or saw-ed .- when you see this is happening , go to a different "level" of the map , like mid or low.

When drinking Red Bull and playing with an auto, please go spec.

Offline STM1993

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #70 on: May 16, 2009, 03:05:55 am »
I noticed that , if you play on just one part of the map (let's say , only higher part ) you will get either killed more or saw-ed .- when you see this is happening , go to a different "level" of the map , like mid or low.
That is because you have played on that part of the map for so long, the enemy has discovered and learned your patterns. He will use his knowledge of your pattern to fight back against you with a suitable weapon and with various tactics.

Offline demoniac93

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #71 on: May 16, 2009, 08:36:15 am »
You don't have to get pro on a single weapon , but it easier to get precise shots by playing and knowing a single weapon's facts (like recoil , speed , damage , angle etc.)

When attacked (most likely in the enemy's base) do backflips , rolls , anything to fool the enemy as they will start to shoot at each other and stop to say "omg sorry" while you are far gone with the flag.

Realistic only, and when is a flag chaser gonna stop to say sorry?!

When you get killed by an m79 say "omg m79.." and vote kick him with the reason "♪ Mista Bombastic ;) ♫".

Omg that just proves you're not even close to pro, a noob is a noob by behavior, as in whining complaining and bit**ing...You should ignore it and learn to dodge\counter them better.

I noticed that , if you play on just one part of the map (let's say , only higher part ) you will get either killed more or saw-ed .- when you see this is happening , go to a different "level" of the map , like mid or low.

It's in the beginner's guide somewhere around the forums I think, any veterans give us the link please? It states that the enemy might have even become sensitive to your presence there and therefore faster in reporting you, as he'll know that you'll still be there, that's why you should ALWAYS change routes after killing an enemy or being spotted, always, because he will report you and a teammate(s) will head there to take you out, so if you change routes immediately you'll 1.Make them waste man power
2.Provide yourself and your teammates with a temporarily weakly defended route, easier to go through.
3.Confused the enemies movements and delayed their actions. 

When drinking Red Bull and playing with an auto, please go spec.

You mean coffee, right? xD

Offline Makaveli

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #72 on: May 16, 2009, 09:09:55 am »
"Pro"... I can give y'all some pieces of advice from a kinda experienced realistic soldat player. May not apply neither to non-realistic nor s and/or a games. Will not write about such obvios things like constant movement or rushing only with full clip.

First of all: the sooner you see your enemy the better are your chances to defeat him. In your several first games it will feel like you are the only one unable to see throughout walls ;)

1. Knowledge about map is a must. You need to know where opponents are most likely to come from. This way you will be prepared.

2. Nades are lethal. It's an awesome weapon for close/mid range combat. Direct hit shuld kill a player. You can use them in several "advanced" ways:
a) players use steep slopes to gain speed in order to jump high. You can nade this slopes without even revealing your position. This method can be used for every spaces that are often used by oponents, for example spots which are used for landing after long jumps;
b) when you're running away from your oponents (with flag or to reload/heal yourself) drop nades on the ground. Chasing players want to be as fast as possible and soldat is a game with bunny-jumping. Opponents will often touch ground what makes them vulnerable to your "mines";
c) when it's likely that enemies will grab your flag try to nade it. It's always a nice (for you) supprise when an opponent gets killed 0,5s after grabbing;
d) if only you can do it, nade campers instead of shooting them. They are likely to kill you with one shot what may not be tru vice versa. Accurate nade is a shure thing;
d) always have at least one nade with you. You will not survive encountering a skilled spass-rusher when he makes it to v. close range but you can still kill both of you with a kamikaze nade xD

3. Don't be affraid of spraying. Let whiners whine while you enjoy your kills. There are many maps where spraying is extreamly useful. For short distance use mp5, mid - stayer, for the longest range take minimi.

4. Always try to use as few bullets as possible. Random shots can hurt your teammates and it's a bitch when you end up with no ammo and an almost dead enemy rushing at you.

5. M79 (aka noobgun) is a weapon good as any other. If it's not removed from server then you are free to use it. If someone calls you a noob dor using it you can always say: "so you were killed by a noob, my dear sir? doesn't it make you an ubern00b?". If anybody will try to votekick you for using it, it's a server takeover. If you play on a decent server (like Leo's) report it to an admin and it will be taken care of.

6. When facing two or more opponents always kill the one with rugger first. It's a one-hit-kill gun (in most cases) and while you need to hit a moving target several times with slow bullets, the guy with rugger can hunt you down with almost no effort. Btw rugger is good for beginers - huge dmg, decent range, fast rate of fire, blitz reload. Especially good when there are no more than 8 players in game.

7. What enemies can't see they can't kill. Usually :] But the point is that it's sometimes a good idea to hide near flag, let enemies go past you, wait 3-4 seconds and then follow them to your flag. They will be most likely unaware of your position and moreover, they will be facing your teammates.

8. As Mx7 said, change your routes. Especially running with flag. For example, on ctf_run, start your run high, wait untill one of oponents taunts "efc up" and you become invisible for emenies and then go mid. They will spray air. Also when you kill sb near his spawn it's very likely that just after spawn he will rush to get you and will also call his teammates to help him. You have time for preparations: reloading, healing, placing nade-o-mines etc.

9. Saw is for show-offs, knife if for support only. They may be useful in normal mode where eating is not a bug - it's a game concept. In realistic mode they are almost useless. Remember! Don't underestimate socom!

10. Don't ever listen to whiners. If your actions do not violate server's rules they can suck your dingdong.

Somewhere on there is also a large, detailed minimi tutorial written by me.

Offline Mx7

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #73 on: May 16, 2009, 10:17:07 am »
Omg that just proves you're not even close to pro, a noob is a noob by behavior, as in whining complaining and bit**ing...You
should ignore it and learn to dodge\counter them better.

Actually that was a joke..

You mean coffee, right? xD

nope. Red bull owns

Offline demoniac93

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #74 on: May 16, 2009, 10:44:17 am »
Omg that just proves you're not even close to pro, a noob is a noob by behavior, as in whining complaining and bit**ing...You
should ignore it and learn to dodge\counter them better.

Actually that was a joke..

You mean coffee, right? xD

nope. Red bull owns

F*** redbull, power horse FTW ;d
Back on topic: Learn all trick shots on different maps, and know which weapon is best for different situations like player numbers\scenery count\map scale\map type (Building\outdoors)

Offline KeNNy`

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #75 on: May 20, 2009, 09:21:23 am »
Tip: Try learn dodge in air(this is called "wormer" by pressing 'X' in air), this really can save Your ass. I know what I say. ;)
Advice: Don't kick someone with reason "asdfasdf"  "noob" or something else stupid.Then people think that You are "noob".
Thank you for Your attention. Good Luck my friend! :D
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 09:26:02 am by KeNNy` »
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Offline ElGato

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #76 on: May 20, 2009, 10:28:27 am »
Also, you should read this.
[fist] Black Powa

Offline excruciator

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #77 on: May 20, 2009, 10:30:48 am »
Use the most overpowered weapon in any version. And special mention to nades as they are always overpowered, so use them too.
Always remember the succubus...

Offline TradeMAAK

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #78 on: May 25, 2009, 12:05:43 pm »
Tip No.XXX - Do not pay this game.

But seriously - hide behind sceneries and use your weapon to shoot over them. This works extremely well in some maps (especially survival mode). But be cautious of m79 and laws.

There is no overpowered or underpowered weapons most of the time. Different map situations require different weapons. Maps with lots of colliders are good use of m79. Maps with big open space - spraying weapons. Small maps - spas, etc... it's not that hard to figure out. If someone complains that you are  an [X weapon] noob, he is a retard and should be kicked.

Press f11 or f12 depending on what majority of players want (vote against). For example, if majority want to kick a hacker vote f11, because this will only piss them off more and eventually they will nerdrage (hilarity ensues). If however some guy has an obviously stupid reason for kick (asdf, lol, etc..), be sure to vote f12, because if he gets kicked he will get serious nerdrage and maybe even come to forums to cry or do /mercy irl (WIN!).

Some TK/griefing pro tips:
1) NEVER use direct TKing method (just shoot someone in the face) unless you just want to get some quick 5 minute  fun and return to whatever you were doing. Then you can pick saw and just try to kill as many teammates as you can until you get kicked.
2) Use m79 or law and shoot the roof above players so they die but you don't get TK penalty.
3) Get in front of snipers when they are camping. Sometimes they stretch the view and can't see you, so when they shoot and kill you, they get TK penalty (Leo's servers).
4) Leo servers: If your teammate kills you, then either kill him instantly or wait to kill him next round. Choose the one which rage out the player more. For example if its the end of round, you will obviously kill him next round so he can't play, but if you want the round to end quicker, kill him this round.
5) Make it apparent that you are jewish, black or any other discriminated group and then report people for being racist when they kick you for tking and griefing (I don't think this actually works, because Leos TW admin banned me for being jewish lol, but the idea is fun)
6) Kill your teammate for flag and then when you have obvious chance to score, run back to enemy territory and give it back to them.
7) Use maximum signs in your name because to some people this will cause access violation error which will seriously piss themself off (I get these errors all the time and Im speaking from experience)

That's about it. If I think of something new I will write it down.

Offline croat1gamer

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Re: Pro Tips
« Reply #79 on: May 25, 2009, 12:53:32 pm »
Yeh, that is the perfect guide how to be a Major™
Last year, I dreamt I was pissing at a restroom, but I missed the urinal and my penis exploded.