Script Name: Simple Account System (using MSSQL functions by CurryWurst)
Script Description: This script is useful for scripters if they wish to create simple account system for the server. All data stored in database.txt file.
Original Author(s): CurryWurst (MSSQL and account functions, helping in testing , error fixing), Irlandec(command&other coding)
Core Version: 2.6.5
Compile Test:
PassedCode: //AccExists function presentation
function AccExists(Name: string): integer;
i: integer;
result:= -1;
for i:= 0 to GetArrayLength(database) - 1 do
if (GetPiece(database[i], #9, 0) = Name) then
result:= i;
//End of presentation
Short HOWTO: - Usage of MSSQL functions(how to make some magics with data) explained
here - Basic commands are:
/create [passhere] - creates an account (Account name is player's nickname) with a password(current password limit is 4-12 chars, changable)
/login [passhere] - logins to an existing account
/logout - logically
/changepass [passhere] - when logged in, you can change your existing password(limitations are same , but if you want to modify it, you have to modify 2 lines(in /create command and in /login command))
/delete - deletes your account data from database
If you have some questions or need explanation , feel free to post
Instalation notes: Open archive and extract all files and folders in your soldatserver root directory.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This script is for scripter-use , not for server owners(at least if they can code)
Feel free to edit or use it, but be so kind and mention the names of creators
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