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Shoozza said that if we can get ~50 people, who want him to port Soldat to Linux, he will continue the development.
And nowadays more and more games/programs have Windows/Linux versions. So why Soldat wouldn't have that kind of feature too.
Because the default, native, and currently only client was written in Delphi and DirectX. DirectX is the video core of the game and is _only_ supported on Windows.For Soldat to be cross platform, it would need to be rewritten usiong OpenGL for its video support, which is what Shoozza is/was doing.Still, add a poll to this topic.
yeee i could finally remove windows forever!
And what about Shoozza, did you actually talk with him? Maybe he is so busy that he didn't even see this topic?
Maybe you should remove the "No" option.
Support. Everyone to #Shoozza now! You can use to connect.
He won't see this thread unless some one links him to it.