- Ingame Nick --> Stoned_Hippie
- Favourite weapons --> spas, mp5, deagles and ruger
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,...) --> MSN -->
dudedoyouknowme@hotmail.com and I got mIRC
- You play since... ? --> 1.3.0
- Where are you from? --> Finland
- References --> 1.3.1 [X], 1.3.2 pZ', |MC|, 1.4.1-2 #S!N. and many others but most of them aren't even mentionables
- Favourite gamemode(s)? --> CTF, DM, INF
- Rating of your own skill --> Better than average, 1-10, 6½
- Why do you want to join a clan? --> I like being in a group where other players support and help eachothers to be better players.. I've never been a lone wolf..