I haven't been using actionsnap, however, I will be starting to use it for 2 reasons. 1. I like the shot sometimes. 2. As I'm getting my personal video studio set up as part of my job (contract renewed... DUDDITS!!!), I want to do some Soldat based animation for either a comic or just for fun and practice, so the pics help when you need a reference.
As in terms of lobby chat. I've been on a few times, but there is never anyone there. I'm not lonely enough to talk to myself. It sure would be nice and would help sometimes if there were people on. I think if all of us try to be on on a regular basis, it could come to be quite handy and fulfill its purpose. Sometimes I see an empty server here and there, that could be quickly filled if there were some communication. Lately, I've had a hard time playing, since the servers I play on are always empty, or down and the ones people are playing on are too far for me.
Hopefully I can set up one or two dedicated servers this summer, sometime in August or September. That would help in the West.