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(16:43:59) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (OnCommand): Out of Global Vars range(16:43:59) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Out of Global Vars range(16:43:59) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (OnCommand): Invalid Opcode(16:43:59) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0B43, accessing address 00000109(16:44:00) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000109(16:44:01) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 0000011C(16:44:02) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 0000012C(16:44:03) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 0000013C(16:44:04) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 0000014C(16:44:05) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 0000015C(16:44:06) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 0000016C
Where do you host the server?
(14:19:09) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (OnPlayerSpeak): Invalid Type(14:19:09) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0B43, accessing address 0000010D(14:19:09) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 0000010D(14:19:10) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000120(14:19:11) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000130(14:19:12) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000140(14:19:13) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000150(14:19:14) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000160(14:19:14) [Izi] wtf(14:19:14) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (OnPlayerSpeak): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000170(14:19:14) [PLS | HarDBroknDreaM.Cs] !vote(14:19:15) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (OnPlayerSpeak): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000180(14:19:15) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (AppOnIdle): Access violation at address 080A0BCC, accessing address 00000190
(13:03:51) [KM| Polifen] gz(13:03:52) [*] [Error] MapRandomizer -> (OnPlayerSpeak): Out of Global Vars range
Bump: Save a copy of your old post, then delete, make a new, paste the old in, make a line, write the new post
WriteConsole(0, 'Spectators can''t vote!', Color);
WriteConsole(0, 'Spectators can'+#39+'t vote!', Color);
if (LowerCase(Text) = '!nextmap') or (LowerCase(Text) = '!ranmap') or (LowerCase(Text) = '!vote') then begin//and just put code here once
Anyway, not sure what you've changed since the first post:
Code: [Select]WriteConsole(0, 'Spectators can''t vote!', Color);It suprises me that actually compiles? You could use the ascii replacement for ' and + to attach strings to eachother:Code: [Select]WriteConsole(0, 'Spectators can'+#39+'t vote!', Color);
Oh yeah, I asume you are aware that the code you posted contains the same script twice. I'm sure you don't have that on your server since it wouldn't compile.
Oh. And I see now that in OnPlayerSpeak you have three commands that do the same thing (right?), but still use an if..then..else structure between them, you could also do this:Code: [Select]if (LowerCase(Text) = '!nextmap') or (LowerCase(Text) = '!ranmap') or (LowerCase(Text) = '!vote') then begin//and just put code here once