Author Topic: Ok so...  (Read 40925 times)

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Offline Leo

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #60 on: July 02, 2009, 03:25:18 am »
I think that it was wrong of EnEsCe to rent out developmental servers anyway, regardless of anything else. No other server provider can offer his customers exclusive access to the next generation server version, and EnEsCe shouldn't have that advantage either, no matter if he develops it.
Agree, being developer AND offering server rentals are conflict interests somehow. If there is a need for tests I am sure there are many server owners that are willing to help.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 03:27:46 am by Leo »

Offline STM1993

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #61 on: July 02, 2009, 03:38:26 am »
I don't see 100% honesty, even in his statement, but I believe eC should be forgiven despite the many flaws he had displayed. I just hope he overcomes his vices and not repeat these mistakes again. Give him one more chance, I have faith in him.

Other than that, I have no other comments on the matter. I'd leave that to you guys to settle.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 03:40:28 am by STM1993 »

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #62 on: July 02, 2009, 03:47:20 am »
I don't see a lot of honesty, even in the apology, but I believe eC should be forgiven despite the many flaws he had displayed. I just hope he overcomes his vices and not repeat these mistakes again. Give him one more chance, I have faith in him.

Other than that, I have no other comments on the matter. I'd leave that to the staff.
The thing is, that he has already got one chance to be a better person and work towards the community. In my opinion, while this issue (only if he is guilty) doesn't necessarily show that he isn't up to work for the community, it shows that he is not trustworthy and does some of the work for his own benefit and doing it by abusing his position is not something to be forgiven easily. In the end, if he did skew the pings intentionally, not only did he abuse his position for his own personal benefit but also cheat his paying customers.

And I agree with xurich and Leo, it clearly gives him advantage over other server providers, and that is not fair in terms of competition.
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Offline Farah

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #63 on: July 02, 2009, 04:44:01 am »
was already posted if you'd care to read this topic.

Anyways, I find it very hard to believe this statement, and dismiss my MULTIPLE bans(even after other admins had unbanned me because they could not see how me bringing up the topic was "defamation" at all) as just irrational blind rage. You did not even care to read the content of the topic, thus assuming you knew what was coming and you tried to control the information coming into soldatforums. I also like how you accused me of actually reading your blog and coinciding my topic from when you were going to be busy, 'sif I actually would give a damn enough to actually read your blog or your twitter( Trying to dismiss me and many others as a conspirator against you? "Employing the services of hackers"? Defaming a business to which you would not even give me the ABN(implying you do this off the books, which makes your legal threats bollocks, and your "business" put in jeopardy).

[15:43:28] <EnEsCe> no, explaining is not defamation, getting a hacker to create a hacked binary and use that as evidence is.

Of which I did not even post.... So the topic wasn't defaming you, the very post with the so-called hacked binary was? Christ, you should get your explanations sorted. I really cannot believe that all of this was just blind rage and that you did not know what you were thinking, when the the first topic was made I tried to keep it as civil as possible, keeping the implications of the inconsistency broad because contrary to your belief, it was never to directly antagonise you. It was for an explanation to be made and the appropriate actions(or lack of) to be taken by the appropriate people. The second topic just summarises the whole situation and was compiled by a group of people.
<EnEsCe> you challenge me I will make your Soldat life a living hell.

Offline Chariot

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2009, 04:46:56 am »
I don't buy it. You advertised your servers as having low ping when you first offered them, meaning you KNEW they were lower than other hosts. It didn't click with you that the difference in pings in your servers and other servers was simply too big? You didn't stop to think why that is? You already knew why, its simple.
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Offline MetsuriTossavainen

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2009, 04:50:15 am »
Oh EnEsCe... How could you? :(

Shoozza has a lot of experience in coding so he should be part of the dev team. He's a nice guy.

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Offline Ouchek

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #66 on: July 02, 2009, 05:21:21 am »
Look guys, it's rather easy to sum up the situation : He tricked us all, and now he's coming up with some weird excuses, I would be willing to "forgive" him if he actually admitted to his mistakes but he's still trying to bulls**t us all.
Remove him from the dev team and get some people who will focus on fixing bugs instead of making different head explosions/radio commands thanks

Offline Jack the CAMPER

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2009, 06:22:28 am »
Shoozza for president \o/
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 06:26:51 am by Jack the CAMPER »

Offline Michal Marcinkowski

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #68 on: July 02, 2009, 06:35:56 am »
I feel like a bear being brought out from sleep (haven't posted here in a while) and to be honest I'm quite annoyed by this. I'm annoyed by anything that stops me from working on games and it annoys me that EnEsCe could have also done some work instead of writing long posts and conducting" interviews".

EnEsCe wrote an apology and explanation here regarding the pings on his server. You can read it:

I talked to him and from what I know and remember it is true. The lowered ping was used for temporarily fixing bullet trails. EnEsCe obviously made a mistake by leaving it I believe unintentionally. During the years I also left many "debug" stuff sitting in the code, but I wasn't accused for it because I am not running a servers business.

For me EnEsCe failed in the public relations realm but I do not blame him for that because really I don't care. What matters is if he delivers a new Soldat version or not. The game is all that matters in the end and never forget about that.

That is why I am focusing on my new game Link-Dead, which will be awesome (I am actively running a development log on

The lesson here to be learnt is:

Do not jump on the bandwagon too quickly. Stay away from drama and gossip. That's the realm of women. As Men we should concentrate on Truth, Respect of one another and making good Work. Learn to separate those that work hard on creating something and those that just talk. EnEsCe is making a fine job with the new version, so if you really care about the game, wait for Soldat 1.5.1.

Offline m00`

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2009, 06:46:09 am »
yeah girls suck

Offline Meteorisch

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #70 on: July 02, 2009, 06:47:46 am »
Proooooo enesce proooo. bye
Clicking this increases your IQ oh wait.

Offline Squakingcow

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #71 on: July 02, 2009, 07:03:06 am »
The explanation EC posted is all well and good but the logs showing conversations between EC and mafioza show that EC was well aware of the problems months ago when he initially launched his European servers, however I guess since the logs cannot be verified as being real they can be fobbed off as being 'fake'...

Still seems a bit far fetched that once Shoozza had isolated the lines of code that showed where the ping reduction was happening that EC didn't just step in and inform everyone then that it was a section of code accidental left in from debugging, but whatever.

Offline ramirez

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #72 on: July 02, 2009, 07:05:37 am »
The explanation EC posted is all well and good but the logs showing conversations between EC and mafioza show that EC was well aware of the problems months ago when he initially launched his European servers, however I guess since the logs cannot be verified as being real they can be fobbed off as being 'fake'...
He pretty much admitted that they were true in the interview with Shoozza, so they're definitely not fake.

I talked to him and from what I know and remember it is true. The lowered ping was used for temporarily fixing bullet trails. EnEsCe obviously made a mistake by leaving it I believe unintentionally. During the years I also left many "debug" stuff sitting in the code, but I wasn't accused for it because I am not running a servers business.
It still doesn't explain why the "forgotten fix" was only enabled on his server. If it was forgotten there, it should have happened on all servers, not just his.

Offline F4||3N

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #73 on: July 02, 2009, 07:07:47 am »
To return from my two month ban, which I received from EnEsCe, for asking questions about his hacking past, I must say, I, am, laughing, my, penis off.

April 13 - The same day I got banned, (I think)

You have just been sent a personal message by jrgp on Official Soldat Forums.
IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.
The message they sent you was:
(Me) - Xurich locked a perfect relavent topic about EnEsCe's dark and gruesome past. Claiming I am trying to "cause trouble". Everyone in the community has a right to know about EnEcSe's criminal past
(jrgp) - EnEsCe hasn't been evil for years and years and YEARS. Stop ragging on him. Especially since right now he's doing all the soldat work since MM hasn't time.

It's funny how I am right, and you're all wrong.
I've never liked EnEsCe, from the very first post I read of his. He trolls, flames, he bans people and locks topics for no real reason.

Everyone said his changed. Sure I acknowledge his done stuff for Soldat, But I saw this coming months ago.

Can I get admin rights? For my excellent detective work?

Offline Squakingcow

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #74 on: July 02, 2009, 07:22:01 am »
It has also occurred to me after thinking about it, if the lowering of the ping in-game was to test if it would fix the issue with bullet trials, if you were going to do so you would not go to the effort of scripting it so that once you reach 100ms ping you get a 50ms in-game reduction, you would reduce all pings in the game to 16, and then see if there was a difference between the bullets from a player of a known high ping and one of a low ping.

Offline ramirez

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #75 on: July 02, 2009, 07:26:02 am »
Also if it was a fix, why would you reduce it from the actual variable that is used to calculate the ping, instead of just using the reduced value in the corresponding algorithm, eg:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
PingTicks -= 2;

The former would be more logical "fix" attempt.

Offline truup

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #76 on: July 02, 2009, 07:30:10 am »
I really don't see why everyone buys that explanation, obviously he was saving it up until once someone finds out. Only EnEsCe knows if it was left there intentionally, and considering the sole fact (which was proven AGAIN) that he is abusing his power and position, it's really hard to believe that he didn't do it intentionally.

Also, no comment on MM's post, anyone can see through the message..

Offline n2j3

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #77 on: July 02, 2009, 07:37:14 am »
Also, no comment on MM's post, anyone can see through the message..
oh yes, I see pretty well

Offline Geoffrey

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #78 on: July 02, 2009, 07:45:52 am »
I respect MM's position as creator of Soldat giving him the final say in these matters but he explicitly says he doesn't really care. Personally I think that someone with a more current interest in this community should decide. Letting flab decide would be the most sensible course of action in my opinion.

Sorry but I simply don't believe these excuses.

Offline F4||3N

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Re: Ok so...
« Reply #79 on: July 02, 2009, 07:47:17 am »
Also, no comment on MM's post, anyone can see through the message..
oh yes, I see pretty well
