Author Topic: Barrett is underpowered.  (Read 31730 times)

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Offline darDar

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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #80 on: June 14, 2010, 07:26:49 am »
if you guys continue complaining about the current weapons we will someone end up with such a crap weapons.ini like we´ve had in the new beta. To be honest, the weapons are somehow kinda balanced. Ofc some changes could be done somewhere, but basicly the balance is given.
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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #81 on: June 14, 2010, 08:24:03 am »
It was balanced to begin with... the problem was, MM and the balance team listened to much to the whiners going "ZOMG DIZ WEAPONZ R OVAPOWRRD...FIX DEM NOW!!!" and it all went to shit. Make every damn weapon one hit kill, that'll balance it out!
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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #82 on: June 15, 2010, 05:08:46 am »
if you guys continue complaining about the current weapons we will someone end up with such a crap weapons.ini like we´ve had in the new beta. To be honest, the weapons are somehow kinda balanced. Ofc some changes could be done somewhere, but basicly the balance is given.
it is pretty balanced now already... however... 1.4.2 -> 1.5 wm didn't nerf the already overpowered minimi.... so now there's basically 1 weapon that is super dominant....remove 1 dmg from it and it'll be fine probably. (so that it takes something like 1-2 more bullets to kill with it). and + 99999 dmg on brt.

Offline Wes

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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #83 on: June 18, 2010, 10:01:04 am »
CTF is the only gametype that works at all in soldat now, so that should be the focus. Deathmatch or TDM is not competatively playable in my opinion.

Basically due to the nature of soldat, being a 2d shooter, there arent enough strategic choices in a fight (both exposed to one another) to make it good for DM. Deaths and kills cannot be the focus. That's why CTF works.

I agree that startup lag is a bad, but I don't know how one would fix it without causing other problems.

Why not just make the damn auto's worse? They are already the best. Even a slight change could make things better.

Offline SoldatFire

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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #84 on: November 29, 2010, 08:45:25 am »
yes the [Barret] is underpowered if you get only touched by 1 bluet from any weapon you cant aim at 5meters correctly and if you miss then you are in 90% dead i would let it so but with a faster shooting sped for 50%  :| 
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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #85 on: November 29, 2010, 09:22:21 am »
yes the [Barret] is underpowered if you get only touched by 1 bluet from any weapon you cant aim at 5meters correctly and if you miss then you are in 90% dead i would let it so but with a faster shooting sped for 50%  :|

A good player knows how to aim to hit a target even when binked. Just learn it ;)

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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #86 on: November 29, 2010, 09:29:33 am »
DC, It does not work like that.

Yes you can binkshot

No, there is no actual way how to do it.

It's pretty much 20 % skill and 80 % luck.

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Offline VirtualTT

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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #87 on: November 29, 2010, 09:30:49 am »
It was balanced to begin with... the problem was, MM and the balance team listened to much to the whiners going "ZOMG DIZ WEAPONZ R OVAPOWRRD...FIX DEM NOW!!!" and it all went to s**t.
The same happened with spray... and knife... there are always some whining noobs around...
I personally prefer 1.2.1 or at least 1.3 balance, ever since 1.4 everything is screwed...

Offline SoldatFire

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Re: Barrett is underpowered.
« Reply #88 on: November 29, 2010, 09:46:28 am »
i now that i can kill someone with barrett when binked but in 80% u gona miss and the get PWNED  :P
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