Author Topic: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.  (Read 11887 times)

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Offline Dairy

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.·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« on: July 07, 2009, 03:37:57 pm »
Alright, how to start. I just got what I was most afraid of. My time here came to be just visiting and I reply only once upon a time, that makes me sad and this s**t but I came out with a great idea. Everything 'til now shouldn't be wasted as many people did before. Take this as memorial to my time here and enjoy my years of work. From start to it's end. This, however might not be the last thing you get from me but for now it's kind of difficult to me to spend my time on moddin' for a freeware game, no offence, it's a great game.

So here is the thing, I packed everything, and I mean everything from my work with pixels. Pixelarts and all those modded f**kin' pieces of s**t.

There is a chance I'll post something new someday but I'm too freakin' lazy to even make something nowadays for this sections of this forum thus someday means in far future. Even if I see the status of beauty and creativity around which is bellow zero. Sadly.

Download file has 105 MB and it's packed. So those with slow connections which nowadays ain't too often should give up.

It contains ALL weapon interfaces, mods, pixelart, sound mods and everything I have ever made in MS Paint. There might be somebodyelse work accidentaly too so I'm sorry for it. But I think I'm wrong with this.

So enjoy it and be nice.

Note : I don't know where this belongs and I don't really care. For that I have here Espadon so he can move it wherever he wants. I don't mind.

As the name is, rest in peace and farewell douchebags. =D

I'll add pictures recently...

Offline Hair|Trigger

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2009, 06:18:44 pm »
Sad to see you go Dairy...  have a good one ;)

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Offline KeNNy`

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2009, 06:39:21 am »
This is the most strange Soldat-CS mod I`ve ever seen. ^^
Old School

Offline Dairy

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2009, 06:51:03 am »
This is the most strange Soldat-CS mod I`ve ever seen. ^^

Wait , what ? If you're so lazy to read the whole topic don't reply. Thanks.

EDIT: Post bellow and above makes me think this forum is full of stupid people. If you cannot read, don't post... thanks.

EDIT2: read the white sentence at least ...dumbshits.

Offline MattH

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2009, 08:11:11 am »
Above makes me realise that the world is full of people that are rude for no real reason

   You said nothing about your cod4 mod and to tell you the truth as you said yourself your English is kind of weird so some times its hard to understand fully what you're trying to say.

there is nothing unreasonable about asking ->"Are you going to finish the COD4 mod?"

*Final EDIT before I give up*

The white sentence says nothing other than that you might post something every now and again all I wanted to know was if you were planning on finishing the mod thats no reason to call a guy a "Dumbs**t".

and please take your own advice

So enjoy it and be nice.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 09:12:42 am by MattH »

Offline Espadon

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2009, 09:06:02 am »
He was frustrated at the guy assuming it was a CS mod simply because it looked like a bunch of modern weapons.
CRYSO | HLT                        

    CRY0 | NAN0 2.1 | 0MEN 1.0 | PYR0 1.1M | B0RG 1.0

Offline Dairy

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2009, 11:49:03 am »
Ok sorry. But as I'm readin' my post I know it's not perfect but It sounds to me just as I wanted to say. I might come back someday with something new. But not in few days. I mean future...

I might sound weird again but I bet it's not fault only from my side. People ask weird things like finishin' it. Look, in this package you got all weapons and mods I have EVER made. There are more than 800 interface pictures. Many of them are fully moded. Sadly, many are not. But there is EVERYTHING I ever made and I mean everything... interfaces with weapons gfx, interface weapons, gosteks, sound packages and many other things like sparks and kits...

Offline demoniac93

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2009, 06:06:11 pm »
Wow, since when did people start making good bye letters for game forums? O_O
No offense, I ain't got nothing against you, but ffs...

Offline Henito Kisou

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2009, 12:50:36 pm »
Typical overreaction based on subjective image of community... not based on reality. In fact, your second time.

lol Soldat stuff\Stuff\SoldatRegKey on 1.21.txt

But generally some unique stuff in package as I see.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 12:53:05 pm by Henito Kisou »

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2009, 01:06:03 am »
Bye mate, thanks for all that you've contributed.
That girl's a genius
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
I think she's serious
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh

Offline Mastadi

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2009, 09:06:19 am »
It's sad to see one of the best, maybe even the best modder go :(


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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2009, 09:19:54 am »
Well, you weren´t the best, but no one could possibly say that you were more bad than others and I like to play some of your mods. You did good mods, I like your artwork, some of your maps are even fun ( :) ) and you gave us your regkey for 1.2.1 ;D

Well, as you just leave the community as a modder I say goodbye to your gfx art but I am happy, that you don´t leave the community at all. Have fun around ;)

Offline Mangled*

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2009, 07:55:28 pm »
Dairy you are one of the greatest and most dedicated modders in the Soldat community, your mods were all great and your work extensive. You were always in amongst the small number of elite modders (we know who we are  :P).

Good luck.

I recommend this thread for a Sticky.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 07:57:45 pm by Mangled* »
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." - Ezekiel 23:20

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2009, 05:33:34 am »
Dairy... Without you that community is going to die (modding one)

Great job, Ill try those fantastic weapons when I come back from my trip, good luck man

Offline PaFel

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2009, 01:26:24 pm »
I really don't take why the whole modding section died... I realised that no one really cares about it and everyone are too lazy to do something. Only exeption is -Sky- who still makes some stuff...

Hope that modding mood that came to me lastly won't live me and I'd finish some stuff (anyway I really don't think that if I'd post something it would bring some life back to this section ;D ).

And for the people who don't understand why Dairy is writing such a piece of s*it about leaving etc. :

As I take it, modding is real hard work and when you really want to make good mod you put on it all your 'power'. It's like art. After some time you realize that you are personally connected to all things you made 'cause of effort and time you've put into it. Damn, I can't find good words to explain it better so a little example.

I had a nightmare. Burglar came to my home and started stealing things at night. I woke up and when I saw that he's disconecting PC I started bagging him for leaving me hard drive 'cause there are my mods there.

When I told my friends about it, they were laughing as hell.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 03:38:01 pm by PaFel »

Offline numgun

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2009, 06:14:29 am »
This thread is full of bullshit. Seriously. : /
(Not the artwork, the talking here I mean.)

Offline Ragnaros

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2009, 01:48:42 am »
Dairy... Without you that community is going to die (modding one)
Dairy you are one of the greatest and most dedicated modders in the Soldat community, your mods were all great and your work extensive.

and i see some weapons from S.t.a.l.k.e.r. ;) i love that game, i love your work so why i should not download this?
i think its my duty to download this wonderful piece of art!

ps: "Stalker mod" from Dairy could be soooooo cooool.....  :'(
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 08:14:41 am by Ragnaros »

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2009, 04:52:17 am »
Sad to see you go Diary, it's gonna be quit around here without you :/ (modding section)

Offline Dairy

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2009, 02:36:46 pm »
Bye mate, thanks for all that you've contributed.

Thanks dude. (^^)

Sad to see you go Dairy...  have a good one ;)

Heh, thanks I will. =)

Dairy you are one of the greatest and most dedicated modders in the Soldat community, your mods were all great and your work extensive. You were always in amongst the small number of elite modders (we know who we are  :P).

Good luck.

I recommend this thread for a Sticky.

Never thought you would be the person who could be so nice to me. (^^) Appreciate it a lot. =)

Dairy... Without you that community is going to die (modding one)

Great job, Ill try those fantastic weapons when I come back from my trip, good luck man

Argh... not at all. This section won't die. Never because of one person, but I can tell you it's dead a long time. Not really dead but something like not too much interested section of this forums.

But thanks, pal.

I really don't take why the whole modding section died... I realised that no one really cares about it and everyone are too lazy to do something. Only exeption is -Sky- who still makes some stuff...

Hope that modding mood that came to me lastly won't live me and I'd finish some stuff (anyway I really don't think that if I'd post something it would bring some life back to this section ;D ).

And for the people who don't understand why Dairy is writing such a piece of s*it about leaving etc. :

As I take it, modding is real hard work and when you really want to make good mod you put on it all your 'power'. It's like art. After some time you realize that you are personally connected to all things you made 'cause of effort and time you've put into it. Damn, I can't find good words to explain it better so a little example.

I had a nightmare. Burglar came to my home and started stealing things at night. I woke up and when I saw that he's disconecting PC I started bagging him for leaving me hard drive 'cause there are my mods there.

When I told my friends about it, they were laughing as hell.

Heh, c'mon. I'm not an artist at all. =) But I'm glad of your "forums" friendship.

Thanks buddy.

This thread is full of bulls**t. Seriously. : /
(Not the artwork, the talking here I mean.)

Heh, tell me about it. Many people don't know me, thus I guess they just ignore this topic or take it as a joke or something. =)

Nice to see you around after a looooong time. =)

Dairy... Without you that community is going to die (modding one)
Dairy you are one of the greatest and most dedicated modders in the Soldat community, your mods were all great and your work extensive.

and i see some weapons from S.t.a.l.k.e.r. ;) i love that game, i love your work so why i should not download this?
i think its my duty to download this wonderful piece of art!

ps: "Stalker mod" from Dairy could be soooooo cooool.....  :'(

Actually, the STALKER mod is in the Download here.... It contains all my work so it counts even the Stalker mod. Obviously many weapons ain't completely finished but many are. =) Feel free to finish it by your own.

Thanks as well.

Sad to see you go Diary, it's gonna be quit around here without you :/ (modding section)

Dude, I can remember long time ago, I can count years when I saw 1st mods for soldat, I was like "whoa, teh OWnzoRd, dat gaMe is teh moddaBul ?...awsum!"

Your CS mod made a long period of fun play. I mean it. It started an idea in my head If I could even do something like that... and that was the start of popin' shizzle of modded weapons in my head.

Thanks, at least here around are some nice old fellas as well. (^^)

Typical overreaction based on subjective image of community... not based on reality. In fact, your second time.

lol Soldat stuff\Stuff\SoldatRegKey on 1.21.txt

But generally some unique stuff in package as I see.

Thanks for the unique stuff, but still... I guess this will be the last bye.

Could happen that I'll post something once upon a time. But not active again...

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Re: .·´¯`·Rest In Peace·´¯`·.
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2009, 08:14:17 am »
Did I miss something there?

Thanks for all the stuff You've done Dairy, it was really great and was also a kind of an inspiration for me.
GL & HF :)