i resized them...
I thought that more people would finally read my topics, I mean, it's been a while since I actually did anything.. 9 months??
shit, 9 months ago I was making interfaces, Im novice at modding. I made one mod but only because Dairy did most (most=all?) of the work. I wouldn't be in this situation if I had said, "I copied these from GIS and resized them and outlined them!!! Download these because I am uncool for doing that!"
Seriously? I just want people saying, Hey Val, what's up? We should play Soldat like old times!
you guys are getting extremely judgemental these days, I'm back with something that I hardly did, which I admit it wasn't the greatest "Welcome" I have had, but seriously, Help me improve so it's easier for me next time I decide to let my computer crash and have to wait another 9 months to finally get the chance again.
Oh and say all you want about me resizing and acting like I didn't, because your mom was a whore, a German, Blond whore. << i didn't mean that, I am sorry...
But I guess I'm not remembered, and I shall be forgotten...