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Last year, I dreamt I was pissing at a restroom, but I missed the urinal and my penis exploded.
procedure OnWeaponChange(ID, PrimaryNum, SecondaryNum: Byte);begin for i := 1 to 32 do if c[i] = false then begin if r[i] = true then dec(clip[SecondaryNum][i], -1); c[i] := true; end;end;
for i := 1 to 32 do begin if (GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Active') = true) then begin end;end;
constTIMER = 100; //It means: 100 times per secondProcedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);var i: integer;begin for i:=0 to TIMER do begin WriteConsole(0,'works',$E4C3C3C) // Change that line for whatever you want. Sleep(1000/TIMER); end;end;