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const _FOLDER_DATABASE = ''; _NAME_DATABASE = 'stats.txt'; Players = 14;var database : array of string; Exception: string; Kills,Deaths: array [1..Players] of Word;procedure OnErrorOccur(const ERROR_MSG: string);begin Exception:= ERROR_MSG;end;function IXSplit(const SOURCE: string; Delimiter: string): array of string;var i, x, d: integer; s, b: string;begin d:= length(Delimiter); i:= 1; SetArrayLength(Result, 0); while (i <= length(SOURCE)) do begin s:= Copy(SOURCE, i, d); if (s = Delimiter) then begin SetArrayLength(Result, x + 1); Result[x]:= b; Inc(i, d); Inc(x, 1); b:= ''; end else begin b:= b + Copy(s, 1, 1); Inc(i, 1); end; end; if (b <> '') then begin SetArrayLength(Result, x + 1); Result[x]:= b; end;end;function ReadFromFile(File: string): string;begin Result:= ReadFile(File); Result:= Copy(Result, 0, length(Result) - 2);end;function DoesFileExist(Name: string): boolean;begin if (GetSystem() = 'windows') then begin if (FileExists(Name)) then begin result:= true; end; end else begin if ((FileExists(Name)) or (ReadFromFile(Name) <> '')) then begin result:= true; end; end;end;procedure _LoadDatabase();begin if (DoesFileExist(_FOLDER_DATABASE + _NAME_DATABASE)) then begin database:= IXSplit(ReadFromFile(_FOLDER_DATABASE + _NAME_DATABASE), #13#10); end else begin WriteFile(_FOLDER_DATABASE + _NAME_DATABASE, ''); end;end; procedure _SnapDatabase();var i: integer; b: string;begin for i:= 0 to GetArrayLength(database) - 1 do begin if (b <> '') then begin b:= b + #13#10 + database[i]; end else begin b:= database[i]; end; end; WriteFile(_FOLDER_DATABASE + _NAME_DATABASE, b);end;function _RowExists(RowID: integer): boolean;begin result:= ArrayHigh(database) >= RowID;end;function _getColumnInfo(RowID, ColumnID: integer): integer;var ch, x, tabs: integer; b: string;begin tabs:= -1; b:= database[RowID]; while (tabs <> ColumnID) do begin x:= StrPos(#9, b); if ((x = 0) and (tabs <> ColumnID)) then begin exit; end; Inc(tabs, 1); if (tabs = ColumnID) then begin result:= ch + 1; break; end else begin ch:= ch + x; Delete(b, 1, x); end; end;end;function GetTypeOF(Value: variant): string;begin case VarType(Value) of 3 : result:= IntToStr(Value); 5 : result:= FloatToStr(Value); 11 : result:= iif(Value, 'true', 'false'); 256: result:= Value; else result:= 'unknown Type'; end;end;procedure _CreateRow(Columns: array of variant);var i, x: integer;begin SetArrayLength(database, GetArrayLength(database) + 1); x:= GetArrayLength(database) - 1; for i:= 0 to GetArrayLength(Columns) - 1 do begin database[x]:= database[x] + GetTypeOF(Columns[i]) + #9; end; _SnapDatabase();end;function _DeleteRow(RowID: integer): boolean;var HIndex: integer;begin if (_RowExists(RowID)) then begin HIndex:= GetArrayLength(database) - 1; if (RowID <> HIndex) then begin database[RowID]:= database[HIndex]; end; SetArrayLength(database, iif(HIndex > 0, HIndex - 1, 0)); _SnapDatabase(); result:= true; end else begin OnErrorOccur('RowID ' + IntToStr(RowID) + ' does not exist'); end;end;function _UpdateColumn(RowID, ColumnID: integer; Increase: extended): boolean;var data, Sum: string; pos: integer;begin if (_RowExists(RowID)) then begin pos:= _getColumnInfo(RowID, ColumnID); if (pos > 0) then begin data:= GetPiece(database[RowID], #9, ColumnID); if (RegExpMatch('^-?(\d+|\d+.?\d+)$', data)) then begin Sum:= FloatToStr(StrToFloat(data) + Increase); Delete(database[RowID], pos, length(data)); Insert(Sum, database[RowID], pos); result:= true; end else begin OnErrorOccur('Column "' + IntToStr(ColumnID) + '" represents no numeric value'); end; end else begin OnErrorOccur('ColumnID ' + IntToStr(ColumnID) + ' does not exist'); end; end else begin OnErrorOccur('RowID ' + IntToStr(RowID) + ' does not exist'); end;end;function _SetColumn(RowID, ColumnID: integer; Value: variant): boolean;var pos: integer; data: string;begin if (_RowExists(RowID)) then begin pos:= _getColumnInfo(RowID, ColumnID); if (pos > 0) then begin data:= GetPiece(database[RowID], #9, ColumnID); Delete(database[RowID], pos, length(data)); Insert(GetTypeOF(Value), database[RowID], pos); result:= true; end else begin OnErrorOccur('ColumnID ' + IntToStr(ColumnID) + ' does not exist'); end; end else begin OnErrorOccur('RowID ' + IntToStr(RowID) + ' does not exist'); end;end;function _AppendColumn(RowID: integer; Value: variant): boolean;begin if (_RowExists(RowID)) then begin database[RowID]:= database[RowID] + GetTypeOF(Value) + #9; result:= true; end else begin OnErrorOccur('RowID ' + IntToStr(RowID) + ' does not exist'); end;end;procedure ActivateServer();begin _LoadDatabase();end;Procedure Sortowanie; //sort by pointsvari,j,licznik,licznik2:integer;temp:String;begin;licznik:=1;licznik2:=1;repeatif Database[licznik]<>'' then begin; inc(licznik,1); inc(licznik2,1); end;until Database[licznik]='';licznik2:=licznik2-2;for j:=1 to licznik2 do begin; for i:=1 to licznik2 do begin; if StrToFloat(GetPiece(Database[i], #9, 1))<StrToFloat(GetPiece(Database[i+1], #9, 1)) then begin temp:=Database[i]; Database[i]:=Database[i+1]; Database[i+1]:=temp; end; end; end;end;function GetRowByPlayer(Name:String):longword;vari:Integer;Found:Boolean;beginFound:=False;For i:=1 to GetArrayLength(Database) do beginif Name=GetPiece(Database[i], #9, 0) then begin Found:=True; Result:=i; Break; end;end;If Not Found then begin_CreateRow([Name,'0','0','1']);Result:=GetRowByPlayer(Name);end;end;procedure SaveAllStats;vari:byte;row:Longword;Killss,Deathss:Word;beginfor i:=1 to Players do beginIf GetPlayerStat(I,'active')=True then begin row:=GetRowByPlayer(IdToName(i));Killss:=StrToInt(GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 2));Deathss:=StrToInt(GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 3));_SetColumn(Row, 2 , IntToStr(Killss+Kills[I]));_SetColumn(Row, 3 , IntToStr(Deathss+Deaths[I]));_SetColumn(Row, 1 , FloatToStr(Killss/Deathss*Killss));Kills[I]:=0;Deaths[I]:=0;end;end;_SnapDatabase();end;procedure SaveStats(i:Byte);varrow:Longword;Killss,Deathss:Integer;beginrow:=GetRowByPlayer(IdToName(i));Killss:=StrToInt(GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 2));Deathss:=StrToInt(GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 3));_SetColumn(Row, 2 , IntToStr(Killss+Kills[I]));_SetColumn(Row, 3 , IntToStr(Deathss+Deaths[I]));_SetColumn(Row, 1 , FloatToStr(Killss/Deathss*Killss));Kills[I]:=0;Deaths[I]:=0;end;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);beginIf Killer<>Victim and GetPlayerStat(Killer,'Team')<>GetPlayerStat(Victim,'Team') then beginKills[Killer]:=Kills[Killer]+1;Deaths[Victim]:=Deaths[Victim]+1;end;end;procedure OnMapChange(NewMap: String);beginSaveAllStats;Sortowanie;end;procedure OnLeaveGame(ID, Team: byte; Kicked: boolean);beginSaveStats(Id);end;Procedure ShowStats(Id:Byte);varRow:Longword;beginRow:=GetRowByPlayer(IdToName(Id));WriteConsole(Id, 'Rank '+ IntToStr(Row)+ ' of '+ IntToStr(GetArrayLength(Database)), $FFFFFFFF); WriteConsole(Id, 'Points '+ GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 1), $FFFFFFFF); WriteConsole(Id, 'Kills '+ GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 2), $FFFFFFFF); WriteConsole(Id, 'Deaths '+ GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 3), $FFFFFFFF); WriteConsole(Id, 'K/D ratio '+ FloatToStr(StrToFloat(GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 3))/StrToFloat(GetPiece(Database[Row], #9, 3))), $FFFFFFFF); end;procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: Byte; Text: string);beginif text='!stats' then ShowStats(ID);end;
43#@%^ 0 0 1Raya 0 0 1
Filling the first entry with a non-used playername seemed to make it work fine. For example:Quote43#@%^ 0 0 1Raya 0 0 1Just a quick and easy fix I guess. I'll look into the script part a little later.
function GetRowByPlayer(Name:String):longword;vari:Integer;Found:Boolean;beginFound:=False;For i:=0 to GetArrayLength(Database) do begin // for i:= 0if Name=GetPiece(Database[i], #9, 0) then begin Found:=True; Result:=i; Break; end;end;If Not Found then begin_CreateRow([Name,'0','0','1']);Result:=GetRowByPlayer(Name);end;end;
Quote from: rayanaga on August 27, 2009, 11:22:29 amFilling the first entry with a non-used playername seemed to make it work fine. For example:Quote43#@%^ 0 0 1Raya 0 0 1Just a quick and easy fix I guess. I'll look into the script part a little later.Yay, that's the point. Because he iterates through the database starting from 1, actually it should be 0. By adding a second row you trick the GetRowByPlayer function and avoid that problem Code: (pascal) [Select]function GetRowByPlayer(Name:String):longword;vari:Integer;Found:Boolean;beginFound:=False;For i:=0 to GetArrayLength(Database) do begin // for i:= 0if Name=GetPiece(Database[i], #9, 0) then begin Found:=True; Result:=i; Break; end;end;If Not Found then begin_CreateRow([Name,'0','0','1']);Result:=GetRowByPlayer(Name);end;end;Besides, I would recommend to switch to MySSQL 2.0. It is much more reliable as well as faster and also contains functions such as GetRowByPlayer by default. I already wrote an update for MySSQL 2.0, which has not been released yet. PM me if you want to switch to the latest version, so I can send you the update.