Author Topic: The Age-old Thread: Hobbies  (Read 3536 times)

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Offline Dusty

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Re: The Age-old Thread: Hobbies
« Reply #40 on: November 21, 2009, 03:00:37 pm »
Waste of time, because I fail at life:
- watching anime, listening to music, reading books, playing games (PC, Wii, emulators), aimlessly running around the internet looking for something somewhat interesting.

Actual useful hobbies <--- I only wish this list was longer :(
- drawing and design in photoshop

Oh man! i do exactly the same!!! if you find a way to change it all please tell :S
This is the post I felt hit me the most :p I started filmschool to do more meaningfull things. I like to try to improve things with my life, things that I have done is: Throw all the things I never use or don't need (almost everything exept my PC) I began eating healthy, lost 15 kilo. :P ++..  I wonder what my next project will be, any suggestions? I really want to make soldat movies in my spear time when I upgrade my PC a bit more (It's gonna be awsum)

Suggestion: don't update your PC and do something else when you have time to spare! (that's what I'm doing)

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: The Age-old Thread: Hobbies
« Reply #41 on: November 21, 2009, 03:07:57 pm »
Suggestion: don't update your PC and do something else when you have time to spare! (that's what I'm doing)
