Soldat Maps & Mapmaking > Default Map Discussion

List of default maps & topics

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--- Quote from: Dusty on January 02, 2010, 08:23:46 pm ---Since there's no topics for most of the default CTF maps, I'll just post this here: the background of both Guardian and Hormone should be made a tad darker. When flying high on Guardian it's hard to see knives, bullets and sometimes your crosshair.

This because changing the colour yourself is not possible in 1.5.1.

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Agreed both Guardian and Hormone. We had to modify the Guardian bg in any case, cos it was bright without cloud scenery. So when you don't render background scenery, you'll be blind.

The rest ctf maps will have their topics later.

Since there are no topics for volly, I think I should post here.
Its about the most game breaker nade bug. With that you can kill INC TOP and EFC camping easly, Alpha side only.

Not excluding the funny old and nostagic glory days on pubs, the big INF maps dont offer much a competitive level, as a exemple in CTF scene, you got the new awesome Equinox and Mayapan, which bring a better gameplay but cleary remembering the old maps layout.
I am not a mapper, just a player, i would love to play competitively INF old maps, so what you devs and mappers think about?


--- Quote from: biohazard on January 03, 2010, 06:49:09 am ---Btw:
Not excluding the funny old and nostagic glory days on pubs, the big INF maps dont offer much a competitive level, as a exemple in CTF scene, you got the new awesome Equinox and Mayapan, which bring a better gameplay but cleary remembering the old maps layout.
I am not a mapper, just a player, i would love to play competitively INF old maps, so what you devs and mappers think about?

--- End quote ---

Agreed, there are a few maps that you just can't play at gather play, cos they are too big/too hard for attacker.

What's the current state of default maps of 1.5.1?

I'd love to know if this poll has had any impact on the final choises. It clearly states the opinion of the competitive scene, even though it was limited to only three votes per one voter. I do think, though, that it was not fair for the community to set the amount of votes so low.

I'm quite sure that most of the people who voted voted for the original map, not for a modified and toned-down version of the first remakes. Why spend time making the remakes "less irritating" even though it's clear that the bigger and more stable scene does not want any remakes?

The competitive scene has always been the supporting beam of Soldat. We have kept playing the game for years, while a typical public player has quitted the game after a couple of monts - mostly because of the bugs. Lack of flashy graphics is not the problem. It's been said many many times: old graphics ARE Soldat. I'm also sure the competitive side of Soldat has tossed more money to MM, EnEsCe and everyone who's working with the $$-side of Soldat than the pubbers ever will.

Why isn't that side of the community being listened? We did not ask for a change.

I'm not a competitive player and never liked competitive gameplay. I'm a pubber and I've been playing Soldat for more than 4 years.

Basically you're saying that "we, competitive players, love soldat the most, screw pubbers". How fair is that?
Is competitive scene really all that bigger and more stable? I find that hard to believe - pubbers will be with Soldat as long as it's fun and fresh (sure some will leave eventually, but new players will come too), while competitives start whining at the slightest sight of changes and new features instead of just trying to enjoy the game in a new way (where does all that $$ go then? Into development of Soldat, or to stop it from developing any further?).

Soldat is a computer game, it's made for people to have fun. And not everyone can have fun playing serious clanwars on ugly maps, trying to prove who is better. Not everyone wants to set up IRC, join channels, start gathers just to play a quick game during a lunch break at school/work.
If competitive scene keeps slowing Soldat down like that - pubbers will eventally quit Soldat, and all that's left will be private matches and clan wars. But is that really a good thing? What happens when even old-timers get bored and start to quit? There won't be anyone to replace them.

Another thing I don't understand: is it really that hard to just make a server with older versions of maps? I'm sure it's a better solution than just take the game away from casual players.

Last question which pretty much sums up all my concerns about competitive scene:
I'm sorry I put it that way, but why are competitive players being such pussies?


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