[1]: Soldat in 3D <---- I feel good after this joke
[2]: This is some kind of Hide&Seek, but it isn´t at all:
One player, first player of last match, gets player of Team 1, at the start he is chosen randomly.
Team 1 needs to catch Team 2 and Team 3 with knives only while Team 2 and Team 3 try to kill
the other team (Team 2 vs Team 3). Team 1 gets a knife forced every 2 seconds and can´t be killed.
If the player of Team 1 kills one other player this player gets -3 points. If a player of Team 2
kills a player of Team 3 or vice versa one of Team 3 kills one of Team 2 he gets one point.
Players of the different teams heal, if they stand still for 3 seconds (starts then) and get
5 health points per second. Team 2 and Team 3 use weakened USSOCOMs that have more ammunition.
One match lasts 5-10 minutes.