1st 1.5.0This time I would like to advert brand new #Comat ~ public server, difference between last advert is that this one is officially public server, no password at all. Thanks to zakath everyone who plays there is able to see their own statistics
http://comat.soldatserver.net/stats/ Soon enough we will also stream live from server to #comat.stream channel
Server has 10 slots, and it's based in Germany - EU pings approximately are +33
IP: soldatserver.net
Port: 22073
Gamemode: Capture the Flag
soldat://soldatserver.net:22073/Everyone is more than Welcome.
2nd 1.5.1.*If someone is interested there is also a #Comat ~ public Beta server with same localization as previous one. Server has 10 Slots.
IP: soldatserver.net
Port: 23077
Gamemode: Capture the Flag