Leader Boards~
1. Smegster: 22
2. Geo: 16
3. Jerich: 6
4. Poppin/Lord Frunka: 3
5. Keldorn/Laser Guy: 2
~Ground Rules~
1. We use the honor code around here (no googling, however the vast majority of these cant be solved by a google search)
2. Be quick, this gets heated (Smeg vs Geo hehehe)
3. Have fun
my little brother is in highschool, and i don't know about where you live, but around here when highschools get close to major holidays, the teachers get slack and give the kids puzzles and random stuff for fun. My brother had this sheet of paper with a bunch of puzzles on it, one of which was a section where you got 3 words and had the find the thing they all had in common.
Knights/Water/Multiplication::::Tables (Round Table, Water Table, Multiplications Tables)
SO! i thought i would post a couple of them. I enjoyed figuring them out, you might also.
Some of them are pretty tough.
1. Donuts/Plots/Golf Course
Holes ~Thanks STM
2. A Lion King/A Horse/ New England
Mane ~2 gold stars to jerich
3. Tennis Court/Volleyball Court/New Jersey
Nets ~Nicely Done Jerich
4. President/Dictionary/Contract
Terms ~Jerich
5. Draw/Sweep/Trap
Running Plays ~Jerich
6. Coal Miners/Dentists/Guitarists
Picks ~Thanks Echo
7. Ships/Casinoes/Stereo Systems
Decks ~Nicely done Horve
8. Cities/Songs/Noses
Bridges ~Thanks Poppin
9. Rodeos/Circus/McDonald's
Clowns ~Thanks Numgun
10. The Navy/A Deli/Absent Teachers
Subs ~Jerich
11. Highways/Base Coach(baseball)/Astrology
Signs ~Poppin
12. Painters/Pools/Fire Truck
Ladders ~homerofgods
13. Bed/Football Field/Fence
Posts ~Jerich
14. Donald Duncan/"Sleeping" Toy/Around the World
Yo-Yos ~Lord Frunka-something
15. A Fertile Ant/A Tabby Cat/ Nerfertiti
Queens ~Lord Frunka-something
16. Skydivers/Basejumpers/Guitarists
C[h]ords ~Lord Frunka-something
17. Politicians/Dogs/Clocks
Run ~Laser
18. Whips/Peanuts/Safes
Can all be cracked ~Thanks Poppin
19. Heading/Juggling/Dribbling
Soccer Techniques ~Thanks Laser Guy
20. Mercury (the planet)/ Rhode Island/ a Dime
Smallest of its kind ~Thanks jrgp
21. Ruck/Maul/Scrum
Rugby Terms ~Geo
22. Hobby/Fashion Show/Car Dealership
Models ~smeg
23. Pie/Bread/Earth
Crust ~Geo....go figure
24. South America/Igloos/Cincinnati
Chilly ~Smeggers
25. Ducks/Congress/Hilary Clinton
Bills ~Geo
26. Deck of Cards/Surfers/A Lawyer
Suits ~Geos on fire
27. Emerald/Ruby/Kansas
Wizard of Oz ~Geo
28.Boy Scouts/Fraternities/Telethons
Pledges ~Geo
29. Tents/Baseballs/Horseshoes
Pitched ~Smeggy
30. Chicago/English/Snooker
Pool/Billiards ~Geo
31. Diver Down/Union Jack/Jolly Roger
Flags ~Smeg
32. Brakes/Ears/Music
Drums ~Smeggy
33. Bowling/Wrestling/Golf
Pins ~Smeggerstein
34. Divorce/Estates/Coffee
Grounds ~Geo edges out smeggy again haha
35. Scotland/Schools/Hair
Locks/Lochs ~smeg
36. Statue of Liberty/Headwear/Teeth
Crowns ~Geo
37. Armys/Vending Machines/Football Games
Quarters ~Nice Smeg, prolly the toughest one so far
38. Approach/Volley/Lob
Tennis Shots ~Geo
39. Shepherds/The White House/Sheet Music
Staff ~Smegma
40. A Log/A baby/A rock
Sleep ~Smeg "better at this than Geo" Ma
41. Soup/Painters/Restrooms
Cans ~Smeggington
42. Malls/Boats/Companies
Sales/Sails ~Geo
43. Florida/Pianos/Locksmith
Keys ~Geo
44. A slow base runner/a cursing basketball player/a weak back
Thrown-Out ~Smeg
45. Sharks/T-Rex/Nuns
Prey/Pray ~smegma
46. Mushrooms/Graduates/Salaries
Caps ~Geo continues round 5 domination
47. Rose/Gator/Orange
BCS Bowl Games ~Geo edges out Smeggers
48. Tombstones/Courting/Fruit Vendor
Dates ~Geo
49. Tree/Highway/Carrot
Roots/Routes ~Smeggy
50. Calypso/Aqua-Lung/Oceanographer
Jacques Cousteau ~Smeg
51. Ornaments/boxers/Fisherman
Hooks ~smeg
52. Rooster/Honey/Barber
Combs ~Smegma
53. Angles/Burns/Temperatures
Degrees ~smeggy
54. Forest/Kelly/Olive
Green ~keldorn
55. Focus/Hypocenter/Epicenter
Earthquakes ~smeg
56. Students/Meats/Roads
Grades ~Smegatron
57. Coffee Urn/ the Dumb Waiter/ The seven day clock
Thomas Jefferson ~Smegaleg
58. Sarajevo/Calgary/Oslo
Winter Olympic Sites ~nicely done Kel
59. Rain/Wind/Magnesium
elements ~geo
60. Arms/Plumbing/Pasta
Elbows ~smegg
Guess them right and ill put the answers up! The list had about 50 of these all together, i can post more if people enjoy them