Author Topic: Two Useful Functions  (Read 1754 times)

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Two Useful Functions
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:45:44 pm »
This function takes a name fragment and returns the ID of the player that matches it, if none exists it returns 0. For example if there was a player named !';\\]]>-DOG-<\\][ and you needed your script to be able to recognize his name from player input you would just need to send 'dog' into the function and it will result in his ID. Capitalization is unimportant.

SYNTAX: target := idbyname(
name name\name fragment to check for

Code: [Select]
function IDByName(Name: string): byte;
var i: byte;
result := 0;
for i := 1 to 32 do if getplayerstat(i,'active')=true then begin
if containsstring(lowercase(getplayerstat(i,'name')),lowercase(name)) then begin
result := i;

This procedure creates a bullet at a specific x and y and sends it flying in the direction of another x,y position.

SYNTAX: dirbullet(
sx starting X
sy starting Y
dx destination X
dy destination Y
speed directional speed
damage damage multiplier
bulletstyle bulletstyle
owner owner's ID

Code: [Select]
procedure DirBullet(sx,sy,dx,dy,speed,damage: single; bulletstyle,owner: byte);
var i: integer; dist,xx,yy,vx,vy,k: single;
xx := sx - dx;
yy := sy - dy;
dist := sqrt((xx*xx)+(yy*yy));
if dist > 0 then begin
k := speed / dist;
vx := (dx - sx) * k;
vy := (dy - sy) * k;