
What would you like to see in 1.7.2? (You have 10 votes)

add auto mouse capture after alt+tab
7 (1.8%)
add assist for kills and caps
10 (2.6%)
add show image at posx/y with scripting
4 (1%)
add sound pack download
2 (0.5%)
add grenade throwing during reload
5 (1.3%)
implement downloading custom weapon gfx
3 (0.8%)
fix issues needed to be resolved for steam
13 (3.4%)
fix menu scale issues in old gui
7 (1.8%)
fix playersound
0 (0%)
do general bugfixing
10 (2.6%)
make fists on teammates conditional on FF only
4 (1%)
add more player skin options
7 (1.8%)
add multitypes for polygons
4 (1%)
add new mod format
6 (1.6%)
implement open chat links in browser on click
5 (1.3%)
add paralax background
5 (1.3%)
add ranked / integrated gather system
11 (2.9%)
allow throwing nades while prone
2 (0.5%)
remove useless gamemodes (pm, htf, tdm)
6 (1.6%)
roll back to pixel graphics
4 (1%)
update sound
3 (0.8%)
add banner in gui for discord channel
10 (2.6%)
add banner in gui for sctfl
9 (2.4%)
add chat cursor (aka chatmod)
5 (1.3%)
add dragonflies
7 (1.8%)
fix polybugs
10 (2.6%)
port soldat to linux
11 (2.9%)
improve polyworks
6 (1.6%)
fix first join game click on server doesn't work
3 (0.8%)
remake maps with new sceneries/textures
9 (2.4%)
remove aim syrup/smoothing
7 (1.8%)
remove ugly/useless maps
6 (1.6%)
bring powerthrow back
5 (1.3%)
add single player campaign for newcomers
5 (1.3%)
add new graphics
4 (1%)
implement lights/shadows
5 (1.3%)
implement detailed models
1 (0.3%)
fix team change color bug
7 (1.8%)
fix netcode
24 (6.3%)
fix netcode - fix team change color bug
7 (1.8%)
fix netcode - fix magnets
5 (1.3%)
fix netcode - fix fatass bug
6 (1.6%)
fix netcode - fix specbug
7 (1.8%)
fix netcode - fix eats
17 (4.5%)
implement anticheat
21 (5.5%)
implement matchmaking
14 (3.7%)
implement new gui
22 (5.8%)
bring back bloodsaw
6 (1.6%)
improve scriptcore
5 (1.3%)
port to macOS
4 (1%)
add google translate option
1 (0.3%)
add cvars
5 (1.3%)
add new maps
2 (0.5%)
fix inttostr server crash
7 (1.8%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Voting closed: October 15, 2017, 07:26:56 am

Author Topic: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?  (Read 34684 times)

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Offline Ygrek Starmagedon

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #100 on: February 05, 2018, 08:06:48 am »
New great idea.
Many people would like minigun to get deleted from game or changed, it's even disabled on official Soldat's servers (I mean Zabijaka).
So there are 2 ideas what to do with that weapon:
- make minigun a second type of stat gun, but you would need to probably make it spray less and maybe add some more dmg (just a litte)
and the better one for me
- make minigun be a bonus weapon like flamer, my example name for that bonus is "Terminator" (suits game good, we can remove that bot xd);
when you are in a limit time of a bonus minigun has increased dmg, spray less, you also have vest that's self regenerating (ofc hp isn't regenerating) and if you can manage - highlight enemies on screen (only for you, not for teammates);
colour of overlay for bonus may be green (I know terminator had red gui, but it's already used in Berserker);
bonus "box"/kit appearence may be a terminators blue-gray (like that darkest Soldat's main menu colour) head with ofc red eyes/sensors on a black background.
It's a great reference to Butcher, so I bet that bastard MM (:P) would like it in Soldat when it's on Steam.

Also I have an idea to make bonus that would reference to the Painkiller, but I don't know if you even can implement reference to the game that's not your own.

Offline homerofgods

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #101 on: February 07, 2018, 04:56:52 am »
I would do this to minigun:
- less speed, less dmg, less fire interval and less spread so that the gun isn't mainly used to boost yourself around but can be used as support fire for your team. It should still have wide-ish spread, some dmg per bullet but not enough to kill from distance, and just enough speed so that it's not easy to kill from a distance
- most importantly remove screen shaking when shooting any gun

Offline darDar

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #102 on: February 08, 2018, 04:28:57 pm »
I would do this to minigun:
- less speed, less dmg, less fire interval and less spread so that the gun isn't mainly used to boost yourself around but can be used as support fire for your team. It should still have wide-ish spread, some dmg per bullet but not enough to kill from distance, and just enough speed so that it's not easy to kill from a distance
- most importantly remove screen shaking when shooting any gun

The minigun has already been changed for the next release:
Code: [Select]
[XM214 Minigun]

Whenver you do not move you'll get pretty accurate shots - it may be referred as a " "mobile "stat"gun" ".

- most importantly remove screen shaking when shooting any gun
agreed. I've already messaged shoozza about that. Hope we'll see this removed soon.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 04:32:45 pm by darDar »
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Offline Shoozza

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #103 on: February 15, 2018, 03:40:01 pm »
- most importantly remove screen shaking when shooting any gun
agreed. I've already messaged shoozza about that. Hope we'll see this removed soon.
I'll look into that, maybe a new WM flag would be best.
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Offline ShioN

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #104 on: February 27, 2018, 09:57:04 pm »
Add new and old maps! plz
urra!!! ;D

ctf_Chernobyl  ::)

« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 10:18:50 pm by ShioN »

Offline paintZoom

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #105 on: February 28, 2018, 10:56:57 pm »
i would like to see  soldat 1.7.2 xDDDDD

Offline nosejj

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #106 on: March 01, 2018, 06:10:03 am »
i would like to see  soldat 1.7.2 xDDDDD

But honestly... Yes... Me too... :'(

My preferred options (listed by priority):
Fix the netcode
Implement matchmaking
General bug fix
Improve scriptcore
Port to macOS
Complete the graphics re-work to all maps and scenery
Add ctf_Pod, ctf_Fl, ctf_Lava to mappoll
Improve Soldat PolyWorks
Add banner in gui for discord channel
Make player skin color pick from palette
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 09:56:01 pm by nosejj »

Offline Ygrek Starmagedon

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #107 on: April 23, 2018, 06:01:02 pm »
Visuals are important, that's why skins, additional animations, new interfaces & existing sounds counterparts should be added to Soldat. Right now everyone can mod their graphics and sounds, but other ppl don't see them. This can also bring Soldat some money on Steam as microtransactions, but it would be great if you could manage to grant people with skins/sounds as random reward for just playing it for some hours or showing nice skills, too.
There should be new music added, too + existing 3 remastered cause they are good but can be better.

Skins : I mean by it additional graphics for weapons + new sounds for them and additional gostek appearences.
Also I thought about basic jets that could be as yellow colour is now and different colours/colour change ability should be awarded or bought. Same goes with skin colours.
Also clothes should have different camouflages where you can choose colours you want to use in them with different skins allowing to use different amount of colours (also choosing in precentage/proportion of how much in the pattern would be in chosen colour or without it if you wouldn't want to set it).
Jets should have also special patterns and skins with different amount of colours and other sound effects. Also you would have skins that makes you have jetpack instead of rocket boots/+ rocket boots or wings (just visuals and sound, not changing the gameplay itself).

Anims : Now you have like 6 different animations that you can show to others for fun. OK but new ones should be added also as reward or to buy.

Interfaces : nothing much to say, just win or buy them, besides player people on spectator watching you would see it, too.
(BTW. on 1.7 screens promoting HD there was shown an interface which is not added to game - why? It's super cool and I would like to use it xd, if you can share it, please!)

Sounds counterparts : to buy or as gift, replacing non-weapons sounds.

I think it's all I can think of for now. :D

Offline Tallacaps

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #108 on: April 27, 2018, 09:33:31 am »

I would like a blind mode.
Using positional audio with simple stereo headphones.

Offline Name

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #109 on: May 18, 2018, 05:23:27 pm »
I don't believe there is one single thing since Michal's last version that was made right, so what you should do is to revert all changes made since 2009 or whenever that was. The most crucial changes to revert are the ones affecting movement - making cannonballs and other tricks impossible - and the ones affecting bullet deviation. If a player learns to master the recoil that is not a reason to destroy an entire game. I have absolutely no understanding for what you've done to Soldat.

Make MP5 great again.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 05:27:17 pm by Name »

Offline nosejj

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #110 on: May 19, 2018, 01:54:01 pm »
While you're at it, fixing mp5, please add 30 bullets to Barret... NOT ENOUGH AMMUNITION.

Offline dst

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Re: What would you like to see in soldat 1.7.2?
« Reply #111 on: May 19, 2018, 06:10:08 pm »
The most crucial changes to revert are the ones affecting movement - making cannonballs and other tricks impossible

this kills the game