Author Topic: ctf_d2d  (Read 7939 times)

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Offline dominikkk26

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« on: December 27, 2009, 06:15:04 am »

Description: The fight takes place in a jungle where there is a great fog crashed something big camp of the enemy and everything is porozrzucane.Przetrwały bunkers and the like!Fantastic bit map?

Download :
Me pack  Scenery-gfx

Image :

Image 2 :

Image 3 :
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 03:40:58 am by dominikkk26 »

Offline Gizd

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 09:30:43 am »
I understand your excitement with mapping and polyworks but making 2 s*** maps per day and posting them isn't the right way of spending free time.


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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 10:24:14 am »
I understand your excitement with mapping and polyworks but making 2 s*** maps per day and posting them isn't the right way of spending free time.

That must be critique. It must be.

I am quit unsure why you can be that kind of a bitch. This won´t help him in any way and I started like that, too, my first map was crap, too, and he will get better with every polygon and every scenery he sets. Now to the topic:

Don´t set that much scenery in front of the player. It is annoying and looks crappy. Try to find matching colors for scenery and polygons and give shading a chance, this map has 1 color, one good looking map may have at least 10. Layout is okay, but try to find one where you can say "One is a fast one good for rushing to the flag but it doesn´t have much cover (good for autos), one has some more cover and is fast (semi) and one with much cover but slow (short range)". To understand this take a look at ctf_Run. Top route is the most fastest and low route the slowest.

Offline Suowarrior

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2009, 12:10:44 pm »
I understand your excitement with mapping and polyworks but making 2 s*** maps per day and posting them isn't the right way of spending free time.

If that's the best you can write, then it's just better be quiet.

You need to find better host for scenery/map. Try or

Don't don't use scenery as "normal polygon", that's damn annoying.. You always think when you see scenery that you can go through it (except the bridges).

Agreed with DarkCrusade that don't use scenery in front of players. Don't use such smoke/fog/cloud scenery at all cos it's bad looking, fps heavy, distracting for the play.

Layout itself seems okay, it has multiple routes and every route got some use.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 12:12:37 pm by Suowarrior »

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2009, 02:58:07 pm »
I understand your excitement with mapping and polyworks but making 2 s*** maps per day and posting them isn't the right way of spending free time.
I am quit unsure why you can be that kind of a b***h. This won´t help him in any way and I started like that, too, my first map was crap, too, and he will get better with every polygon and every scenery he sets.

It's something I'd like to call 'tough love.' Gizd is just saying it how it is. But of course it doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. I'm sure you'll do just fine dominikkk26. Learn to enjoy comments like Gizd's. They make life more fun.

Honestly this map is pretty shit, but you have to start somewhere, right? So this is a great start.

My recommendations to you Mr. dominikkk26: use a new texture; get rid of the fog; shade polygons with the shading tool; round the sharp points that the polygons make with more polygons.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 02:59:56 pm by Blacksheepboy »

Offline Gizd

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2009, 03:06:29 pm »
I am quit unsure why you can be that kind of a b***h.
I am honest.

This won´t help him in any way and I started like that, too, my first map was crap, too, and he will get better with every polygon and every scenery he sets.
Yes but he post this in mapping discussions or help and ask for help in improving.

If that's the best you can write, then it's just better be quiet.
I can write more and better but I like simplicity.


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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2009, 03:24:19 pm »
This won´t help him in any way and I started like that, too, my first map was crap, too, and he will get better with every polygon and every scenery he sets.
Yes but he post this in mapping discussions or help and ask for help in improving.

The shit! What are you talking about. Are you seriously complaining about where he posts?

If that's the best you can write, then it's just better be quiet.
I can write more and better but I like simplicity.

Keeping it simple is good if you really are able to help by that, but you just give him a shitload of bitching and that won´t fucking help even if you are honest.

Offline Gizd

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2009, 04:01:40 pm »
This won´t help him in any way and I started like that, too, my first map was crap, too, and he will get better with every polygon and every scenery he sets.
Yes but he post this in mapping discussions or help and ask for help in improving.

The s**t! What are you talking about. Are you seriously complaining about where he posts?
It seems so.

If that's the best you can write, then it's just better be quiet.
I can write more and better but I like simplicity.

Keeping it simple is good if you really are able to help by that, but you just give him a s**tload of b***hing and that won´t f**king help even if you are honest.
It's simple and short so it's not s**load of b***hing. I am not trying to help him, I am commenting his map. He posted it in CTF/INF Maps so I assume it's completed.

Do you seriously want to continue this pointless and off-topic arguing?

@down: I don't care, I can argue here if admins have nothing against.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 04:43:46 pm by Gizd »


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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2009, 04:20:59 pm »
Let´s open a topic in the Lounge then, then it is OnTopic.

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2009, 12:50:13 am »
Keeping it simple is good if you really are able to help by that, but you just give him a s**tload of b***hing and that won´t f**king help even if you are honest.

Simmer down kid.

Mr. dominikkk26, what do you think about all of this?

Offline Cyrix

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2009, 01:27:47 am »
I hate to be rude... And break up the flame war guys... But i really like the look of this map. Looks it would be hella fun with like tons of people. It would b quite fun. Hooray for downloads?!
""A man should look for "what is" instead of what he thinks should be"" -Albert Einstein-

Offline SadistAtHeart

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2009, 03:31:00 am »
Hey guys, moderator here. Keep it civil for me.

Offline Boots

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2009, 04:15:33 am »
Someone should request this mod to be put in the next version! looks to have great gameplay!
That girl's a genius
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
I think she's serious
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh

Offline Madow

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2009, 04:50:21 am »
I understand your excitement with mapping and polyworks but making 2 s*** maps per day and posting them isn't the right way of spending free time.
Good, God! Look at this hero.

On-topic: A little more effort on the fog would be good. Also; get people to playtest it! :)
[20:33:20] <DMC__> hes basiclly saying
[20:33:56] <DMC__> "hi there, this game has no garenteee that there is people to play with, nor is it well known, but please give me 15 bucks, you fool"

Offline Horve

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2009, 11:00:46 am »
this map is !Fantastic, keep it up, post more please.


get and stay the f*** out of the forums map posting section until you practice some more and visit the help/resources section and read EVERY SINGLE topic and post written there.

There is nothing good to say about this "map" but there is something to say about it. This is unplayable, fugly and my boy, worthless, effortless, useless and completely demeaning to every single good soldat mapper. No, none of you who may be reading this in the next 24 hours are good mappers btw. *Mission accomplished, nerd rage badge achieved* This hellspawn must be killed with fire as soon as possible. Lose your way here, my boy.

* The edges of all your polygons are deadly sharp
* There are giant colliders all over the place
* There is random wtf scenery all over the place.
* The fog is a fps dropper and why is it there?
* Movement is obstructed due to jagged surfaces, unless that is what you were aiming for.
* You can spray through the whole map
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 01:14:01 pm by Horve »


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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2009, 12:06:26 pm »
Wow, Horve, so you are one god of a mapper to judge "everone else reading this topic in the next 24 hours"?

Offline Dusty

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2009, 12:06:57 pm »
Wow actually he is


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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2009, 12:12:44 pm »
But when I started like this he didn´t complain. And he´s just one perfectionist working months on the visuals of a map, if everyone did it like that there would be more stuff like his famous zombie maps.

No matter what, even if he is that high skilled he won´t get the fucking right to judge people from the 4th or so map they create. It´s annoying me how beginner unfriendly he is at all.

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2009, 12:49:59 pm »

Of course he can, can't see the internet law stopping him

Offline Horve

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2009, 01:11:05 pm »
Wow, Horve, so you are one god of a mapper to judge "everone else reading this topic in the next 24 hours"?

I understand that you are the defender of all noob but it isn't my fault that I have neglected you of my insults. I spared you. Also stop this bollocry, I've commented on the map, not you as a person.

Offline Suowarrior

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2009, 01:23:49 pm »
get and stay the f*** out of the forums map posting section until you practice some more and visit the help/resources section and read EVERY SINGLE topic and post written there.

Translated: Go and get help for shading, gameplay and the rest in Mapping help/Resources. Agreed.

You can also open topic for your map at Mapping Ideas / General Discussions, before you release your map.

The goal in this forum is not to encourage uploading crap repeatedly, but the goal isn't either bashing new mapper's work. Once again hf with warning Horve.

Offline Gizd

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2009, 01:39:25 pm »
get and stay the f*** out of the forums map posting section until you practice some more and visit the help/resources section and read EVERY SINGLE topic and post written there.

There is nothing good to say about this "map" but there is something to say about it. This is unplayable, fugly and my boy, worthless, effortless, useless and completely demeaning to every single good soldat mapper. No, none of you who may be reading this in the next 24 hours are good mappers btw. *Mission accomplished, nerd rage badge achieved* This hellspawn must be killed with fire as soon as possible. Lose your way here, my boy.

* The edges of all your polygons are deadly sharp
* There are giant colliders all over the place
* There is random wtf scenery all over the place.
* The fog is a fps dropper and why is it there?
* Movement is obstructed due to jagged surfaces, unless that is what you were aiming for.
* You can spray through the whole map


DarkCrusade your map is much much better than this. Your map has some soul, some look, this is a f***** abomination and the fact that it's in map releases section is an offence for this page.

Offline Suowarrior

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2009, 01:50:35 pm »
Gizd doubled.

Offline dominikkk26

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2009, 02:14:45 pm »
New wersja

Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2009, 06:37:18 pm »
What everyone who is bashing you is trying to say, spend more time making your maps. Two maps a day at your current mapping experience is not enough. Map slowly, think things through, and avoid so many jagged polyedges like Horve has kindly pointed out. Avoid several fps problems by not using fx_p lights and clouds to paste over a large part of your maps (I.E, use those kind of sceneries sparingly and where it makes sense)

Last and not the least of them all, you can map anything you want, but if you think a map won't satisfy you, you can leave it unfinished and work on a new map. Learning from mistakes is part of being a mapper.

Offline Madow

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2009, 07:15:47 pm »
get and stay the f*** out of the forums map posting section until you practice some more and visit the help/resources section and read EVERY SINGLE topic and post written there.

There is nothing good to say about this "map" but there is something to say about it. This is unplayable, fugly and my boy, worthless, effortless, useless and completely demeaning to every single good soldat mapper. No, none of you who may be reading this in the next 24 hours are good mappers btw. *Mission accomplished, nerd rage badge achieved* This hellspawn must be killed with fire as soon as possible. Lose your way here, my boy.

* The edges of all your polygons are deadly sharp
* There are giant colliders all over the place
* There is random wtf scenery all over the place.
* The fog is a fps dropper and why is it there?
* Movement is obstructed due to jagged surfaces, unless that is what you were aiming for.
* You can spray through the whole map


DarkCrusade your map is much much better than this. Your map has some soul, some look, this is a f***** abomination and the fact that it's in map releases section is an offence for this page.
Wow, man. I'm going to repeat myself: Look at this one hell of a fucking hero.

Fucking twat.
[20:33:20] <DMC__> hes basiclly saying
[20:33:56] <DMC__> "hi there, this game has no garenteee that there is people to play with, nor is it well known, but please give me 15 bucks, you fool"


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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2009, 02:19:36 am »
The hell! Why do I get insulted for defending a beginner? Is it so hard for you all just to give the critique in form of sth. like

-Point 1 + explanation
-Point 2 + explanation
[-Final conclusion]

Instead you bash around and tell  him how bad he is, that he should stop mapping at once. Guys, back to the roots! You started like that, too! And I bet you didn´t sit down and work on one map for 2 weeks, am I right? I know this, because I started like this, too, and I am ashamed that you, who once said mapping was dead, do things like that.

this map is !Fantastic, keep it up, post more please.


get and stay the f*** out of the forums map posting section until you practice some more and visit the help/resources section and read EVERY SINGLE topic and post written there.

There is nothing good to say about this "map" but there is something to say about it. This is unplayable, fugly and my boy, worthless, effortless, useless and completely demeaning to every single good soldat mapper. No, none of you who may be reading this in the next 24 hours are good mappers btw. *Mission accomplished, nerd rage badge achieved* This hellspawn must be killed with fire as soon as possible. Lose your way here, my boy.

* The edges of all your polygons are deadly sharp
* There are giant colliders all over the place
* There is random wtf scenery all over the place.
* The fog is a fps dropper and why is it there?
* Movement is obstructed due to jagged surfaces, unless that is what you were aiming for.
* You can spray through the whole map

That´s finally something he could work with, the fog is gone, you just didn´t see the new version of the map. But what the fuck! How is anybody able to spray over the whole map here? Dude, that´s not a point. Great maps like ctf_Laos and ctf_Run are sprayable, but this map? No, sorry.

Offline Gizd

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2009, 05:45:55 am »
Gizd doubled.
Sorry, didn't notice second page...

Offline Suowarrior

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Re: ctf_d2d
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2009, 07:01:04 am »
dominik, we can't help you if you don't read anything we write.

Yes, map is unplayable, but with some major changes its possible make it playable but ordinary map.

And Horve, Wraithlike got nothing to do with your warning. I know you'd say same to me, so no need to repeat it. What about showing your intelligence with good playable/fun/not zombie map next?