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not possible. not really.
Swompie lol, it's easy to add playing with bots. Can someone paste MMod's OnPlayerKill procedure here?
procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);begin If GetPlayerStat(Killer,'Team') <> GetPlayerStat(Victim,'Team') then OnKillTriggers(Killer,Victim,Weapon); OnDeathTriggers(Victim);end;
procedure OnDeathTriggers(const ID: byte);var ChirurgicOwner: byte;begin case soldier[ID].classtype of Warlock:begin KickDemonkins(ID); CureParasite(ID); end; Mercenary:TriggerLastWill(ID); end; case soldier[ID].curse.cursetype of Parasite: begin CreateDemonkin(ID); WriteConsole(soldier[ID].curse.owner,GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name') + ' died by your Parasite. A Demonkin is born.',cGood); end; Mindrot:begin soldier[ID].silenced:=MindrotSilence[soldier[soldier[ID].curse.owner].lvl]; WriteConsole(ID,inttostr(soldier[ID].silenced) + ' secs silence from dying with Mindrot.',cGood); end; end; If ExistingWellwisher > 0 then If soldier[ExistingWellwisher].classtype = Wellwisher then begin If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Team') = GetPlayerStat(ExistingWellwisher,'Team') then soldier[ExistingWellwisher].OwnI[0]:=0; end else ExistingWellwisher:=0; case soldier[ID].curse.cursetype of Chirurgic: ChirurgicOwner:=soldier[ID].curse.owner; end; soldier[ID].justdied:=true; KillDebuffs(ID); If ChirurgicOwner > 0 then ApplyCurse(ID,ChirurgicOwner,Chirurgic,-1); KillBuffs(ID); ApplyWeapons(ID);end;
procedure StandardTick(const ID: byte);begin If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Flagger') then case GetPlayerStat(ID,'Team') of 1:BravoFlagCarrier:=ID; 2:AlphaFlagCarrier:=ID; end; If soldier[ID].cloaked > 0 then soldier[ID].cloaked:=soldier[ID].cloaked-1; soldier[ID].busted:=false; inc(soldier[ID].timealive,1); If soldier[ID].justdied then begin soldier[ID].justdied:=false; If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = false then begin If soldier[ID].classtype < 0 then case soldier[ID].classtype of Fugleman:soldier[soldier[ID].OwnB[0]].OwnB[0]:=0; end; KickPlayer(ID); ResetSettings(ID); end; end else If soldier[ID].classtype < 0 then If GetArrayLength(soldier[ID].OwnB) >= 2 then If soldier[ID].OwnB[1] > 0 then begin soldier[ID].OwnB[1]:=soldier[ID].OwnB[1]-1; If soldier[ID].OwnB[1] = 0 then begin serverdamage:=true; DoDamage(ID,4000); WriteConsole(soldier[ID].OwnB[0],'Your ' + GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name') + ' expired his life duration.', cWarn); end; end;end;
If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = false then if IDToName(ID) <> 'name of bot you'd like to play with here' then begin
So just change line 14 of StandardTick to:Code: [Select] If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = false then if IDToName(ID) <> 'name of bot you'd like to play with here' then begin
I guesss you didn't change the name of bot you'd like to play with here part. There's a ['] sign that would cause a problem.
If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = false then if ( (IDToName(ID) <> 'Boogie Man') and (IDToName(ID) <> 'Billy') and (IDToName(ID) <> 'Blain')) then begin
Hes called Boogie Man and not Boogle Man, that's why it's not working.And your idea won't work. Too lazy now to show you how to make it, sry :pI knew certainly is 'Boogie man'I only made a mistake in writing...lolFrom: February 24, 2010, 07:42:27 amQuote from: freestyler on February 23, 2010, 11:13:58 amCode: (pascal) [Select]If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = false then if ( (IDToName(ID) <> 'Boogie Man') and (IDToName(ID) <> 'Billy') and (IDToName(ID) <> 'Blain')) then beginsorry,your script can't workbut also thank you~
Code: (pascal) [Select]If GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = false then if ( (IDToName(ID) <> 'Boogie Man') and (IDToName(ID) <> 'Billy') and (IDToName(ID) <> 'Blain')) then begin