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if regExpMatch('^/(zombie|zomb)$', Text) then begin if money[ID] >= zombcost then begin money[ID] := money[ID] - zombcost; DoDamage(+inttostr(NameToID('Zombie')),HERE I WANT THAT BE THE OWNER OF THE COMMAND,4000); writeconsole(ID, 'You kill all Zombie for 1000$' + inttostr(money[ID]), RGB(0,255,255)); end else begin writeconsole(ID, 'You do not have enough money', RGB(0,255,255)); end; end;
procedure KillAll(Killer: byte; Name: string);var i: byte;beginfor i := 1 to 32 do if getplayerstat(i,'active') then if getplayerstat(i,'name') = name then dodamageby(i,killer,4000);end;
can you include it to my script ?