- Ingame Nick = Almost always, my in-game name is (Explosive Movement). With parenthesis.
- Favourite weapons = I tend to favor the AK, Ruger, Sniper, and Minimi. I'm not a big fan of fast weapons for some reason. But I'm flexible.
- Contacting possibilities (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC,...) = I have a yahoo messenger account (Codyjhhs) and you can PM me for my cell number. I would respond to texts most easily.
- You play since... ? = Probably since, uh.. '08. Been on and off infrequently.
- Where are you from? = I'm from the U.S. .. Arkansas.
- References (clans you've been in, other Soldat experience) = I've never been in a clan.. but I've tried a good number of Soldat gamemodes.
- Favourite gamemode(s)? = My favorites? Uh.. CTF. Or Deathmatch.
- Rating of your own skill = I'd say, out of 10, a 6-8. I have good days and bad days.. but hey, that's just my own rating. If you want something with more accuracy, you'll have to find me in-game.
- Why do you want to join a clan? = Because I'm tired of being alone in Soldat. And I like teamwork; I like having something to be responsible for.
I registered a while back, stuff's fun.
If you want to contact me as soon as you read / exit this topic, try to PM me. I'll look at my PMs later today if I exit the Forums.