Script Name:Map Rater/Randomizer
Script Description: Allows players to rate maps
Original Author(s): ShadowDancer (Randomizing algorithm by JFK)
Version: beta
Core Version: 2.6.5
Code: it works? When player type /rate he changes current map rate. Every hour server making new maplist. Map with rating 5 will appear 5 times in maplist, 3 - 3 times etc. You can change how many times will apear map with 0 votes(default 3).
Commands /rate [1-5] - rates map
/rating - display current map rating
/rating [map name] - display map rating
/unrate - makes vote invalid
/maplist - displays list of all maps
/maprandomize - (AdminOnly)makes new maplist
Before you launch script be sure, that DataFile directory exists.
It's beta version, I'm currently testing it.