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it cant be because if thats the case even with HighestID uncommented it wont compile it ONLY compiles if HightestID is COMMENTED OUT, at the moment its working perfect, ONLY because i have HighestID commented out, anyways heres the full script:http://pastebin.com/hwRnkARGit IS compiling but WILL NOT compile with HighestID uncommentedand yes i do believe that the server host is using 265
In 2.6.5, I'd recommend using 32 instead of NumPlayers, and in 2.7.0, since HighestID is implemented in the 2.7.0 ScriptCore, use HighestID over NumPlayers.
...or just use 32 if ur not using that version of scripting core (too lazy to look through the topic )
As mentioned earlier, HighestID is only implemented in the 2.7.0 ScriptCore. In the 2.6.5 ScriptCore, you will have to use something else instead (like 32).
varCash,DEC,DECC,Botn,EBNN,EBNND,EBNNT,EBNNTT,EDMM,EDMMT,EDMMD:Integer;BonusID,ID,EBN,EBNM,ED,EDM,DED,i,Dude,DEXN:Byte;Command:String;deathexp,HC: Boolean;procedure ActivateServer();begin BonusID:=4; Cash:=0; DEC:=3000; EBN:=2; EBNM:=1; EDM:=1; DED:=25; //Botn:=2; DEXN:=1; EBNN:=EBN*20; EBNNTT:=22; EBNNT:=EBNN/3; EBNND:=EBNNT*2; EDMM:=DED*EDM; EDMMT:=EDMM/3; EDMMD:=EDMMT*2;end;if Getplayerstat(Killer,'Name') = 'Mr.Zombie' then beginfor i := 1 to DEXN do Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,DED*i,25, Victim,10,EBNNTT*i);// Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,(DED*EDM)/2,25, Victim,10,EBNND);// Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,(DED*EDM)/3,25, Victim,10,EBNNT);end;
OnPlayerKill(); //Too lazy to look for it fully :P Var I: Integer; Begin if GetPlayerStat(Killer,'Name') = 'Mr. Zombie' Then Begin For I := 1 To Dexn Do Nova(); //Again, dunno it.. end;end;
if Getplayerstat(Killer,'Name') = 'Mr.Zombie' then begin for i := 1 to DEXN do Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,DED*i,25, Victim,10,EBNNTT*i); // Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,(DED*EDM)/2,25, Victim,10,EBNND); // Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,(DED*EDM)/3,25, Victim,10,EBNNT); end;
if Text = '/buy ally' then begin if Cash < 10000 then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase an ally, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= 10000 then begin Cash :=Cash-10000; Command('/setteam1 '+Floattostr(Botn)); WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought an ally for 10000 Cash',$EE81FAA1); end; end;
Command('/setteam1 '+IntToStr(Botn));
//Command('/setteam1 '+IntToStr(Bottoset));
varCash,DEC,DECC,EBNN,EBNND,EBNNT,EBNNTT,EDMM,EDMMT,EDMMD:Integer;BonusID,ID,EBN,EBNM,ED,EDM,DED,i,Dude,DEXN,Bottoset,SetBotTeam:Byte;Command:String;deathexp,HC: Boolean;procedure Nova(const X,Y,speed,decentralize,power: single; ID,style: byte; n: integer);var i: integer; angle: single;begin angle := 2*pi/n; for i:=0 to n do CreateBullet(X+cos(angle*i)*decentralize, Y+sin(angle*i)*decentralize, cos(angle*i)*speed, sin(angle*i)*speed, power,style , ID );end;procedure ActivateServer();begin BonusID:=4; Cash:=0; DEC:=3000; EBN:=2; EBNM:=1; EDM:=1; DED:=47; Bottoset:=2; DEXN:=1; EBNN:=EBN*30; EBNNTT:=45; EBNNT:=EBNN/3; EBNND:=EBNNT*2; EDMM:=DED*EDM; EDMMT:=EDMM/3; EDMMD:=EDMMT*2; SetBotTeam:=1;end;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);Var I: Integer; begin GiveBonus(Killer,BonusID); Cash :=Cash+1; if deathexp = true then begin {for i := 1 to 5 do} CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(Victim, 'X'), GetPlayerStat(Victim, 'Y') - 0, 0, 0,100, 4, Killer); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,DED*EDM,25, Killer,4,EBN*2); //WriteLn('Cash Updated'); //WriteConsole(0,'Global Player Cash: '+inttostr(Cash),$EE81FAA1); //WriteLn('Cash Displayed'); end; if Victim = Killer then begin //begin nova // This message will only happen for selfkilling bots, though. WriteConsole(0, IDtoName(Victim) + ' just annihilated himself', $00EE0000); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Killer,'X'),Getplayerstat(Killer,'Y'),0,35,0, Killer,10,5); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,70,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,105,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,140,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,175,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,210,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,245,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,270,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,305,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,340,0, Killer,10,25); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,375,0, Killer,10,75); Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,410,0, Killer,10,150); end;if Getplayerstat(Killer,'Name') = 'Mr.Zombie' then beginfor I := 1 to DEXN do Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,DED*i,25, Victim,10,EBNNTT*i);// Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,(DED*EDM)/2,25, Victim,10,EBNND);// Nova(GetPlayerstat(Victim,'X'),Getplayerstat(Victim,'Y'),0,(DED*EDM)/3,25, Victim,10,EBNNT);end;end;function OnPlayerCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean; begin if Text = '/cash' then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just requested Cash levels!',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'Global Player Cash: '+inttostr(Cash),$EE81FAA1); end; if Text = '/buy pred' then begin if Cash < 50 then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase predator, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= 50 then begin Cash :=Cash-50; WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought predator for 50 Cash',$EE81FAA1); end; end; if Text = '/buy bes' then begin if Cash < 65 then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase berserker, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= 65 then begin Cash :=Cash-65; WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought berserker for 65 Cash',$EE81FAA1); GiveBonus(ID, 2); end; end; if Text = '/buy clusters' then begin if Cash < 1000 then begin If BonusID <> 5 then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase the clusters, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; end; if BonusID = 5 then begin WriteConsole(ID,'cluster grenades are already in affect, try normal nades!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= 1000 then begin If BonusID <> 5 then begin Cash :=Cash-1000; BonusID:=5; WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought the cluster grenade upgrade for 1000 Cash',$EE81FAA1); GiveBonus(ID,BonusID); end; end; end; if Text = '/buy nades' then begin if Cash < 1000 then begin If BonusID <> 4 then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase the nades, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; end; if BonusID = 4 then begin WriteConsole(ID,'regular grenades are already in affect, try clusters!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= 1000 then begin If BonusID <> 4 then begin Cash :=Cash-1000; BonusID:=4; WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought the regular grenade upgrade for 1000 Cash',$EE81FAA1); GiveBonus(ID,BonusID); end; end; end; if Text = '/buy dex' then begin if Cash < DEC then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase bigger bangs, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= DEC then begin EBNM :=EBNM+1; EBN :=3*EBNM; EDM :=EDM+1; ED := (5*EDM)+ED; DEXN :=DEXN+1; WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought bigger bangs for '+inttostr(DEC)+' Cash',$EE81FAA1); Cash :=Cash-DEC; DECC :=DEC/3; DEC :=DEC+DECC; end; end; if Text = '/buy ally' then begin if Cash < 10000 then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase an ally, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= 10000 then begin Cash :=Cash-10000; //Command('/setteam1 '+IntToStr(Bottoset)); WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought an ally for 10000 Cash',$EE81FAA1); end; end; if Text = '/buy holycross' then begin if Cash < 10000 then begin WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' just tried to purchase Holy Cross, not enough funds!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Cash >= 10000 then begin HC:=true; WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just bought Holy Cross for 10000 Cash',$EE81FAA1); Cash:=Cash-10000; end; end; if Text = '/items' then begin WriteConsole(0,'/buy pred - gives u pred bonus - 50 cash',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'/buy bes - gives u berserker bonus - 65 cash',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'/buy clusters - upgrades your nade bonus to clusters - 1000 cash',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'/buy nades - upgrades your cluster bonus to nades - 1000 cash',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'---->grenade upgrades affects whole team',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'/buy dex - upgrades normal death explosion size - '+inttostr(DEC)+' Cash',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'---->does not affect suicides',$EE81FAA1); WriteConsole(0,'/buy holycross - Kills all zombies on Red Team score - 10000 cash',$EE81FAA1); end;end;procedure OnMapChange(NewMap: string);begin For i := 1 to 32 do begin GiveBonus(i, BonusID); end;end;procedure OnPlayerRespawn(ID: byte);begin GiveBonus(ID,BonusID);end;//procedure OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);//begin //GiveBonus(ID, BonusID);//end;procedure OnFlagScore(ID, TeamFlag: byte);begin if HC = true then begin if GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = true then begin WriteConsole(0,'Holy Cross Activated, Alpha team has scored!',$EE81FAA1); DrawText(0,'HULELUJA!',330,RGB(255,255,255),0.20,40,240); for i := 1 to 32 do begin if GetPlayerStat(i,'Human') = false then begin CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(i, 'X'), GetPlayerStat(i, 'Y') - 0, 0, 0,100, 4, ID); end; end; Cash:=Cash+50 WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' earned Alpha Team 50 Cash for scoring!',$EE81FAA1); end; end;end;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin if GetPiece(text,' ',0) = '/raisecash' then begin Cash := Cash + Strtoint(GetPiece(Text,' ',1)); WriteConsole(0,'Admin has just deposited '+Getpiece(Text,' ',1)+' Global Player Cash!',$EE81FAA1); end; if Text = '/deathexplode' then begin WriteConsole(0,'death explosions enabled', $00EE0000); //Command('/maxrespawntime 20'); WriteLn('death explosions have been enabled by ' + IntToStr(ID) + '!'); deathexp := True; end; if Text = '/nodeathexp' then begin WriteConsole(0,'death explosions disabled', $00EE0000); //Command('/maxrespawntime 2'); WriteLn('death explosions have been disabled by ' + IntToStr(ID) + '!'); deathexp := False; end;end;
Command('/setteam1 '+IntToStr(Bottoset));