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btw, if ppl would answer the f**king question AS SOON AS ITS ASKED this wouldnt happen
Oi, oi, you're lucky any of us are willing to spend our time reading through your code and finding your mistakes for you. It's a privilege, not a right.
vari:Byte;x,y,x2,y2,Dist:Single;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);var Wepname:String;beginWriteLn(IDtoName(Killer)+' has just used the: '+Weapon);if Weapon = 'Combat Knife' then beginfor i := 1 to 32 do x := GetPlayerStat(Victim,'x'); y := GetPlayerStat(Victim,'y'); x2 := GetPlayerStat(i,'x'); y2 := GetPlayerStat(i,'y');if RayCast(x,y,x2,y2,Dist,800) then beginCreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(i,'x'), GetPlayerStat(i,'y') - 0, 0, 0,100, 4, 1);end;end; end;
WriteLn(IDtoName(i)+' is in range of Raycast');
vari:Byte;x,y,x2,y2,Dist:Single;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);var Wepname:String;begin WriteLn(IDtoName(Killer)+' has just used the: '+Weapon);//if Weapon = 'Combat Knife' then beginfor i := 1 to 32 dobegin x := GetPlayerStat(Victim,'x'); y := GetPlayerStat(Victim,'y'); x2 := GetPlayerStat(i,'x'); y2 := GetPlayerStat(i,'y');if RayCast(x,y,x2,y2 - 700,Dist,3000) then beginWriteLn(IDtoName(i)+' is in range of Raycast');CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(i,'x'), GetPlayerStat(i,'y') - 0, 0, 0,100, 4, 1);end;end;//end; end;
nvm, all fixed
Quote from: frosty on April 21, 2010, 01:02:39 amnvm, all fixed dont just "nvm" on us, what was wrong with it? The weapon name?
if RayCast(x,y,x2,y2,Dist,3000) then begin
if RayCast(x,y,x2,y2 - 700,Dist,3000) then begin